Nicholl McGuire shares advice and real life experiences on this personal blog. She also provides links to her online creations and other information she deems useful. An author, speaker, poet and blogger, Nicholl keeps busy maintaining blogs, writing articles and recording informative videos and audios. She is an African American mother, a Christian, and offers virtual assistance to individuals and businesses. Feel free to subscribe to Nicholl McGuire's blog.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Nicholl McGuire Media: 7th Annual Landmark Tabernacle Holiday Market, Loc...
Nicholl McGuire Media: 7th Annual Landmark Tabernacle Holiday Market, Loc...: The seventh annual Landmark Tabernacle Holiday Market brought out approximately 60 vendors in Lakewood, Colorado and customers in need of a...
Friday, October 13, 2017
New Source of Income - Fan Support
Have you thought about starting a Patreon page?
You definitely should!
You can get a regular source of income from supporters who've pledged to you through Patreon. Having their ongoing support means you will be spending less time thinking about business, and more time creating.
Also, if you use this invite to sign up and launch your Patreon page, we'll both earn bonuses as supporters pledge to you – let me know if you have any questions! Click the following link:
All the best to you!
Nicholl McGuire
Monday, August 21, 2017
Offering Virtual Assistance for a Limited Time Only
Small and large businesses can be overwhelmed with many tasks, this is where I come in to assist with the writing, formatting and proofreading of many documents while offering traditional virtual assistance services like administrative support. Periodically I offer these discounted services for a limited time. Feel free to reach out: with your need. NOTE: This is a seasonal service that I do not provide year round, so do connect as soon as possible.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
A Memory of a Writer
It's funny how the sound of a typewriter can bring back such pleasant memories.
The days of writing short stories...oh what a feeling!
Those were the simple days where I and the creative piece I tapped away at were one,
that is until I made a mistake.
Paper after paper I tossed aside, no time to stop and erase, re-type and erase again.
I hated when I was on a roll and had to stop (sigh).
I thanked God when the word processor was invented.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
African American View on You - Black Love, Life and Spirituality: Boggs Rural Life Center is Collecting Books Writte...
African American View on You - Black Love, Life and Spirituality: Boggs Rural Life Center is Collecting Books Writte...: Interested in assisting an organization stock their library shelves with your work or the books of other African American writers? If so, B...
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
What You Need to Know About an Online Project...
If you build it, don't assume they will come.
by Nicholl McGuire
Thursday, June 15, 2017
15th Book Released - Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics by Nicholl McGuire
It was long overdue to print a book that had begun about the same time I started Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic back in 2009 but released it in 2013 with the '09 copyright. I had taken a pile of printed sheets and placed them in a manila folder, I had no passion or plans for a work that just might ruffle someone or a group's feathers again (yes my work does just that). However, my God had other plans and it felt like out of the blue I became determined one day to work on that book. On the other hand was Face Your Foe...(which had no subtitle at the time), it just wasn't ready--not in 2011, 2014, or even 2016, but then 2017 came along.
Over the years, I was still learning more about the greatest adversary to the Christian faith, Satan. It wasn't time to face a foe when I was still gaining some understanding as to why I was still sparring with him about the work rather than trusting in my personal Savior to complete it.
You see, God had set me on a path to do something a bit different with my creative nonfiction writing skills. I had spent much time writing worldly content, but spiritual work was quite a different story--it was a challenge--the flesh wars against the spirit within when it objects to all things righteous and true especially the material that directly impacts you and those you love.
The Holy Spirit was leading me into unfamiliar territory with my work and admittedly I was nervous and scared sometimes, because simply put, God is real, He speaks and walks with you when you sincerely believe in Him. Yet, self-defeating thoughts and worldly distractions were keeping me away from both Christian books for a time, but I eventually prevailed, because I chose to shut out people, places and things that didn't know the least bit about writing, spirituality, God, faith, etc. Why argue with ignorance or debate your experiences with unenlightened ones?
It took some time to make up in my mind that I would begin writing books of faith. Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic was a smooth process when I finally sat down long enough to type it and stay focused on the work back in '09. However, Face Your Foe was quite a different story since I had experienced the passing of my grandmother (May, 2015) while writing that book along with Tell Me Mother You're Sorry. If you are a writer, I'm sure you can relate to the highs and lows of preparing an article, report, book, or some other work. You are on a roll and then something occurs in or around you that slows you down. So Face Your Foe...was once again placed on the back-burner.
