Nicholl McGuire shares advice and real life experiences on this personal blog. She also provides links to her online creations and other information she deems useful. An author, speaker, poet and blogger, Nicholl keeps busy maintaining blogs, writing articles and recording informative videos and audios. She is an African American mother, a Christian, and offers virtual assistance to individuals and businesses. Feel free to subscribe to Nicholl McGuire's blog.
Showing posts with label spiritual experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual experiences. Show all posts
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
Trials are Breeding Grounds for Elevating One's Self Spiritually
Before you pity someone who appears to be going through much trial, consider thinking about what you can learn through someone else's storm.
When one is under pressure, sometimes the mind is clouded with much confusion and chaos, but other times ideas come--many ideas that seem promising especially when money is an issue.
I have learned that blessings are readily available to us when we are willing to give of ourselves without expecting reimbursement. What might one give to a business, a school, an organization, church, and other places that might increase traffic, revenue, better programs, and more without dropping a single dollar in the lap of yet another someone who just might be looking for a little more than that? An idea that not only helps what is on the surface, but renews what is deep within.
With many trials over my years, I have recognized that although mind and body were at times weakened, spirituality stayed strong. It propelled me to think higher, to take the distractions of trial off myself, and look beyond my circumstances.
I am grateful for the relatives, individuals, and businesses who have encouraged me to stick some things out when I was very much ready to say, "Goodbye." I know that an Almighty God moves in His time and not our own. Will there be loses on life's journey even with an Awesome God standing in front of us? Of course, because God is only going to give us what he knows we can handle be it right or wrong from a societal point of view. Not every relationship is a blessed one, not every child is destined for greatness, not every location is a good place to live, not every job is a good one...God knows what is best--that is if we are willing to seek a Higher Power to help us!
As I viewed the many homeless people who lay on the streets of downtown Los Angeles and under bridges along the freeways, I heard in the spirit, "Many of the poor had quit life just before they received their blessings." They experience life curses due to things like: rejection, fear, illegal activities, and more. God had at one time sent messengers to his children along the way to help, but to no avail.
I recall those who were once homeless give testimonies at churches I had attended. They used their trials as opportunities to build their faith. These people are inspirations because they show all what God can do when a person has nothing, yet still has the willingness to want something out of life no matter what the issues.
Take a moment to invite the Holy Ghost power of Jesus Christ into your life then watch what happens!
Nicholl McGuire
When one is under pressure, sometimes the mind is clouded with much confusion and chaos, but other times ideas come--many ideas that seem promising especially when money is an issue.
I have learned that blessings are readily available to us when we are willing to give of ourselves without expecting reimbursement. What might one give to a business, a school, an organization, church, and other places that might increase traffic, revenue, better programs, and more without dropping a single dollar in the lap of yet another someone who just might be looking for a little more than that? An idea that not only helps what is on the surface, but renews what is deep within.
With many trials over my years, I have recognized that although mind and body were at times weakened, spirituality stayed strong. It propelled me to think higher, to take the distractions of trial off myself, and look beyond my circumstances.
I am grateful for the relatives, individuals, and businesses who have encouraged me to stick some things out when I was very much ready to say, "Goodbye." I know that an Almighty God moves in His time and not our own. Will there be loses on life's journey even with an Awesome God standing in front of us? Of course, because God is only going to give us what he knows we can handle be it right or wrong from a societal point of view. Not every relationship is a blessed one, not every child is destined for greatness, not every location is a good place to live, not every job is a good one...God knows what is best--that is if we are willing to seek a Higher Power to help us!
As I viewed the many homeless people who lay on the streets of downtown Los Angeles and under bridges along the freeways, I heard in the spirit, "Many of the poor had quit life just before they received their blessings." They experience life curses due to things like: rejection, fear, illegal activities, and more. God had at one time sent messengers to his children along the way to help, but to no avail.
I recall those who were once homeless give testimonies at churches I had attended. They used their trials as opportunities to build their faith. These people are inspirations because they show all what God can do when a person has nothing, yet still has the willingness to want something out of life no matter what the issues.
Take a moment to invite the Holy Ghost power of Jesus Christ into your life then watch what happens!
Nicholl McGuire
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
The Work has Begun on Yet Another Site...
I didn't anticipate recording audio and video related to my spiritual experiences, the Bible, and societal observations of the saved and unsaved for literally years now. But after being around sincere believers in Christ for a time while visiting loved ones in Pittsburgh back in 2009, I felt spiritually charged and I haven't come down, I seem to be elevating for every trial I go through both on and offline.

