You might only have one chance to make the right not write impression.


Showing posts with label You Tube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Tube. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2015

YouTube Channel: NM Enterprise7 Celebrates 7 Years!

Motivational, inspirational, and convicting, Nicholl McGuire is the owner and manager of YouTube Channel: NM Enterprise7.  She has been instructing, praying with, and counseling her audience for many years now.  Nicholl joined YouTube on October 31, 2008.  This past month marked seven years since her channel has been in existence.

Feel free to stop by and receive a spiritual perspective on personal and professional issues.  "We are more than just a body," Nicholl says.  "Our spirits need nourishment too."


Monday, March 10, 2014

Nicholl speaking on Being Content With What You Have

Click on YouTube video, to hear message.  Nicholl shares biblical wisdom and spiritual commentary with family and friends.  She has attended many churches over the years and is certified to teach Sunday School.  In recent years, Nicholl talks of God moving her to write books and speak his word.  Many years prior, leaders in the churches that she attended prophesied what she is doing now.  May God bless them for boldly speaking God's word into her life! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

12 Alternatives to YouTube

I thought this would be helpful to some of you who have a passion for making videos.  These sites are sincerely fun to view, organized and many seem to be doing quite well.  Thinking about uploading future videos on a few.

12 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's Inside of Me a poem by Nicholl McGuire - YouTube

Take a moment and think about who you really are.  Now I'm not talking about your roles in life like wife, mother, boss, worker, but who are you really?  What might you come up with.  How did you see yourself once?  Who are you now?  What do you hope to become in the future?

What's Inside of Me by Nicholl McGuire - YouTube

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Visit me on YouTube

Lately, I have felt like sharing more from my previous works.  You can listen to me read from my very own books at YouTube channel:  nmenterprise7.  There you will hear contrast and rhyming poetry about myself and experiences as well as thought-provoking commentary on relationships, life and spirituality.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Testing New Projects These Days: Voice Overs

Those of you know me as Nicholl McGuire, the writer, author and poet, but what you don't know is I also enjoy reading copy for my pages on You Tube and Associated Content. From excited voices to sad ones, I have always liked reading aloud.

My first recording I did using a cassette and a microphone with a player back in 1986. I created a mock radio broadcast. I was about 10 at the time and pretended to be the disc jockey of my own radio show. My guests included my sister and my aunt who supplied me with the equipment. Every now and then I would disguise my voice as a guest sitting in the studio being interviewed.

Lately, I have partnered with others in trying to build a client base of people who are in need of people to read copy for their You Tube videos. If you are interested in becoming a voice, assisting with marketing, or in need of a voice, feel free to contact me.