Now that Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics has been released (June, 2017), I feel somewhat at peace, but I have other works that are sitting in the background of my mind and on paper that I am on the fence about. They aren't spiritual books simply practical guides and a children's book.
In closing, I am quite grateful to my Creator for what has already been done through me to help others. If there is anything I want people to know is that I have given up a lot and have fought spiritually and in-person about my writings. I have lived through difficult circumstances so when I write work, it is from a true and tried place.
The responses I have received over the years from readers, who have been in a variety of life circumstances, has been overwhelming at times, but I am glad that they have seen the light in my work and have been dedicated to make necessary changes.
I challenge anyone to be emotionally, physically and spiritually set free from the people, places and things that have kept you bound for years. God didn't put us on this planet to be nothing more than slaves to children of darkness--walk in the light, your spiritual calling. Pray about what burdens you and wait for God to answer.
Peace, love and joy
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (print edition)
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (Kindle edition - ebook)
Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics by Nicholl McGuire (Smashwords - ebook)
Nicholl McGuire Media
Face Your Foe - Christian faith blog
Over the years, I was still learning more about the greatest adversary to the Christian faith, Satan. It wasn't time to face a foe when I was still gaining some understanding as to why I was still sparring with him about the work rather than trusting in my personal Savior to complete it.
You see, God had set me on a path to do something a bit different with my creative nonfiction writing skills. I had spent much time writing worldly content, but spiritual work was quite a different story--it was a challenge--the flesh wars against the spirit within when it objects to all things righteous and true especially the material that directly impacts you and those you love.
The Holy Spirit was leading me into unfamiliar territory with my work and admittedly I was nervous and scared sometimes, because simply put, God is real, He speaks and walks with you when you sincerely believe in Him. Yet, self-defeating thoughts and worldly distractions were keeping me away from both Christian books for a time, but I eventually prevailed, because I chose to shut out people, places and things that didn't know the least bit about writing, spirituality, God, faith, etc. Why argue with ignorance or debate your experiences with unenlightened ones?
It took some time to make up in my mind that I would begin writing books of faith. Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic was a smooth process when I finally sat down long enough to type it and stay focused on the work back in '09. However, Face Your Foe was quite a different story since I had experienced the passing of my grandmother (May, 2015) while writing that book along with Tell Me Mother You're Sorry. If you are a writer, I'm sure you can relate to the highs and lows of preparing an article, report, book, or some other work. You are on a roll and then something occurs in or around you that slows you down. So Face Your Foe...was once again placed on the back-burner.
Now that Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics has been released (June, 2017), I feel somewhat at peace, but I have other works that are sitting in the background of my mind and on paper that I am on the fence about. They aren't spiritual books simply practical guides and a children's book.
In closing, I am quite grateful to my Creator for what has already been done through me to help others. If there is anything I want people to know is that I have given up a lot and have fought spiritually and in-person about my writings. I have lived through difficult circumstances so when I write work, it is from a true and tried place.
The responses I have received over the years from readers, who have been in a variety of life circumstances, has been overwhelming at times, but I am glad that they have seen the light in my work and have been dedicated to make necessary changes.
I challenge anyone to be emotionally, physically and spiritually set free from the people, places and things that have kept you bound for years. God didn't put us on this planet to be nothing more than slaves to children of darkness--walk in the light, your spiritual calling. Pray about what burdens you and wait for God to answer.
Peace, love and joy
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (print edition)
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic by Nicholl McGuire (Kindle edition - ebook)
Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics by Nicholl McGuire (Smashwords - ebook)
Nicholl McGuire Media
Face Your Foe - Christian faith blog
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Where Self-Published eBooks are Sold
Since publishing my first e-book and many others after that, I have accumulated a list of many sites that have accommodated me by making my e-books available to the public. They also provide useful information and services.
The following list might help someone who is interested in companies that host self-published authors' e-books on websites and apps. These resources are professional, so by all means start clicking away! While you're at it if you find this list helpful, please show support by purchasing a copy of my e-books as well as other self-published authors. Thanks!
Nicholl McGuire
Tolino e-book reading
Flipkart (They also have a free app, see here.)