What is it about a faith that makes one feel like he or she is on top of the world one minute and down in the mirk and mire the next? How does a belief in a Creator you can't relate to, like human beings, make you want to do some things differently in your life? I needed a place to lay my thoughts down like one lays his or head. Sometimes audio and video just can't capture those little things that hit home. There is work in reading--the kind of work that auditory and visual learners need in order to come up higher in their personal walks with Jesus.
So I am working on a project that shares thoughts about walking with the world renowned Holy One that many confuse with the god of this world, Satan/Lucifer, so I've heard in the spiritual realm. In the future, I will share the link on this site God willing. But for now, sisters and brothers who are strong in your faith and participating in similar Kingdom business, be in prayer for my family and I.
God bless.
What is it about a faith that makes one feel like he or she is on top of the world one minute and down in the mirk and mire the next? How does a belief in a Creator you can't relate to, like human beings, make you want to do some things differently in your life? I needed a place to lay my thoughts down like one lays his or head. Sometimes audio and video just can't capture those little things that hit home. There is work in reading--the kind of work that auditory and visual learners need in order to come up higher in their personal walks with Jesus.
So I am working on a project that shares thoughts about walking with the world renowned Holy One that many confuse with the god of this world, Satan/Lucifer, so I've heard in the spiritual realm. In the future, I will share the link on this site God willing. But for now, sisters and brothers who are strong in your faith and participating in similar Kingdom business, be in prayer for my family and I.
God bless.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Believer or Not, There is Something Going on in the World Beyond Our Comprehension
In this video, I share a message about a God we can't see.
If you don't know him, this would be a good time to start.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Operating on Fumes? Feed Off of Others People's Energy
Tired, angry, bored, bitter, mad at the awful world and everyone in it, huh? Well, no need to stay in that frame of mind unless of course you know how to redirect your attention on what is fueling your fire and then churn all of your emotions and tasks into one big burst of positivity!
Sounds difficult? Not exactly. After spending some time in the presence of a doctor who had worked from sun up to sun down dealing with babies, toddlers and children, I learned what kept a smile, some patience, and a positive spirit on him (besides prayer and having a personal faith) and that was the energy of others. He chose to focus on what others were going through and turn their energy into something positive for himself. He was charged on every story, emotion, and action of others. As a result, he was like the energizer rabbit he kept going and going and going...
Some of us could use that "peace that surpasses all understanding," as the Bible puts it, in our own lives. Despite all the drama that is going on in and around us, we can use others' story-telling, reactions, and actions to be the best that we possible can! Like the optimistic doctor, we too can feed off of the good, bad and ugly and create something beneficial for ourselves.
When I think of the great prophet/teacher/friend/son of God, Jesus, I think of how He took on all of our negativity and made it something great, not only for his self, but for the world and the heavens above!
To God be the glory!
Nicholl McGuire
Sounds difficult? Not exactly. After spending some time in the presence of a doctor who had worked from sun up to sun down dealing with babies, toddlers and children, I learned what kept a smile, some patience, and a positive spirit on him (besides prayer and having a personal faith) and that was the energy of others. He chose to focus on what others were going through and turn their energy into something positive for himself. He was charged on every story, emotion, and action of others. As a result, he was like the energizer rabbit he kept going and going and going...
Some of us could use that "peace that surpasses all understanding," as the Bible puts it, in our own lives. Despite all the drama that is going on in and around us, we can use others' story-telling, reactions, and actions to be the best that we possible can! Like the optimistic doctor, we too can feed off of the good, bad and ugly and create something beneficial for ourselves.
When I think of the great prophet/teacher/friend/son of God, Jesus, I think of how He took on all of our negativity and made it something great, not only for his self, but for the world and the heavens above!
To God be the glory!
Nicholl McGuire
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
No Winners or Losers for Christians
The believer must learn the personality of the
one true God of this universe (and not the one by man's design) as best
he knows how with the tools He has directed us to. Unlike us, he
doesn't change, compromise, pretend, lie, or create smokescreens. The
same God that didn't want men serving other Gods (ie. Mormon) and the
same God that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (ie. homosexuality) is not
dancing in heaven and cheering--this is a
sad day for those that have been seeking the face of the Lord-- no
matter what side you sit on (red or blue). Reflect on all truths and
lies, don't look the other way. Sure, we will get what we want for
awhile, but OH GOD, you haven't seen nothing yet. Stop looking at the
color of skin whether you are white and think you're right or black who
will never step back and look at truth which has no hue.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Author Sharing Spiritual Insight on YouTube
Recently, I have been inspired to add videos to my collection on YouTube discussing spiritual issues related to things like: relationships, pop culture, family and more. God is blessing men and women with some wonderful insight using all who are willing to receive Him. I have shared some revelations, see here:
Inspirational Videos, Poetry, How-to and more by Nicholl
Inspirational Videos, Poetry, How-to and more by Nicholl
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Spiritual Evolution of Nicholl McGuire
For years I had thoughts about God, relationship, family, business and more. I just couldn't seem to find a way to clear my head from those thoughts that would just pop in my head out of nowhere--that is until I started spending more time on the Internet.
