You might only have one chance to make the right not write impression.


Showing posts with label thoughts worth noting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts worth noting. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

On Writing About Yourself

"I was thinking..." the start of a statement like that and it puts everyone on notice.  Yes, thinking can be dangerous to anyone who chooses to act in fear rather than love.  I choose love and have been choosing love when I write for decades contrary to what any critic would like to think!  I love victims, survivors and victors.  I have trouble loving enemies that is why I lean on God since he commanded we do so. This is why it is a must that I tackle any work I produce with God in the plan, because any other way I would then consider myself a fraud.  I don't agree nor do I support that kind of foolishness!

Maybe it would be easier for some of you reading this blog post to draw out your personal truths by doing the following: writing a song, singing, drawing, painting, dancing, acting, producing a play or traveling.  Whatever you choose to do, don't leave this world without being honest with yourself and those around you!  

Let's start with a little self-examination, shall we?  Prior to you reaching out to me or someone else to possibly tell your story, consider the following:

1) What do you want the world to know about you and why should they care?

2) Who are you really trying to help?

3) Why should we listen to you?

4) Will you approach the work ready to pay to create it, cry as you reflect on past memories, beg someone for a second chance, borrow from those who don't mind sharing, avoid the temptation to steal from those who put their time in..., are you sincerely ready to complete what beckons you to share?

5) How about who or what is it that inspires, motivates, and moves you to love them, and once again, why should we care?

6) When do you plan to pen, speak, or type your work and how might you stay motivated in completing your work?

7) What if you knew you were going to die tomorrow would all the hope to create your work really be necessary?

Part of knowing whether you are in fact honest with yourself and others is to interview yourself.  You will soon discover that you aren't ready just yet, but your getting there.  So go back to doing what makes you feel comfortable, isn't that what typically happens anyway?  Whatever it is that keeps you distracted from tending to what really matters and that is what your soul is telling you.

The reason why most people don't really commit to writing a book or any creative work that exposes them (although they desire to) other than those laughable excuses, "I'm too busy" or "I don't know what to write about," is they know they can't be honest with themselves or anyone else!  Those excuses, depending on who is saying them and how they are saying them, are funny to me, because I know they make plenty of time prepping food for a holiday gathering where stuffing faces is a requirement and I know they have some idea of what to talk about, because they sure know how to talk themselves out of doing things that might leave them feeling vulnerable or talk about what others are doing that they are not!  Therefore, there is still time for some individuals to figure out what they would like to leave behind for us all, but not so much for the many hard-hearted (even in my own family.)

People aren't getting any younger and so the clock of life continues to tick.  The thought of why you made certain life choices and not others gets buried.  Why you do what you do is never explained.  Who you really are when there is no makeup, wig, or nails polished...?  What you really stand for when no one is interviewing you?  When did you stop striving for that one dream and picked up a career instead?  Why you married who you did and did you ever plan on being a parent?  

A lot of people will check out of this world never telling us how old they are, who their parents are, the secret life they have lived, how broke they really are...we will learn from kinfolk or strangers, we will learn something in their passing that would have been better said had they told that above ground.

When you write or create something about you, let it be honest, straight from the heart!  Be vulnerable share your regrets, faults, and other weaknesses just as much as you share your achievements!  Social media is encouraging false narratives to be told for many people.  Let me help you write an honest life story in your very own words!  Begin your journey with me today!  We will go over your book idea and as your book coach, I will be there to encourage and advise for a reasonable rate.  Simply send an email with, "I need a book coach" in the header.

Most recently I decided to finally share a chapter of who I am, not in the traditional fashion of nonfiction books filled with challenges and wisdom like what I have already written (I have 17 self-published books now), but simply showing my story in stillness and peace I have found during my family moves.  I started out in Pennsylvania; however, I have lived in Ohio, Georgia, Colorado, California, Illinois and have visited my share of states. 

I didn't build upon any of my creative works by diving right in; rather, I started my writing quests in stillness then the words came.  In order to visually see what I am talking about and wear one of my timeless gift items, check out my new shop, "Stillness Gifts" here. I will be periodically adding more products soon.  Feel free to like, share, and purchase these eye-catching items today!



Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Memory of a Writer

It's funny how the sound of a typewriter can bring back such pleasant memories.
The days of writing short stories...oh what a feeling! 
Those were the simple days where I and the creative piece I tapped away at were one,
that is until I made a mistake.
Paper after paper I tossed aside, no time to stop and erase, re-type and erase again.
I hated when I was on a roll and had to stop (sigh). 
I thanked God when the word processor was invented.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

What is on Your Agenda Today?

We have a life to live so we might as well live it.  We have money to spend on important things so we might as well spend it.  There isn't much time to worry over anyone or anything and even less time to get all the tasks done that we desire to do.

People don't value their time as much as they should.  It is very easy to be led into an unproductive activity or routine while other tasks go unnoticed.  Throw unproductive people into the mix and before long your "To Do List" increases in size with those who are essential to your progress.

So value the time you do have, handle important duties, and at the end of the day, be satisfied with what you have accomplished-- even if you didn't get it all done in a day.

Nicholl McGuire
What Else Can I Do on the Internet? 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

When I was a Child...

The paper and pencil were my best friends.  They were there to keep me out the way of stressed adults.  They were there when I couldn't express myself.  The paper and pencil was like a voice that called out, "Use me."  I had a place to escape.  Now this gift and others has shown up in the children.  Photographed is one of my supporters of my latest book.  Wide awake and ready to use the computer, my third son looks for some fun things to do besides the typical.  Enjoy!

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Older I Get, The More I See Children Inside Grown-ups

They might look old, have some wit about them, and experienced much, but underneath the adult exterior are men and women who have a myriad of personality issues, ignorance, and downright weirdness.

Sometimes I try to talk myself out of what I'm seeing.  I pretend at times that I don't see what I see in people.  It's as if I hear a voice from their souls that wants to be let out of their dysfunction.  There are moments that I can feel their negativity and ugliness.  I have to work real hard not to reveal what I know about some of these people.

Supernatural gifts are powerful and can make or break a person or group depending on how you use them.  In the past, I have become quite angry and revealed my foes' issues in battle as far back as I remember and of course didn't win any friends doing so. I have physically fought with another foe's demonic energy and we both lost wearing permanent scars on our bodies as a result.  I have experienced so much pain from some that I felt sick to my stomach for a long time, had headaches, and shared their heartaches as well while asking the heavenly Father for strength to get through another day.

Some admire my strength, courage and boldness for being that spiritual person that really knows how to connect with others, but then there are those who look at me with eyes that wish I were dead.  They know I see their demons and worry that I might expose them for who they really are.

As I mature, I see children in many troubled adults, grown men and women who have yet to grow up. These little people that were abused and used and were never released.  They still hold on to adult bodies like infants clutching the fingers of mothers, but rather have beautiful angelic looks about them, they are dark, ugly babies within.

Mean-spirited, angry, frustrated, bitter, unforgiving, and resentful adults with agendas, schedules, appointments, money, and other material goods and still unhappy.  At times their eyes are like daggers with envy on the tips of them as they look you up and down from head to toe.  These sick people fake interest in you, smile half-heartedly, and if they should see the slightest flaw or weakness, these miserable people will amuse themselves by pointing it out.

Ugly men and women on the inside, yet attractive on the outside, tend to create offspring who wear their demons like badges of honor.  That's why for some they have no desire to bring human beings into this world because they know what they are, children of darkness.

Some of these evil adults will quite boldly tell you, "I am what I am.  I'm not interested in Jesus, God, wisdom, love, peace, patience...nothing!  Leave me be."  If you're wise, you will do just that, but if you were once like I was, you will try to play a Good Samaritan role and get burned.  When a person warns, "I'm not who you think.  I can't be who you want me to be.  I am incapable of loving others.  I don't want to be bothered.  I don't like you..." heed the warning!  You can't save them, so don't try. No amount of gift-giving, patience, love, or nothing else will win that person's love, his or her soul to Christ or anything else!  Rather than make the individual's life or others miserable with feel-good tactics, prompts to get others to tip-toe around the individual, or try to persuade him or her to change, save your energy for those who are willing and able to reciprocate love.