Barnes & Noble
Axis 360 (Baker & Taylor)
iTunes (Apple)
The following list might help someone who is interested in companies that host self-published authors' e-books on websites and apps. These resources are professional, so by all means start clicking away! While you're at it if you find this list helpful, please show support by purchasing a copy of my e-books as well as other self-published authors. Thanks!
Nicholl McGuire
List of eBook and Book Sites
Txtr ebooksTolino e-book reading
Flipkart (They also have a free app, see here.)
Barnes & Noble
Axis 360 (Baker & Taylor)
iTunes (Apple)
Friday, May 12, 2017
Attention Virtual Assistants, Writers: Don't Cave into the "Free" in Freelance
Some people notice "free" in freelance and think that services are free. Others, who work as freelancers, see FREEDOM. You are now free to work with who or whatever you choose (with a fee of course) and you are your own boss. You make the rules, set the prices, pay your taxes, and take breaks when you feel like it. Yet, in my quest to grow my business, I realize that free or freedom doesn't work like it once did for us freelancers. The demands of our money and time are greater--every software program costs and any special request from a client ends up costing more time than its worth. When we use "free" in marketing, we are attracting a bunch of spoiled people who want something for nothing.
I am one who wants to help others, but not at the expense of having my family frown on me because once again I can't meet their requests because I am too busy doing something d*mn near close to free.
Years ago, when I was a mere 19 years old I started "McGuire's Professional Typing Services" in Pittsburgh, PA. Back then I was a college student who needed things like: books for class, rent and utility money, and extra cash to pay for credit card bills and an occasional outing. I almost lost it when I heard even the mention of "free" or "discount" anything out of the mouths of people who already owned homes, had nice luxury vehicles, etc. They weren't struggling not like a college student who ate much Ramen and other noodle products while steak was a rarity.
I researched my prices and services back then and made them as reasonable as possible, but I still needed to eat. I got business alright, but those business professionals and groups were looking for cheap labor. They attempted to take advantage of the struggling college student and I never forgot. I knew that about them back then and I didn't cave into the pressure of alternative pricing, petty criticisms to get prices lowered, and "the hook up." I didn't care when I had one-hit wonder kind of customers, business is business.
Freelancers everywhere, someone will pay you your worth--stay motivated! Someone will fork over the money for your services. I have seen it over and over again in my own business. When one door closes, there are always more that open, never sell yourself short on anything!
Now be mindful of the people who look for the following kind of discounts whether spoken aloud or not. Usually they will be problems for you later or won't need your service again, so why offer much for free? Time is money.
1) The buy one, get one folks.
2) The freebie, because I look like you--the homeboy or homegirl discount.
3) The Christian deal or others who have a similar faith.
4) The family hook up.
5) The "don't I know you" people who think that you will do something for them because you remind them of...plug in a celebrity name. Don't fall for the flattery!
6) The trade for trade--what you do is most likely more than what they will ever do for you.
7) The promise to "tell others about you if..." Keep waiting.
8) The person who knows your relative or friend. SO?
9) The I really don't want the service I just want to find out how you do what you do.
10) The "I been in the industry a long time" but I don't want to pay those prices. Then do it yourself.
Yeah, they all exist and you have to learn not to bend. Offer something for free only if you get something beneficial out of it (like new customers) or someone did something nice for you (like mentioned your business/product on the radio, social media, etc.)
Put limits on your kindness, otherwise people take it for weakness.
Nicholl McGuire
I am one who wants to help others, but not at the expense of having my family frown on me because once again I can't meet their requests because I am too busy doing something d*mn near close to free.
Years ago, when I was a mere 19 years old I started "McGuire's Professional Typing Services" in Pittsburgh, PA. Back then I was a college student who needed things like: books for class, rent and utility money, and extra cash to pay for credit card bills and an occasional outing. I almost lost it when I heard even the mention of "free" or "discount" anything out of the mouths of people who already owned homes, had nice luxury vehicles, etc. They weren't struggling not like a college student who ate much Ramen and other noodle products while steak was a rarity.
I researched my prices and services back then and made them as reasonable as possible, but I still needed to eat. I got business alright, but those business professionals and groups were looking for cheap labor. They attempted to take advantage of the struggling college student and I never forgot. I knew that about them back then and I didn't cave into the pressure of alternative pricing, petty criticisms to get prices lowered, and "the hook up." I didn't care when I had one-hit wonder kind of customers, business is business.
