Jobs, relationships, and money, may be negatively
influencing the way you see your life right now. Have you been doing something about it? You may have already shared with others how
you feel about being a wife, husband, parent, employee, or friend. Behind your back, someone might be praying for you, talking
about you, or hoping that things will get better for you.
You feel this way, because you don’t like the choices you
have made. The children came too soon,
the man wasn’t what you had in mind, the woman you married changed drastically,
the job wasn’t what you expected, and your friends aren’t available anymore. You might personally believe that you are too old, too tired, too stubborn, or too whatever else to make a difference in your life or others.
Some encouraging people have told you what you should do or say to make things better in your life, yet the advice hasn’t been anything you bother putting into practice. Maybe the following tips will bring you the peace you need or maybe not. It all depends on your mindset and what you are willing to receive. Remember at the start of this writing I shared that I had to make up in my mind to change.
When someone isn’t happy with his or her life, it is usually because the individual isn’t at peace with one's life choices. The person struggles with whether he or she should make adjustments, but doesn't want to do anything about problems because the individual feels like one doesn't have enough knowledge, money, time or some other reason. So that brings us to the first point.
Obtain knowledge on what burdens you the most. From parenting to finances, there is so much free information that can help you answer all your questions. You don’t need money for that, but you do need time. Many people will say they don’t have the time to read a book, watch a movie, or listen to meditative music, if this is how you feel, then your burden may not be as important as you think.
When you really want to do
something about a problem, you will make the time! You’re doing it now, reading this
article. If your husband or wife told
you he or she is leaving the relationship, you would make the time to talk with
him or her, wouldn’t you? If someone told you
that your favorite sports team was playing at an arena and they had VIP seating and you're invited,
you would make the time to attend the game, wouldn’t you? People are only as busy as they choose to
be, so the first thing you need to do is clear some space in your schedule
to tend to the things that bother you the most.
Is it your job? Look for
opportunities within the organization to advance. Children driving you crazy? Take time for yourself to find out what you
need to do to settle them and your nerves down.
Husband still cheating? You put
up with that long enough, focus on an exit plan and obtain legal counsel. Wife spending too much
money? Find out how to communicate your
concern effectively. Find the information you need to resolve the problem.
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Next, after you have educated yourself on what bothers you, make
a written plan and abide by it. For
instance, let’s say you have an illness, the doctor gave you tips and a
prescription that will help you feel better.
You know you will have to possibly change eating habits, exercise, or
refrain from certain activities as well.
Create a plan and post it somewhere in your home that you can see
everyday. People who are the most
successful with accomplishing their goals will write them down.
Third, inform the people who will be affected by your plan of what you are doing. If you feel that the adjustments you make in your life won’t affect them, then it won’t be necessary to let anyone know. However, when changes occur and they affect other people, someone most likely will be upset if you just expect them to do things differently just because you want them to. So when possible communicate changes. Unnecessary arguments happen all the time because a person didn’t bother to let the other know.
Fourth, document your success. For instance, you need to save money, you
read about the ways to do it, you made your plan, now document all the times
you successfully saved money. When you
read what you had written on a later date and notice all of the accomplishments you have made
you will feel good about yourself sticking to your goal. Reward yourself when you are able to, thanking you for being you! Don't expect others to praise you, encourage yourself!
Lastly, when you have accomplished your personal and professional goals, share your
knowledge with someone else who may be going through the storm you just got
over. You might make a great best friend when you do this. As a result of your personal experiences, you will be
able to tell that person of your journey to rise above difficult people and circumstances.
Check out my book, What Else Can I Do on the Internet? There is more to do than what you already do. So take your Internet experiences to the next level today!