These lost men and women with childhood issues and tantrums are unfortunately headed to dead-ends unless they face their demons, purge their bodies of them, and embrace all things good.

Nicholl McGuire

Sunday, November 23, 2014

What is Making a Difference?

Lately, I have revisited what appears to be a simple question when thinking of my business endeavors, "How is what I do truly making a difference?"

We are so consumed by numbers, performance, dollar signs, marketing strategies, business planning, and how much is coming and going out of ones back account that we oftentimes lose sight of "the difference," whatever that might mean to you in your business or workplace. 

So I explored this thought of making a difference and I have reached the following points:

1.  What others view of what you do is "the difference."  So compare that with what your mission statement, objective or view of your business says and make the necessary changes.  Since what you do affects the people, wouldn't it make sense for them to have somewhat of a say so on what you are supposedly doing for them?

2.  Making a difference doesn't come without hard work.  As much as we would like to think we are on the right path, seek the one or those you sought for assistance and see what they think.  Are you working too hard, not enough, or just enough?  Are you doing some things with dismal results?  When do we cut those tasks out and replace them with new ones?

3.  Choose what you do wisely.  If what you do is truly making a difference you wouldn't care so much about "the numbers"-- what about how you feel?

4.  Knowing that doing something that is impactful on society doesn't come without sacrifice.  Depending on how passionate you are about it, something or someone is going to lose around you, you.  Be ready to wipe the tears from your eyes and keep going.

So I continue this quest which isn't always profitable, politically correct, or seemingly purposeful, but what I do know for certain is I am making a difference somewhere in this world!

Thanks for reading!

Nicholl McGuire 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same with Me

I will be the first to admit that all things haven't changed in my life, just the characters who play different parts.  I still have a husband, children, and a past.  I still have a present and a future that remains consistent--still reading and writing--love it! 

I am still that strong-minded, serious at times, friendly lady people use to know.  Yet, these days I consider myself to be more spiritual than I ever was back in the day.  These days I permit my online and offline work to be my escape from the things that disappoint me.  Having cash in your pocket is better than having none even if your muse isn't always what you wanted it to be.

So I take a moment to just say, "Hello" to those who stop by periodically to see what I am up to.  Thank you for reading.

Nicholl McGuire

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Small Town Mindset Can Kill Big Dreams

One of the biggest mistakes people from small towns do after being exposed to big city life is to go back home and adapt to the small mindset of locals once again. 

After months or even years of broadening one's horizons, far too many individuals relocate back home and accept ignorance.  From negative comments about big cities, lifestyles, and cultures (that most small minds have never encountered personally) to what they think they know about a neighborhood because they "read somewhere...heard cousin use to live there..." so this makes someone knowledgeable?  How about living and staying in the big city rather than running into the arms of worry and fear?  What about walking the streets, riding the buses, attending events, and lending your service to that new community rather than finding solace in the ever-popular statement, "I just want to be close to family..."?  Aren't those the people you needed to get away from in the first place in an effort to grow up? 

I simply have little patience for the little know-it-all mind who spreads his or her limited view of the world.  Then later, he or she wants to go back home and act as if this individual is the authority to speak on big issues in a big city that he or she ran away from.  Is anyone paying attention to that kind of action?  It wasn't about family, it was about survival.  The mind could no longer handle big city life coupled with the fact that a loved one or friend whispered repeatedly over the years, "Why don't you come back home?"  Think of the many people who did relocate only to later wish they had never returned home.  Now they are nothing more than a problem to the family since returning, because they are filled with so much regret.

I have sat with those who came from backgrounds that were mainly decorated in white or in black.  These people chose to live that way, not because it was necessary, but because they enjoyed the comfort of dealing with their "own people" or "own kind."  I didn't argue or persuade these folks to "...think out of the box" because I could tell from their conversations that it just wasn't an option.  They were either "too old to change...was afraid...liked their simple life..."  For a few, they went so far to say that they "didn't want drama in their lives..."  I didn't know that opening one's heart and mind to other people outside of one's ethnicity was "drama."