Freelancers everywhere, someone will pay you your worth--stay motivated! Someone will fork over the money for your services. I have seen it over and over again in my own business. When one door closes, there are always more that open, never sell yourself short on anything!
Now be mindful of the people who look for the following kind of discounts whether spoken aloud or not. Usually they will be problems for you later or won't need your service again, so why offer much for free? Time is money.
1) The buy one, get one folks.
2) The freebie, because I look like you--the homeboy or homegirl discount.
3) The Christian deal or others who have a similar faith.
4) The family hook up.
5) The "don't I know you" people who think that you will do something for them because you remind them of...plug in a celebrity name. Don't fall for the flattery!
6) The trade for trade--what you do is most likely more than what they will ever do for you.
7) The promise to "tell others about you if..." Keep waiting.
8) The person who knows your relative or friend. SO?
9) The I really don't want the service I just want to find out how you do what you do.
10) The "I been in the industry a long time" but I don't want to pay those prices. Then do it yourself.
Yeah, they all exist and you have to learn not to bend. Offer something for free only if you get something beneficial out of it (like new customers) or someone did something nice for you (like mentioned your business/product on the radio, social media, etc.)
Put limits on your kindness, otherwise people take it for weakness.
Nicholl McGuire
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Describe Yourself
You don't need a dating profile, social networking page or anything else in order to describe yourself in the way that I am about to with you. Who are you, really?
At times we need to check in with ourselves, find out what is new about us, still the same, as well as open to exploring. So I sat back and thought how might I explain who I am in one short paragraph.
"An avid writer, a conspiracy enthusiast with a nose for useful news...A wife and driven mother of four discerning boys. An unashamed Christian who doesn't mind sharing life experiences and inspirational advice. Always learning new things while taking one day at a time anticipating what God has in store."
Once you write a description about yourself, notice the areas where you are still true to who you are as well as those things that have since captured your interest, changed your life, etc. You never know when you might be asked, "Describe yourself." I notice that right now I am more spiritual than anything else. I noticed that the first thing that comes to mind is what has always been with me since I could hold a pencil in my hand, writing. I am evolving once again "learning" which simply means for me, more changes ahead with a supernatural influence.
So go ahead and try it, write your description, and then reflect on what you said about yourself. You just might discover something about your future in between the lines of text.
At times we need to check in with ourselves, find out what is new about us, still the same, as well as open to exploring. So I sat back and thought how might I explain who I am in one short paragraph.
"An avid writer, a conspiracy enthusiast with a nose for useful news...A wife and driven mother of four discerning boys. An unashamed Christian who doesn't mind sharing life experiences and inspirational advice. Always learning new things while taking one day at a time anticipating what God has in store."
Once you write a description about yourself, notice the areas where you are still true to who you are as well as those things that have since captured your interest, changed your life, etc. You never know when you might be asked, "Describe yourself." I notice that right now I am more spiritual than anything else. I noticed that the first thing that comes to mind is what has always been with me since I could hold a pencil in my hand, writing. I am evolving once again "learning" which simply means for me, more changes ahead with a supernatural influence.
So go ahead and try it, write your description, and then reflect on what you said about yourself. You just might discover something about your future in between the lines of text.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Friday, April 21, 2017
Seeking Additional Clients
Web Content Producer for Hire
If you or your company need help with writing, fact checking, photo research, copy editing, and other web related tasks, feel free to send an email to:, business inquiries only.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Tis the Season - Springing into New Relationships, Connections

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Audio about dating related topics and life challenges here:
Donations welcome for upcoming projects.
Author's Books
Most printed books are available here.
