Thanks so much for your support! May you stay safe this holiday season and have a great year!
Nicholl McGuire shares advice and real life experiences on this personal blog. She also provides links to her online creations and other information she deems useful. An author, speaker, poet and blogger, Nicholl keeps busy maintaining blogs, writing articles and recording informative videos and audios. She is an African American mother, a Christian, and offers virtual assistance to individuals and businesses. Feel free to subscribe to Nicholl McGuire's blog.
Showing posts with label nicholl mcguire books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nicholl mcguire books. Show all posts
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Should I Go to the Party? Think Before You Go. A book by Nicholl McGuire
When I wrote this book, I didn't realize how important it is these days to think twice about attending large gatherings. With so many people dying, you can't help but think that the next party you attend might be putting you on a long path of illness that may result in death.
I spent years, like many of you, walking among thousands of people. I held hands, gave hugs, and received my share of kisses on my face. Yet, these days I hesitate making contact. Instead, I offer the elbow bump, air hug, a wave, or a simple bow.
Should I go to the Party? questions our reasoning behind why we feel it necessary to accept invitations especially from those who have a long history of being difficult. I share how a simple party invite accepted from the wrong person at the wrong time has cost relationships, time, money, energy and more.
If you are concerned about you or someone else continuing to plan parties, attend events and do other things that create more problems than solutions, take comfort in this book. Be inspired to have a reasonable conversation with those you love about party attendance. Should I Go to the Party? by Nicholl McGuire
Friday, January 18, 2019
Nonfiction Author, Inspirational Speaker Nicholl McGuire Offering Marketing Services to Help Individuals and Businesses
Thursday, June 15, 2017
15th Book Released - Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics by Nicholl McGuire
It was long overdue to print a book that had begun about the same time I started Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic back in 2009 but released it in 2013 with the '09 copyright. I had taken a pile of printed sheets and placed them in a manila folder, I had no passion or plans for a work that just might ruffle someone or a group's feathers again (yes my work does just that). However, my God had other plans and it felt like out of the blue I became determined one day to work on that book. On the other hand was Face Your Foe...(which had no subtitle at the time), it just wasn't ready--not in 2011, 2014, or even 2016, but then 2017 came along.
Over the years, I was still learning more about the greatest adversary to the Christian faith, Satan. It wasn't time to face a foe when I was still gaining some understanding as to why I was still sparring with him about the work rather than trusting in my personal Savior to complete it.
You see, God had set me on a path to do something a bit different with my creative nonfiction writing skills. I had spent much time writing worldly content, but spiritual work was quite a different story--it was a challenge--the flesh wars against the spirit within when it objects to all things righteous and true especially the material that directly impacts you and those you love.
The Holy Spirit was leading me into unfamiliar territory with my work and admittedly I was nervous and scared sometimes, because simply put, God is real, He speaks and walks with you when you sincerely believe in Him. Yet, self-defeating thoughts and worldly distractions were keeping me away from both Christian books for a time, but I eventually prevailed, because I chose to shut out people, places and things that didn't know the least bit about writing, spirituality, God, faith, etc. Why argue with ignorance or debate your experiences with unenlightened ones?
It took some time to make up in my mind that I would begin writing books of faith. Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic was a smooth process when I finally sat down long enough to type it and stay focused on the work back in '09. However, Face Your Foe was quite a different story since I had experienced the passing of my grandmother (May, 2015) while writing that book along with Tell Me Mother You're Sorry. If you are a writer, I'm sure you can relate to the highs and lows of preparing an article, report, book, or some other work. You are on a roll and then something occurs in or around you that slows you down. So Face Your Foe...was once again placed on the back-burner.
Now that Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics has been released (June, 2017), I feel somewhat at peace, but I have other works that are sitting in the background of my mind and on paper that I am on the fence about. They aren't spiritual books simply practical guides and a children's book.
In closing, I am quite grateful to my Creator for what has already been done through me to help others. If there is anything I want people to know is that I have given up a lot and have fought spiritually and in-person about my writings. I have lived through difficult circumstances so when I write work, it is from a true and tried place.
The responses I have received over the years from readers, who have been in a variety of life circumstances, has been overwhelming at times, but I am glad that they have seen the light in my work and have been dedicated to make necessary changes.
I challenge anyone to be emotionally, physically and spiritually set free from the people, places and things that have kept you bound for years. God didn't put us on this planet to be nothing more than slaves to children of darkness--walk in the light, your spiritual calling. Pray about what burdens you and wait for God to answer.