Anyway, since living in various cities and talking with many people, I recognize that a leopard just isn't going to change its spots.  It doesn't matter where he moves, who he meets, or what he does, underneath all of the smiles and so-called "open to all" conversation, is still an ignorant, angry or fearful person who just doesn't like the idea of living in a world with people who aren't staying up late at night contemplating on how to hurt him.  Some just look for fights that were never there in the first place--good riddens, the small-minded should go back to their small towns and while there, tell the locals the truth, "I thought it was for me, but it really wasn't...I couldn't handle it."

May today be the day that those readers who happen to stumble on this blog entry, awaken or reawaken to the life you know you are expected to live--not being governed by the ignorance of the small mindset, the fearful or the worried. 

Live your best life now for you are not promised tomorrow!

Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love Myself on

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Free Time

Sometimes those free moments come in one's life when nothing much is going on.  It is then that I think about things--anything.  I begin to ponder about article topics, think about past events and how I could have/should have, and plan the next thing I'm going to do. Yet, other times I just feel a myriad of emotions sometimes those that move you to tear just a bit.  One in particular is that moment of elation, simply being thankful about what a Heavenly Creator has done so far with me--ever so grateful for life and not fearful when it all comes to an end.

When you have that moment, you know the one you aren't doing much of anything, take a deep breath.  It just might be just what the doctor ordered--a quiet time that might have saved your life just a little while longer!

Stay blessed.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

What I Hope to Become?

I haven't arrived yet.  You know that place where you can kick your shoes off and prop your feet up.  I am so far from being at peace with my life.  I have so much more to do and I haven't begun to scratch the surface! 

These days I am focusing on my external life--you know the one we all have when we aren't on the Internet.  I have been spending time networking, putting my skills in front of some people, and assisting others with their business ventures on a part-time basis.

What I hope to become is not a specific title, but a Spirit who can comfortably say, my Creator is pleased with me.  It doesn't matter what society deems successful, where I go, who I meet, or what I see, I just want to know that I  am doing alright--that I am truly living the way God intended!

Nicholl McGuire

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What on Earth Was I Thinking When I Started Journaling?

The teachers had instilled in us young children to write.  They wanted us to write sentences about things like:  personal interests, people, places, and things.  I was programmed from the time I could put a sentence together to journal.  Yet, something so innocent, can be used against you as you grow older.  Those optimistic teachers didn't warn us children about parents who would give you a hard time about the things you write about them or others (they think are them).  They didn't prepare us for the sacrifices we would make for writing or not writing from partners to networks.  They didn't tell us that there was such a thing as Writer's Block.  They didn't tell us that we could break the rules sometimes with generalizations, exaggerations, fiction, and poor grammar without excuse.  They surely didn't warn us about the myriad of mean-spirited emotions, strange voices, and weird muses that help to periodically give us our best work. 

What on earth was I thinking when I started journaling?

I didn't know many decades ago, in my child-like mind, that writings could be used to identify one's personality and other hidden things about one's self that you rather the world not know.  I hadn't a clue about building confidence through writing, finding a mental release after trauma, or anything else that may have been deemed helpful growing up had I not been so scared to write down my true self for so many years of my childhood. 

Recently, I realized, after ripping one of my many diaries in two, that what was supposed to be my childhood diaries was really someone else's--an angry girl who had been micro-managed to the point that she was unsure of how she truly felt about things since others made decisions for her.  Others insisted they were right even when they were wrong.  People who had problems that they didn't want an inquisitive little girl to uncover.  A bright child who was told by the media to write about boys and rant about parents through television shows.  But what I really wanted to write about is now on 15 plus blogs, show up in over 100 plus videos, and are presented in seven plus books in a few different categories and I'm still not satisfied (sigh). 

Too many vital years of controlling men and deceptive women suffocating my core through emotional abuse (and a past of domestic violence) has long been the fuel that has kept me writing.  However, I received great news at the start of the year from a world beyond this one, "You are free!  You are free!"  No longer bound by my past, I have arrived to my present and look forward to my future. 