Black Friday Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round
Family History
Genealogy X What to Expect When Researching Family History
Should I Go to the Party
She's Crazy
Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues - printed book
Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Say Goodbye to Dad - A Survival Guide to Breaking Free from Toxic Emotional Ties
Tell Me Mother You're Sorry (ebook)
Tell Me Mother You're Sorry (print version)
When Mothers Cry
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
Spiritual Poems by Nicholl
Please watch: "NM Enterprise 7 - The Interview on Writing and Speaking"
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Hyper Focus - Super Concentration - Lambda Monaural Beats
One of many tools to help people train the mind to focus. Sometimes life can become so distracting that you lose your drive. Learn to tune into sounds other than the typical music heard on the radio. Take a breath, listen for as long as you can, and then get started on whatever task is in front of you! To your success!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
An Essential Tool for Your YouTube Account - YouTube Video Publishing Tool
What many people don't know about video creation is that it takes time. Some YouTube publishers spend hours crafting a video that may be just under 10 minutes long. After creating the video, then there is the editing process--even longer! If you are working with someone, he or she is going to want to add or subtract details in the video (sigh). Every now and again the video software doesn't work. Between adding transitions, special effects, titles, credits, and more for about a week's worth of videos, one can easily burn-out. But your work as a video creator isn't over (viewers just don't have a clue when they leave their critical comments and thumbs down).
YouTube has there share of functions behind the scenes to ensure the video looks presentable as well as rules to follow. Once the video is complete using software offline, you ready to upload online and that process, depending on the length of the video, can take a very long time too. If you are experienced, you most likely have researched your keyword phrases to help generate page views, so that your title stands out. Then you select a custom thumbnail if you don't like the image the software picked. In addition, there is the description of the video you come up with and then type out along with links to your website, products, services, relevant videos, etc. But that's not all...
Tags are included as well. These are important words that are selected so that viewers can find the video. A video creator spends much time selecting the right keywords in this section to help viewers find your video. Afterward, you, who are a newbie or expert, you know what you must do next, right? Send that link to all social media accounts, share it with relatives and friends, and you know the rest...if traffic generation is important to you.
There are other details too when it comes to uploading a video to YouTube, but I probably already exhausted you with this task list. This is why professionals use video syndication tools which is online software that helps them with their publishing tasks. When I found TubeBuddy via a blog like this one, I was ecstatic, because I knew what this meant, no more spending long hours doing so much with my YouTube channel. Since using the easy-to-use video tool, I have created bulk video links with a push of a button. I have learned how to do other things like, bulk annotations, create easy to use templates so that I don't have to keep typing the same things or going back to an old video to remember what I did to generate traffic, etc. In addition, I can spy on the competition and much more! So if you want to save time when it comes to publishing videos, this is the product that you need! It is installed via Chrome, so you will need to log into that in order to connect the software and also be logged into your YouTube account. The software is totally legit. There is no blackhat methods it uses so you don't have to worry about your account being banned. This software isn't going to generate automated page views, you still have to do some work. Also, you don't have to download anything and you have 14 days to try it for free and you can still continue to use even if you don't upgrade to the affordable premium choices which are monthly charges that range from less than $10 to $39 monthly.
I rarely recommend a product on my blog, but this one I can say is definitely worth it for YouTube video creators! Stop wasting time on research, SEO, custom thumbnails, posting links on each video one at a time (sigh), get this product today! Shop via my link so that the creators know I referred you, and take advantage of any offers, Tube Buddy If you plan to purchase use coupon code ShoutBuddy.
Have a great time using it and thanks for your support!
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Read Across America 2017: Your Favorite Book/Series
It's a beautiful thing when the young people show support! Shout out to Dom Kemp, Gaming YouTuber! Many thanks!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Don’t Like Your Life? 5 Action Steps to Personal Growth
I have had moments in my life where I simply didn't like what I was doing and where I was headed so I made up in my mind to make necessary changes. Many people are sick and tired of being sick and tired and are ready for personal and professional changes in their lives,
but they just don’t know how to go about making their desires happen.
Some encouraging people have told you what you should do or say to make things better in your life, yet the advice hasn’t been anything you bother putting into practice. Maybe the following tips will bring you the peace you need or maybe not. It all depends on your mindset and what you are willing to receive. Remember at the start of this writing I shared that I had to make up in my mind to change.
When someone isn’t happy with his or her life, it is usually because the individual isn’t at peace with one's life choices. The person struggles with whether he or she should make adjustments, but doesn't want to do anything about problems because the individual feels like one doesn't have enough knowledge, money, time or some other reason. So that brings us to the first point.
Obtain knowledge on what burdens you the most. From parenting to finances, there is so much free information that can help you answer all your questions. You don’t need money for that, but you do need time. Many people will say they don’t have the time to read a book, watch a movie, or listen to meditative music, if this is how you feel, then your burden may not be as important as you think.