I have found there is some relief in being able to pen your thoughts freely on the Net without having to explain yourself to individuals offline. I enjoy talking and listening to others' experiences offline when it comes to things like spirituality and business, but sometimes I just need time and space where I can simply be myself.
God is important to me, but in the past, for some, they would never suspect that, because I allowed myself to hide my faith. I did it, because I didn't want to make others uncomfortable and I didn't think something that was so important to me was worth sharing with people who found it more interesting to debate then to listen. However, I have learned, since walking with God, that it really doesn't matter what one's personal opinion is about an individual's faith. People will believe what they want. If they happen to agree with you on various issues, they will connect with you, and if they don't they have the free will to walk away. What they say while they walk away, doesn't matter when what is real to you is what is sustaining you! There are those individuals who sincerely need a faith to keep from hurting others. Wayward, big mouths, who are your friend today, but your enemy tomorrow when you talk about things like religion and politics, were really never your true friend! Like intimate relationships, you have to ride out the highs and lows with your true friends, but false friends only want to stay in your life for your pinnacles of success.
So I decided I wasn't going to keep my faith hid in a closet. I reasoned, that if a homosexual, lesbian, or bi-sexual could come out and tell the world about his or her lifestyle unashamed, then I know that I can come out unashamed of the gospel of Christ! I see men on TV boldly wearing women's high heel shoes. I see women blatantly acting like men. I have observed pimps, players, and drug dealers say, "Thank you god!" If all these people could come out the closet with their sinful lifestyles, then I knew I could come on out the closet with the righteousness of Christ!!
You see, I have been going through a spiritual process of renewal for years. You can't just suddenly say, "I love the Lord and I am going to break up my home and throw away all of my past mistakes and become everything to everyone who I have ever wronged!" God doesn't expect us to operate that way. He is long-suffering, merciful and his grace abounds! So while observers chanted behind my back, "Who does she think she is...the nerve that she would even put her mouth to say anything about Jesus..." What the critics didn't know is that God has been working with me ever since I gave my life to him back in 1997! What they didn't know was that I have been a work in progress and will still be going through an evolution of change until the day I die.
So my videos on YouTube, that is just another phase. My articles and blogs are more examples of a work in process. My books: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, Laboring to Love Myself and When Mothers Cry are just open doors to what is to come. Those who want to be moved, inspired, anointed, and prosper are welcomed to follow me on a spiritual journey with the one true God, his Son and the Holy Spirit. For the walk ahead of me was never designed for the Pharisee-minded to come tag along, but it is for those who came from mental jails like I did. We were once bound, but now we are called to be FREE!
Nicholl McGuire
YouTube videos -- nmenterprise7
Hub Pages - nmcguire7
I have found there is some relief in being able to pen your thoughts freely on the Net without having to explain yourself to individuals offline. I enjoy talking and listening to others' experiences offline when it comes to things like spirituality and business, but sometimes I just need time and space where I can simply be myself.
God is important to me, but in the past, for some, they would never suspect that, because I allowed myself to hide my faith. I did it, because I didn't want to make others uncomfortable and I didn't think something that was so important to me was worth sharing with people who found it more interesting to debate then to listen. However, I have learned, since walking with God, that it really doesn't matter what one's personal opinion is about an individual's faith. People will believe what they want. If they happen to agree with you on various issues, they will connect with you, and if they don't they have the free will to walk away. What they say while they walk away, doesn't matter when what is real to you is what is sustaining you! There are those individuals who sincerely need a faith to keep from hurting others. Wayward, big mouths, who are your friend today, but your enemy tomorrow when you talk about things like religion and politics, were really never your true friend! Like intimate relationships, you have to ride out the highs and lows with your true friends, but false friends only want to stay in your life for your pinnacles of success.
So I decided I wasn't going to keep my faith hid in a closet. I reasoned, that if a homosexual, lesbian, or bi-sexual could come out and tell the world about his or her lifestyle unashamed, then I know that I can come out unashamed of the gospel of Christ! I see men on TV boldly wearing women's high heel shoes. I see women blatantly acting like men. I have observed pimps, players, and drug dealers say, "Thank you god!" If all these people could come out the closet with their sinful lifestyles, then I knew I could come on out the closet with the righteousness of Christ!!