Nicholl McGuire

Monday, February 17, 2014

There's Nothing Easy about Being Me

You have those who congratulate you on a job well done.  Others will say nothing while wishing you fall flat on your face.  From disrespectful comments to eye-rolls, some of my writings and topics I speak about offend.  Truth doesn't win me life-long friends--never did, never will.  I think of the Bible, when Jesus said, "They will hate you because of me..."  He was so right!

"Keep your mouth closed...don't say anything...just smile..." I grew up around people who never wanted anything said about anything truthfully speaking.  If you got a little courage about yourself and let loose with your tongue, there was always the threat of violence looming.  If you didn't want to reap the consequences, you just might turn and walk away, but not before experiencing "payback."  In my 'hood, payback was nothing more than revenge.  Sooner or later someone was going to pay you back for speaking truth.   Protest your parents' unfairness, payback.  Speak up about a shady friend in the camp, payback.  Tell what a relative was really doing when no one was looking, payback.  So you walked on eggshells wondering when the day would come that you would be confronted on what you said.  What a life for a child, right? 

Looking back, so-called "private" folks, who liked to stay out of people's business (yet always in it), weren't liked very much.  Those that typically didn't mind talking about themselves, would withdraw when the "private" folks came around certain loved ones in my family.  "Don't tell her anything," I was told.  "Because she doesn't share any information about her self or family."  Therefore, as a child, I would have to limit my conversations, carefully pay attention to every word, select certain things to say and not while speaking to adults.  Sometimes one couldn't always remember the rules in the playbook, so there was a price to pay if you didn't keep someone's lie or cover-up straight.

Thank God, I'm not a child anymore!  Having been exposed to all sorts of personality disorders dressed up with so-called normalcy growing up, I have learned quite a bit from the impostors--probably too much.  It is difficult at times walking around in my body, seeing what I see in people, sometimes I can see through people, right down to the foolishness in a person's story, notice their odd expressions/mannerisms, or experience their negative vibe--sometimes all at once.  It can be difficult to be content with some loved ones when you know the truth behind their fake smiles with others while pointing the finger at you as if you are so wrong, weird, crazy, etc.  I get this sort of attitude quite often from sexist males who feel threatened by a spiritual woman.

When you are a person that has been challenged much in life, it isn't always easy connecting with people in the way that you had hoped.  Sure, you pray for the best in your relationships and partnerships, but sometimes even God warns, "No matter what you say, what you think you know, you don't know about XYZ person.  Watch while I work."  God never tells me, "I told you so..."  Rather, I usually find one of his life tests soon after on what I learned or didn't learn about people. 

You can hear many revelations of my spiritual journey and advice on YouTube, listen here.

Stay blessed.

Nicholl McGuire

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Just a Little Something...

It is rare that I find something so simple, yet so moving!  This link is just a friendly reminder to take one day at a time and while you are doing that it outlines some things that we seriously need to do!  Let this link be a blessing to you and yours and please share.  The writer is no longer with us, but his words live on!$2/

Thursday, February 7, 2013

7 Things You Worry About When You Shouldn't

Ever feel yourself getting upset over the littlest of things?  Do you often worry about things that end up not even being a big deal?  Why do we bother over issues that really are meaningless and will not help us or our families if we choose to waste time and money concerning them.

One.  Worrying over things beyond your control like incidents that happen on the job, at home and elsewhere.

Sometimes things happen unexpectedly and so situations like this are inevitable.  Of course, you want things to run smoothly, but we don't always get what we want in life.  Mistakes happen, people lose their cool, get sick, and leave.  Cursing, crying, and bad-mouthing about those people and things we can't control is going to accomplish what?  A negative energy that comes from you and then infects anyone you comes in your presence.

Two.  People we don't like.

You might worry over someone or a group that you don't like finding out that you don't like them.  So you worry that your negative mannerisms or words are going to get back.  If so, then what?  You are going to worry about coming up with a lie or something else to cover up your feelings?  People who are unlikeable really don't care too much what others think. 

Three.  The price of things fluctuating.