Third, inform the people who will be affected by your plan of what you are doing. If you feel that the adjustments you make in your life won’t affect them, then it won’t be necessary to let anyone know. However, when changes occur and they affect other people, someone most likely will be upset if you just expect them to do things differently just because you want them to. So when possible communicate changes. Unnecessary arguments happen all the time because a person didn’t bother to let the other know.
Jobs, relationships, and money, may be negatively
influencing the way you see your life right now. Have you been doing something about it? You may have already shared with others how
you feel about being a wife, husband, parent, employee, or friend. Behind your back, someone might be praying for you, talking
about you, or hoping that things will get better for you.
You feel this way, because you don’t like the choices you
have made. The children came too soon,
the man wasn’t what you had in mind, the woman you married changed drastically,
the job wasn’t what you expected, and your friends aren’t available anymore. You might personally believe that you are too old, too tired, too stubborn, or too whatever else to make a difference in your life or others.
Some encouraging people have told you what you should do or say to make things better in your life, yet the advice hasn’t been anything you bother putting into practice. Maybe the following tips will bring you the peace you need or maybe not. It all depends on your mindset and what you are willing to receive. Remember at the start of this writing I shared that I had to make up in my mind to change.
When someone isn’t happy with his or her life, it is usually because the individual isn’t at peace with one's life choices. The person struggles with whether he or she should make adjustments, but doesn't want to do anything about problems because the individual feels like one doesn't have enough knowledge, money, time or some other reason. So that brings us to the first point.
Obtain knowledge on what burdens you the most. From parenting to finances, there is so much free information that can help you answer all your questions. You don’t need money for that, but you do need time. Many people will say they don’t have the time to read a book, watch a movie, or listen to meditative music, if this is how you feel, then your burden may not be as important as you think.
When you really want to do
something about a problem, you will make the time! You’re doing it now, reading this
article. If your husband or wife told
you he or she is leaving the relationship, you would make the time to talk with
him or her, wouldn’t you? If someone told you
that your favorite sports team was playing at an arena and they had VIP seating and you're invited,
you would make the time to attend the game, wouldn’t you? People are only as busy as they choose to
be, so the first thing you need to do is clear some space in your schedule
to tend to the things that bother you the most.
Is it your job? Look for
opportunities within the organization to advance. Children driving you crazy? Take time for yourself to find out what you
need to do to settle them and your nerves down.
Husband still cheating? You put
up with that long enough, focus on an exit plan and obtain legal counsel. Wife spending too much
money? Find out how to communicate your
concern effectively. Find the information you need to resolve the problem.
![]() | |
Next, after you have educated yourself on what bothers you, make
a written plan and abide by it. For
instance, let’s say you have an illness, the doctor gave you tips and a
prescription that will help you feel better.
You know you will have to possibly change eating habits, exercise, or
refrain from certain activities as well.
Create a plan and post it somewhere in your home that you can see
everyday. People who are the most
successful with accomplishing their goals will write them down.
Third, inform the people who will be affected by your plan of what you are doing. If you feel that the adjustments you make in your life won’t affect them, then it won’t be necessary to let anyone know. However, when changes occur and they affect other people, someone most likely will be upset if you just expect them to do things differently just because you want them to. So when possible communicate changes. Unnecessary arguments happen all the time because a person didn’t bother to let the other know.
Fourth, document your success. For instance, you need to save money, you
read about the ways to do it, you made your plan, now document all the times
you successfully saved money. When you
read what you had written on a later date and notice all of the accomplishments you have made
you will feel good about yourself sticking to your goal. Reward yourself when you are able to, thanking you for being you! Don't expect others to praise you, encourage yourself!
Lastly, when you have accomplished your personal and professional goals, share your
knowledge with someone else who may be going through the storm you just got
over. You might make a great best friend when you do this. As a result of your personal experiences, you will be
able to tell that person of your journey to rise above difficult people and circumstances.
Check out my book, What Else Can I Do on the Internet? There is more to do than what you already do. So take your Internet experiences to the next level today!
Friday, February 17, 2017
Welcome to My New Inspirational Website - Nicholl McGuire Inspirational Speaker and Author
Feel free to check out! A place for curious people and supporters of my YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7 and others from around the web.
Many thanks all! Still growing...
Many thanks all! Still growing...
