You might only have one chance to make the right not write impression.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Nicholl speaking on Being Content With What You Have

Click on YouTube video, to hear message.  Nicholl shares biblical wisdom and spiritual commentary with family and friends.  She has attended many churches over the years and is certified to teach Sunday School.  In recent years, Nicholl talks of God moving her to write books and speak his word.  Many years prior, leaders in the churches that she attended prophesied what she is doing now.  May God bless them for boldly speaking God's word into her life! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Free Time

Sometimes those free moments come in one's life when nothing much is going on.  It is then that I think about things--anything.  I begin to ponder about article topics, think about past events and how I could have/should have, and plan the next thing I'm going to do. Yet, other times I just feel a myriad of emotions sometimes those that move you to tear just a bit.  One in particular is that moment of elation, simply being thankful about what a Heavenly Creator has done so far with me--ever so grateful for life and not fearful when it all comes to an end.

When you have that moment, you know the one you aren't doing much of anything, take a deep breath.  It just might be just what the doctor ordered--a quiet time that might have saved your life just a little while longer!

Stay blessed.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

What I Hope to Become?

I haven't arrived yet.  You know that place where you can kick your shoes off and prop your feet up.  I am so far from being at peace with my life.  I have so much more to do and I haven't begun to scratch the surface! 

These days I am focusing on my external life--you know the one we all have when we aren't on the Internet.  I have been spending time networking, putting my skills in front of some people, and assisting others with their business ventures on a part-time basis.

What I hope to become is not a specific title, but a Spirit who can comfortably say, my Creator is pleased with me.  It doesn't matter what society deems successful, where I go, who I meet, or what I see, I just want to know that I  am doing alright--that I am truly living the way God intended!

Nicholl McGuire

Friday, February 28, 2014

No Good Thing Last Forever

No good thing last forever, so you might as well make the most of your good times.  Sit back and enjoy those smiles, take in those laughs, and appreciate the sun when it is out.  Take a moment to walk or sit down and take in your environment.  For we never know the day or hour when something so bad will shake up our world to the point that many will suffer and die. 

Your heavenly Creator put you on this planet for good reason.  You may not know the plan for your life, but I assure you that there is one.  Experience a life beyond this one, go get the Holy Word of your Maker and start reading it the moment you have some free time.  The more you read, the more you will begin to feel and look different.

Nicholl McGuire

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What on Earth Was I Thinking When I Started Journaling?

The teachers had instilled in us young children to write.  They wanted us to write sentences about things like:  personal interests, people, places, and things.  I was programmed from the time I could put a sentence together to journal.  Yet, something so innocent, can be used against you as you grow older.  Those optimistic teachers didn't warn us children about parents who would give you a hard time about the things you write about them or others (they think are them).  They didn't prepare us for the sacrifices we would make for writing or not writing from partners to networks.  They didn't tell us that there was such a thing as Writer's Block.  They didn't tell us that we could break the rules sometimes with generalizations, exaggerations, fiction, and poor grammar without excuse.  They surely didn't warn us about the myriad of mean-spirited emotions, strange voices, and weird muses that help to periodically give us our best work. 

What on earth was I thinking when I started journaling?

I didn't know many decades ago, in my child-like mind, that writings could be used to identify one's personality and other hidden things about one's self that you rather the world not know.  I hadn't a clue about building confidence through writing, finding a mental release after trauma, or anything else that may have been deemed helpful growing up had I not been so scared to write down my true self for so many years of my childhood. 

Recently, I realized, after ripping one of my many diaries in two, that what was supposed to be my childhood diaries was really someone else's--an angry girl who had been micro-managed to the point that she was unsure of how she truly felt about things since others made decisions for her.  Others insisted they were right even when they were wrong.  People who had problems that they didn't want an inquisitive little girl to uncover.  A bright child who was told by the media to write about boys and rant about parents through television shows.  But what I really wanted to write about is now on 15 plus blogs, show up in over 100 plus videos, and are presented in seven plus books in a few different categories and I'm still not satisfied (sigh). 

Too many vital years of controlling men and deceptive women suffocating my core through emotional abuse (and a past of domestic violence) has long been the fuel that has kept me writing.  However, I received great news at the start of the year from a world beyond this one, "You are free!  You are free!"  No longer bound by my past, I have arrived to my present and look forward to my future. 

Nicholl McGuire

Monday, February 17, 2014

There's Nothing Easy about Being Me

You have those who congratulate you on a job well done.  Others will say nothing while wishing you fall flat on your face.  From disrespectful comments to eye-rolls, some of my writings and topics I speak about offend.  Truth doesn't win me life-long friends--never did, never will.  I think of the Bible, when Jesus said, "They will hate you because of me..."  He was so right!

"Keep your mouth closed...don't say anything...just smile..." I grew up around people who never wanted anything said about anything truthfully speaking.  If you got a little courage about yourself and let loose with your tongue, there was always the threat of violence looming.  If you didn't want to reap the consequences, you just might turn and walk away, but not before experiencing "payback."  In my 'hood, payback was nothing more than revenge.  Sooner or later someone was going to pay you back for speaking truth.   Protest your parents' unfairness, payback.  Speak up about a shady friend in the camp, payback.  Tell what a relative was really doing when no one was looking, payback.  So you walked on eggshells wondering when the day would come that you would be confronted on what you said.  What a life for a child, right? 

Looking back, so-called "private" folks, who liked to stay out of people's business (yet always in it), weren't liked very much.  Those that typically didn't mind talking about themselves, would withdraw when the "private" folks came around certain loved ones in my family.  "Don't tell her anything," I was told.  "Because she doesn't share any information about her self or family."  Therefore, as a child, I would have to limit my conversations, carefully pay attention to every word, select certain things to say and not while speaking to adults.  Sometimes one couldn't always remember the rules in the playbook, so there was a price to pay if you didn't keep someone's lie or cover-up straight.

Thank God, I'm not a child anymore!  Having been exposed to all sorts of personality disorders dressed up with so-called normalcy growing up, I have learned quite a bit from the impostors--probably too much.  It is difficult at times walking around in my body, seeing what I see in people, sometimes I can see through people, right down to the foolishness in a person's story, notice their odd expressions/mannerisms, or experience their negative vibe--sometimes all at once.  It can be difficult to be content with some loved ones when you know the truth behind their fake smiles with others while pointing the finger at you as if you are so wrong, weird, crazy, etc.  I get this sort of attitude quite often from sexist males who feel threatened by a spiritual woman.

When you are a person that has been challenged much in life, it isn't always easy connecting with people in the way that you had hoped.  Sure, you pray for the best in your relationships and partnerships, but sometimes even God warns, "No matter what you say, what you think you know, you don't know about XYZ person.  Watch while I work."  God never tells me, "I told you so..."  Rather, I usually find one of his life tests soon after on what I learned or didn't learn about people. 

You can hear many revelations of my spiritual journey and advice on YouTube, listen here.

Stay blessed.

Nicholl McGuire

Nicholl McGuire published on Saved News is a Christian publication located in North Carolina.  I had the pleasure of reading the company's offline work in my spare time.  There were many entertaining stories about Christians in various industries including entertainment.  I read insightful editorial and news pieces as well related to spirituality.  After reading several copies of the newspaper, I decided to submit my own creative work.  It appeared online, but now the site no longer exists.