A guy on the radio alerts you to yet another inflated price on something that should be cheap.  A woman warns you about losing money on a stock.  Meanwhile, you don't typically buy any of these things.  So why are you so concerned?  Oh that's right, because someone has convinced you that you should be.  Can we say, brainwashing?

Four.  Death.

It's unfortunate that yet another person has died in your family, but some people just want to use a tragic situation to start trouble and get you to worry.  For instance, a relative wants you to come to a funeral.  But you can't make it, so you tell him or her.  He or she doesn't sound so understanding about your absence.  You don't like his or her reaction, so now you worry whether or not your relative will still be nice to you.  To make matters worse, another relative calls to tell you that a certain disease runs in your family, and "You better...and you might want to..."  So you start thinking about what he or she said over and over again.  When your body has a minor setback, whenever that might be, are you going to worry yourself to death about it?

Five . Someone else's illness.

Not your body, so why are you worrying yourself sick?  The person doesn't listen to advice, doesn't want help, and makes excuses, not your problem.

Six.  Wild animals, crazy insects and the boogie man coming to get you and your family.

So you heard a report about something crazy in the forest and you also became captivated over a photo on the Internet with a caption that read, "Their here."  Now what?  You spread the word all over the place upsetting people about something that you don't even know is true or not because you didn't bother to do any research.  To make matters worse, some big black bug is crawling around on your floor so you kill it and then you tell everyone in the family to be on the look out for more in their closets and beds and maybe this is a sign that something bad is going to happen.  Don't you think you are over-reacting just a little?

Seven.  Celebrities and other people who the media says is important--really?

You don't know that A-list actor or that D-list singer, but you worry that they died as a result of an organization murdering them and so now you stay up late all night thinking about them.  Then you scare people with stories about staying at home because some people got shot up the other day and maybe your neighbors might be next.  And as if that isn't good enough, you tell people to watch this show and that show to learn more about people who they don't know or even care about because this thing or that thing happened to them and it might happen to those you know.

We have all been guilty of this sort of behavior at times.  It's one thing learning about something and then sharing useful information with others.  But when one is inciting fear, mayhem and just plain insanity over things that none of us can control, there is a problem.  We should all remember to be wise before we share stories.

Turn your worries over to your Creator.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Something to Think About...

You learn a lot about relationship, family, health, wealth, business, and more when you ask questions.  Now I know for some of you reading this, what I just said was simpleโ€”too simple.  But are you doing it?  Are you really setting aside time out of your day to meet, not only with your team at work, but what about those who are going through trials and asking questions?  What about an unhappy, stressed partner, do you really know what is going on with her or him?  Do you make time to research issues about your finances and children?  Why is Johnny acting the way that he is?  Why do I keep coming up short when it comes to paying bills?   

Honestly, how much time does one really spend interviewing self and those closest to him or her compared to television watching, radio listening, cell phone talking, etc.?

We have all been guilty of neglecting children, partners, tasks at work, and more for a period of time or for some weeks and worse years!  We usually play catch up when we are left with no choice.  You will make the doctorโ€™s appointment when the pain gets bad enough to make you go.  You usually want to sit down and talk with someone when they start making verbal threats.  You will find the time to teach and play with a child when there is no one else in his or her life who cares like you do, when grades are suffering, or when the temper tantrums become frequent.   

Oh we will make the time when our backs are up against the wall, wonโ€™t we?  

Motivation to do whatโ€™s right, to ask the right questions, to make the hard decisions, among other things, come in ways we like or donโ€™t like, but it comes.  You will do what you are putting off sooner or later!  One day, you will have to come to face with an enemy of sorts that will demand that you make a decision, act on an issue, or bring peace to a situation.  Now how you react when your test comes is another story.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Rise Above It

Whatever your "it" is, rise above it!  Now I know that at times we all want to talk a long time about what bothers us to that significant person in our lives, we may call, "My best boo."  But let's just be honest, how many times have they heard our same broken down song.  "She makes me sick...I wish he would disappear...I can't stand working for...I would rather die then have to put up with..."  To all your story-telling, your partner might make a comment, deeply sigh, offer a little advice, or walk away with, "Not this again!" He or she may have drawn a line in the sand and if it could talk it sounds something like this, "You will not be upsetting me today with your mess! Cut your crazy people off.  Tell your boss to go to...I just don't want to keep listening to this mess!"

