Every now and again I assist schools and other groups with fundraisers. If you like cookies, candies and other fun treats, please shop on the following site, proceeds go to helping the following school.
Please help our school's fundraiser: ROYAL OAKS in California is having a fundraiser. You can shop online
The group receives profit from the sale and the seller will receive prize credits. Enter the seller ID below to begin.
Seller: Royce Lewis
Seller ID: pfr5075
Thank you for your support.
NOTE: If the link above does not work, please use the following link and enter the seller ID: http://www.udfundraising.com
Please help our school's fundraiser: ROYAL OAKS in California is having a fundraiser. You can shop online
The group receives profit from the sale and the seller will receive prize credits. Enter the seller ID below to begin.
Seller: Royce Lewis
Seller ID: pfr5075
Thank you for your support.
NOTE: If the link above does not work, please use the following link and enter the seller ID: http://www.udfundraising.com