Peace, love and joy
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (print edition)
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (Kindle edition - ebook)
Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics by Nicholl McGuire (Smashwords - ebook)
Nicholl McGuire Media
Face Your Foe - Christian faith blog
Over the years, I was still learning more about the greatest adversary to the Christian faith, Satan. It wasn't time to face a foe when I was still gaining some understanding as to why I was still sparring with him about the work rather than trusting in my personal Savior to complete it.
You see, God had set me on a path to do something a bit different with my creative nonfiction writing skills. I had spent much time writing worldly content, but spiritual work was quite a different story--it was a challenge--the flesh wars against the spirit within when it objects to all things righteous and true especially the material that directly impacts you and those you love.
The Holy Spirit was leading me into unfamiliar territory with my work and admittedly I was nervous and scared sometimes, because simply put, God is real, He speaks and walks with you when you sincerely believe in Him. Yet, self-defeating thoughts and worldly distractions were keeping me away from both Christian books for a time, but I eventually prevailed, because I chose to shut out people, places and things that didn't know the least bit about writing, spirituality, God, faith, etc. Why argue with ignorance or debate your experiences with unenlightened ones?
It took some time to make up in my mind that I would begin writing books of faith. Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic was a smooth process when I finally sat down long enough to type it and stay focused on the work back in '09. However, Face Your Foe was quite a different story since I had experienced the passing of my grandmother (May, 2015) while writing that book along with Tell Me Mother You're Sorry. If you are a writer, I'm sure you can relate to the highs and lows of preparing an article, report, book, or some other work. You are on a roll and then something occurs in or around you that slows you down. So Face Your Foe...was once again placed on the back-burner.
Now that Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics has been released (June, 2017), I feel somewhat at peace, but I have other works that are sitting in the background of my mind and on paper that I am on the fence about. They aren't spiritual books simply practical guides and a children's book.
In closing, I am quite grateful to my Creator for what has already been done through me to help others. If there is anything I want people to know is that I have given up a lot and have fought spiritually and in-person about my writings. I have lived through difficult circumstances so when I write work, it is from a true and tried place.
The responses I have received over the years from readers, who have been in a variety of life circumstances, has been overwhelming at times, but I am glad that they have seen the light in my work and have been dedicated to make necessary changes.
I challenge anyone to be emotionally, physically and spiritually set free from the people, places and things that have kept you bound for years. God didn't put us on this planet to be nothing more than slaves to children of darkness--walk in the light, your spiritual calling. Pray about what burdens you and wait for God to answer.
Peace, love and joy
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (print edition)
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (Kindle edition - ebook)
Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics by Nicholl McGuire (Smashwords - ebook)
Nicholl McGuire Media
Face Your Foe - Christian faith blog
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Nicholl McGuire Media Products Available Around the Web
This has been one interesting year! Many of my works I listed on my business site. Feel free to have a look. If you see something of interest share or make a purchase today. Your contribution will help with 2017 marketing endeavors and other business related expenses. Thank you in advance and season greetings!
Nicholl McGuire Media: Nicholl McGuire Media Products Available Around th...: Nicholl McGuire Media not only assists others, but we have our share of products online. Many of our e-books are now available in paperback...
Nicholl McGuire Media: Nicholl McGuire Media Products Available Around th...: Nicholl McGuire Media not only assists others, but we have our share of products online. Many of our e-books are now available in paperback...
Friday, December 9, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round - Printed Book Released
Know how to get the best deals this shopping season! Recently, my e-book, Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round, is available as an offline printed book. This means that you can order it today and it will be delivered just in time for you to use cost-saving tips! Purchase your copy here: Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round by Nicholl McGuire
Sunday, June 12, 2016
For the Fatherless Child...Say Goodbye to Dad by Nicholl McGuire
You love, you like, you hate, you worry, you stress, you miss...your father. In this book, I share the process of release that takes place when you reach a point in your life when you awaken to the truth about your father or those you might consider father figures. Stop chasing, stop performing, stop wishing...let go and feel at peace.
Say Goodbye to Dad is available here and enjoy your personal copy on your portable reading device.
Say Goodbye to Dad is available here and enjoy your personal copy on your portable reading device.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Available in Print - Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues
A few weeks back Nicholl's Internet dating eBook was published on Smashwords and available to their partners. It can be downloaded and read on your favorite portable device. Today, Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues is in print and will be in a variety of online stores. You can get a copy for now on Createspace. (
People currently dating online or have met someone through a dating website will appreciate this eye-opening read! If you know a person dating online, give him or her a copy, it just might save your relative or friend from much future heartache or even better his or her life!
Get your copy today! Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues by Nicholl McGuire
People currently dating online or have met someone through a dating website will appreciate this eye-opening read! If you know a person dating online, give him or her a copy, it just might save your relative or friend from much future heartache or even better his or her life!
