Well with so many projects going on, I need the funds for marketing and I don't have any Rich Uncles that will help. From my domestic violence cause to offering my book publishing services and articles for sale, there is just never enough money to take care of the needs of my children and me. Those of you who know me, know that I don't sugarcoat the truth, but times are difficult.
So while waiting for my ship to roll on with some other projects, I sell part-time on eBay. Items up for sale include new toys for toddlers and older children and pre-owned electronics. Feel free to periodically check in, my site is still new so I don't have alot to sell. My seller name is 8booksandstuff.
Thanks for stopping by and keeping up with my latest projects. If you haven't stopped by Blurb.com or Amazon.com to purchase a book by me, please do. Just type in my name in the search boxes at the sites "Nicholl McGuire."
I appreciate whatever support you can provide.