You see, I have been going through a spiritual process of renewal for years. You can't just suddenly say, "I love the Lord and I am going to break up my home and throw away all of my past mistakes and become everything to everyone who I have ever wronged!" God doesn't expect us to operate that way. He is long-suffering, merciful and his grace abounds! So while observers chanted behind my back, "Who does she think she is...the nerve that she would even put her mouth to say anything about Jesus..." What the critics didn't know is that God has been working with me ever since I gave my life to him back in 1997! What they didn't know was that I have been a work in progress and will still be going through an evolution of change until the day I die.
So my videos on YouTube, that is just another phase. My articles and blogs are more examples of a work in process. My books: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, Laboring to Love Myself and When Mothers Cry are just open doors to what is to come. Those who want to be moved, inspired, anointed, and prosper are welcomed to follow me on a spiritual journey with the one true God, his Son and the Holy Spirit. For the walk ahead of me was never designed for the Pharisee-minded to come tag along, but it is for those who came from mental jails like I did. We were once bound, but now we are called to be FREE!
Nicholl McGuire
YouTube videos -- nmenterprise7
Hub Pages - nmcguire7
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tempted to do something stupid?
Playing with the kind of thoughts lately that if anyone would know you would surely get locked up?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Are You Restless in Your Spirit? In Search of Something?
Some pray, others chant, and still others will get involved with organizations and activities seeking higher knowledge to complete tasks. In the spiritual realm, I think due to the recession many are looking toward anyone or anything to increase their profits. I'm sure you have heard people selling their souls to the devil. This is real and there is much evidence on and off the Internet of people who do such things. Recently, rap artist, Kanye West, admitted he did it. I think he decided to confess this because he was severely impacted beyond what he realized when he stood in front of a young white woman and declared that a black woman was better than she. He should have known better. America is still very much comprised of racists who are seated at the top of many organizations of our society. I don't believe Americans would have made such a big deal of this had it been someone else who wasn't black. Will West's career rebound because of this? Not necessarily unless something negative happens to him. Something so bad that Americans will pity him. When one sells his soul to the devil, he is saying, "Give me whatever I want in exchange for me serving you."
What you rarely hear about are people who give their souls to God unless you read, watch or visit places where people provide their testimonies. I am one who has given my soul to God -- the one of the Christian Bible. The God of Moses, Aaron, Jesus, Ester, Naomi and many others that is the God who I gave my soul to. When you give your soul to God it doesn't mean you will be rich, famous, popular, or so important that people will worship you. To give your soul to God is to receive freedom from the things that have bound you mentally and physically for days, weeks, years, and decades. There were many reasons why I chose to give my soul to the Lord besides obtaining higher knowledge, but I needed to be free from the words and the physical assaults men laid on my body. I needed to be free from the fear of men and women's criticisms to keep me from thinking and creating for myself. I needed to be free from mental and physical illness. I needed to be free of everything negative that has kept me from reaching my destiny. How do you know what you are supposed to accomplish before you leave this world if you never bothered to study the word of God or ask Him.
I think people don't live up to their true potential because they have not a clue what their calling is in life nor do they care. It's unfortunate for those people who will die restless and troubled -- always chasing after things that provide them with no peace spiritually. However, for those people who know that there is something greater in living life and they are searching, may I direct you to the God of the Christian Bible who isn't affiliated with any specific religion, group, or evil occult activities. He is the God who says, "Come to me and I will give you rest."
Nicholl McGuire
What you rarely hear about are people who give their souls to God unless you read, watch or visit places where people provide their testimonies. I am one who has given my soul to God -- the one of the Christian Bible. The God of Moses, Aaron, Jesus, Ester, Naomi and many others that is the God who I gave my soul to. When you give your soul to God it doesn't mean you will be rich, famous, popular, or so important that people will worship you. To give your soul to God is to receive freedom from the things that have bound you mentally and physically for days, weeks, years, and decades. There were many reasons why I chose to give my soul to the Lord besides obtaining higher knowledge, but I needed to be free from the words and the physical assaults men laid on my body. I needed to be free from the fear of men and women's criticisms to keep me from thinking and creating for myself. I needed to be free from mental and physical illness. I needed to be free of everything negative that has kept me from reaching my destiny. How do you know what you are supposed to accomplish before you leave this world if you never bothered to study the word of God or ask Him.
I think people don't live up to their true potential because they have not a clue what their calling is in life nor do they care. It's unfortunate for those people who will die restless and troubled -- always chasing after things that provide them with no peace spiritually. However, for those people who know that there is something greater in living life and they are searching, may I direct you to the God of the Christian Bible who isn't affiliated with any specific religion, group, or evil occult activities. He is the God who says, "Come to me and I will give you rest."
Nicholl McGuire
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