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Showing posts with label strong women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strong women. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2010

Strong Women Just Aren't Popular with Insecure Men

When you are a woman who stands for what she believes in and will not back down because someone has told you, "You shouldn't say your can scare a man a way acting like that" you are deemed a b*tch and if you raise your voice with tears in your eyes then you are called a crazy b*tch! Welcome to my world!

I write impactful articles and at times I don't come across as one who is "nice, sweet, and a beautiful person." When a person is agonizing over an issue, but aren't ready to let go and let God, they don't like a person such as me. They look for flaws in everything from my writing to my personality in order to shut what I am saying down! They will even go so far as threaten my life! The Internet world is comprised of many hypersensitive, stubborn, miserable people who want advice but when it isn't wrapped with a nice bow all the time, they reject the gift!

When you are a strong woman whether on or offline, and I am not talking about a sista with an attitude, but a woman who has boundaries and sees people for who they really are even when they don't want to share much about themselves, you are considered a threat! People don't like to be exposed and many are not transparent on or off the Internet! They work real hard to get you to believe in their lies from sales people to world renown ministers! They study you to find your weaknesses and when they realize they can't penetrate your emotions to get you to do what they want, then they don't like you! They will say you are "a trouble-maker," "crazy," "off your rocker" and other similar statements.

A man who doesn't like women especially hates a strong woman! An insecure man hates a strong woman. He is often worried that she will step out on him, because he isn't living up to the words that are coming out of his mouth. A macho man hates a strong woman because he doesn't want to risk being hen-pecked. There are many weak men who desire strong women as if they will complete them when they won't. If anything these type of men learn that strong women require them to work in many aspects of their lives, both personal and professional, and if he isn't the type that wants to make a change, he is off looking for a weak woman.

So if you are a strong woman reading this wondering why you just can't seem to keep a man consider the kind of men who are attracted to you. If you are a woman having troubling swaying the people at your workplace to do something you know is good for the company, consider this, you may have a long history of standing up for what's right and people may be growing weary with going along with your ideas no matter how great they are. Some people will not support you just because they are tired of you being right so often! Even a strong woman's own children can be a problem to her especially if they are just not convinced that their mother knows best!

So with all that said, I encourage both the strong women and men out there to not allow others to keep you from speaking truth, but at the same time be prayerful! Continue to read the wise words of the Bible if you are a believer and God bless!