Get your copy today! Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues by Nicholl McGuire
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
What Else Can I Do on the Internet? A Practical Guide for Internet Users Bored with Routine by Nicholl McGuire
If you are tired of the usual stuff you do online, why not get this book? There are many timeless activities listed in the guide. I was inspired to write this work many years ago when I noticed that I often forgot about some interesting things I wanted to do on the Internet, but didn't bother to bookmark, write websites down, or share things I thought might interest others. I also wanted a handy guide near my computer that I could pick up when I'm bored. So this Internet idea generating book was born, What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
Stimulate your Internet experiences especially on a cold, wet, or snowy day with this guide. Stop by the site and order your copy and one for a friend. The book is an easy read and simple to view. What Else Can I Do on the Internet? by Nicholl McGuire.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Now I See Truth - an upcoming book by Nicholl McGuire
Once you are spiritually awakened from years of being broken, blinded, and numbed to your pain, personal observations of others, and innate gifts/talents/skills, you will start to question the foolishness around you. You will begin to wonder why do you tolerate certain people, places and things. A stirring occurs within your soul pushing you toward change and when it does, look out you are never the same again!
In Nicholl's upcoming book for 2016, she is going to take you on a journey when powerful lies are exposed not just about family and friends but media propaganda, celebrity sensations, leadership in the church, American history and other enlightening discoveries her Father in heaven brought to her attention to investigate for further understanding on how from birth we are mind controlled.
This is a spiritually insightful book you can't miss if you too are on a unique path that at times leaves you in awe, thirsty for more truth, and wanting to scream from the rooftops, "Thank you God, I'm finally awake!"
Coming soon, "Now I See Truth" by Nicholl McGuire. Continue to stop by for more updates on this nonfiction release.
In Nicholl's upcoming book for 2016, she is going to take you on a journey when powerful lies are exposed not just about family and friends but media propaganda, celebrity sensations, leadership in the church, American history and other enlightening discoveries her Father in heaven brought to her attention to investigate for further understanding on how from birth we are mind controlled.
This is a spiritually insightful book you can't miss if you too are on a unique path that at times leaves you in awe, thirsty for more truth, and wanting to scream from the rooftops, "Thank you God, I'm finally awake!"
Coming soon, "Now I See Truth" by Nicholl McGuire. Continue to stop by for more updates on this nonfiction release.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Latest Book Release: Should I Go to the Party? by Nicholl McGuire
The food wasn't that good, the place was crowded, children were unruly, negative attitudes were everywhere, and you should have stayed home!
Don't fall into the sentimental trap that millions of people fall into when it comes to the holiday season. It is one that leaves you feeling moody the following day, hung over, and wishing you never sat in the same room with some people.
The next invite is coming up, are you going? Should I Go to the Party? by Nicholl McGuire only on, get your copy today!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
New Book Release: Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men by Nicholl McGuire
With over 20 years experience interacting, interviewing and meeting all sorts of men, I must say by far angry men are at the top of the list. The holy Scriptures' warnings in the book of Proverbs about making no friends with angry/hot tempered men are definitely worth heeding.
In my book, Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men, I bring to you a collection of personal experiences, research, wisdom and more when it comes to the following: who these angry men are, what it's like being around them, and how to avoid them. Get your copy here:
Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men
Thanks for your support!
In my book, Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men, I bring to you a collection of personal experiences, research, wisdom and more when it comes to the following: who these angry men are, what it's like being around them, and how to avoid them. Get your copy here:
Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men
Thanks for your support!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Saturday, July 13, 2013
A listing of some of Nicholl's popular books and blogs
Nicholl is the author of the following books:
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl
When Mothers Cry
Parents, Babies and Children (for families who have them all!)
Home Organizing
Things to Do When Bored
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl
Some of Nicholl's blogs:
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
When Mothers Cry
Parents, Babies and Children (for families who have them all!)
Home Organizing
Things to Do When Bored
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Laboring to Love People: Excerpt from Laboring to Love Myself by Nicholl McGuire
I shared an excerpt from my book, Laboring to Love Myself, on this site:
Laboring to Love People: Excerpt from Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love People: Excerpt from Laboring to Love Myself
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
They Said They Would Buy, But They Didn't...
Yours Truly,
Love, Love...
Nicholl McGuire When Mothers Cry (9781448660469): Nicholl McGuire: Books
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Laboring to Love Myself
Check out other books, journals, and photobooks by me HERE.
You guys and gals know who you are!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Nicholl McGuire Book Samples

I have always enjoyed desktop publishing so much in fact I took courses, created my own publications over the years, and now due to the ease of book creation online, I am actively involved.
I encourage you to take a look at my work samples and if you could utilize any of my work by all means place an order. I have children to feed! (LOL) Enjoy.
My Book Creations
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