"Rise above it!" I say.  You know what?  It's obvious that you are wearing your advisers out with all that drama you are allowing in your life!  I know how it feels when you just want people to listen and they just don't act like they care.  They just give you that blank stare.  But if you honestly think about how many times you have shared a story filled with drama with those in your inner circle, it would probably make you cringe.  Rise above it!  Don't let anyone or any circumstance affect you so much that your partner starts wishing that he or she never allowed you into his or her world, because believe it or not, that's where your loved one is headed.  His or her mind will start fantasizing about what it would be like not being around you anymore--uh oh!  Relatives and friends will start distancing themselves from you.  You will start to wonder why they never bothered updating you with their new phone numbers or invited you to their personal events.  Don't wonder.  You know why.

It doesn't matter how long you have known someone or how much you think your relationship is the best, when people get tired, they get tired.  A boss gets tired of his worker's personal issues affecting the workplace.  The grandmother gets tired of the daughter dropping her grandchildren off on her while she does whatever with whoever.  The spouse grows weary of the complaints coming from his wife about what he never does or should do.  The mother reaches a point where she has to send her son packing, because he has disrespected her one too many times.  You get the point?

People are not gods.  Never will be!  As much as some would like to think they are or believe in many gods, there is only one God and many demons.  No one has the capacity to keep listening to drama day in and day out and remain unaffected unless they have a strong faith which many of us just don't.

Evil spirits love thriving in drama.  Evil spirits are invited into one's home by foolishness.  Fools on the outside looking to affect others on the inside.  Many are successful at doing it too!  The crying, the screaming, and the yelling are nothing more then a playground for the enemy.  It is better that one is quiet about his or her circumstances then loud and obnoxious.  You and that person you are talking to isn't the only two people in that room.  There are unseen spirits watching and waiting for their orders to attack.  Don't believe me?  Try reading a book that has been on this planet long before you were born, it's called the Holy Bible.  Then start looking at the album covers of most modern day musicians, then start looking at the symbolism in most movies, and businesses, watch for patterns.  Notice many of them have an occult origin.  Evil is real, spirits are real.  But what might all of this have to do with the personal drama in one's life? It all contributes to it.  What you put in your mind and body on a daily basis will eventually affect who you are.  There are enough studies and examples to prove this point.  Garbage in, garbage out, so the old saying goes.

If there was ever a time to get God in one's life, it is now!  Notice the boldness of evil images, thoughts, and patterns on our television screens.  How many times will we comment, "Wow, that's bad!  Ooo that's evil!  That is too dark and creepy for me!"  Rise above evil.  Do something different at home and everywhere you go that will bring love and goodness. 

Despite what the world thinks about the world, we know that deep down inside all of us, there is an "it" and "it" may be used for good or for evil.  The "it" shows up in how we react to others.  The "it" is disturbing your peace on the homefront.  The "it" is making those who once loved and respected you, move away from you.  The "it" will steal, destroy and eventually kill you. 

What "it" do you need to rise above today?

Nicholl McGuire

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

11 Signs You Need Some "Me Time"

Sometimes we all get bogged down with family, jobs, friends, and more. Like a child, we just don't know when to quit playing and just relax. I thought of some signs I have noticed with myself and others when it is time for a little "me time."

1. Yelling or overreacting to things

2. Making excuses for being irritable so often.

3. Lying or covering up pain or illness.

4. Blaming everyone for your issues but yourself.

5. Arguing often with your partner.

6. Punishing your partner or children for situations you could have controlled.

7. Unable to have a good night rest.

8. Forgetting things often.

9. Being overly critical and feeling as if you have to tell everyone what to do.

10. Threatening or actually leaving your family.

11. Feeling like you want to harm yourself or others.

Hopefully, if you see these signs as well as others, you will do yourself and those around you a favor and take some "me time."

Nicholl McGuire