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
My Thoughts on Online Marketing
Interviewing, writing, and posting material is something that I have been doing for quite some time on a variety of publishing formats. From the early days of Twitter to newer sites around the web, content is king and everyone wants it, but everyone doesn't have the time to devote to it.
I have read numerous articles about all things related to writing, publishing, video marketing--you name it. One thing I consistently see is the lack of transparency with many of these so-called experts who claim to know how to increase traffic to our blogs and websites. The information is obvious most often and redundant. What I have learned is that you have to meet with a guru face-to-face (sometimes pay for his over-priced system), buy many books, and/or befriend a person who knows the tricks of the Internet world when it comes to marketing, building a social media presence and more. Most successful, online businesses pay for specific tools and human labor to increase page traffic, build subscribers and more. These "tools" can be quite expensive and confusing. Use the wrongs ones and you will lose everything that you worked hard to build.
If you are like me, always seeking ways to improve your online products, services and other things you offer people, just take note of what is already being done. You don't change what isn't broken. I think many of these prosperous businesses remain that way, because they aren't changing just because everyone else is and if they don't see where something is broken, they leave it alone. But for those systems that no longer work after they have tweaked existing strategies, analyzed results (or lack thereof ) they then rid themselves of them.
Another observation I have about online marketing and businesses is that they usually find sources of traffic in ways that most others don't. They may link up with offline organizations to drive traffic to their sites. They do things like become members of known groups in their industries paying top dollar to join, they will have online or offline meet ups, create a theme event addressing a specific community need, or partner with others while promoting their brands. These are just some of the things that they do and that I have been a part of to help drive traffic.
So when you think outside of the box when marketing your own business that is a good thing because wherever the people are, sooner or later they are going to get on the Internet, look you up and see what it is that you do. Once they do that, they will make a decision whether to partner with you or not. Therefore, be sure that you represent yourself well and if you need assistance, by all means reach out.
Nicholl McGuire

If you are like me, always seeking ways to improve your online products, services and other things you offer people, just take note of what is already being done. You don't change what isn't broken. I think many of these prosperous businesses remain that way, because they aren't changing just because everyone else is and if they don't see where something is broken, they leave it alone. But for those systems that no longer work after they have tweaked existing strategies, analyzed results (or lack thereof ) they then rid themselves of them.
Another observation I have about online marketing and businesses is that they usually find sources of traffic in ways that most others don't. They may link up with offline organizations to drive traffic to their sites. They do things like become members of known groups in their industries paying top dollar to join, they will have online or offline meet ups, create a theme event addressing a specific community need, or partner with others while promoting their brands. These are just some of the things that they do and that I have been a part of to help drive traffic.
So when you think outside of the box when marketing your own business that is a good thing because wherever the people are, sooner or later they are going to get on the Internet, look you up and see what it is that you do. Once they do that, they will make a decision whether to partner with you or not. Therefore, be sure that you represent yourself well and if you need assistance, by all means reach out.
Nicholl McGuire
Monday, February 13, 2017
What You Didn't Know About Nicholl McGuire
Check out more music and audio by Nicholl on Reverbnation
Monday, February 6, 2017
Wix Websites - Easy, Free
Lately Wix has been back in the media showing us just how easy it is to make a website. Awhile back, I decided to go for it. It really is so simple that an elementary school-aged kid can create one. If you would like a website, take a go at it and if it gets to be a bit too challenging, let's talk about it. My rates are reasonable. Here is what I put together, see Nicholl McGuire Media
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Useful Writing Tools, Gifts
The following list are some useful and fun things for writers. If you know one, these will make for great "thinking of you" gifts.
1) Writer's Market 2017
2) Please Do Not Annoy the Writer Mug
3) Writer's Digest
4) The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises
5) Abilitations 017123 Handi-Writer Set
1) Writer's Market 2017
2) Please Do Not Annoy the Writer Mug
3) Writer's Digest
4) The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises
5) Abilitations 017123 Handi-Writer Set
Monday, January 23, 2017
Need a Freelance Writing Job?
There are sites around the web you can find freelance writing jobs. Here are some trusted sites below worth checking out:
1) Upwork (note: helpful resource on how to make money using Upwork).
2) Linked In
3) Freelancer
4) Textbroker
5) Guru
6) Fiverr
7) Tenrr
Pay close attention to what is expected at each site and take a moment to look up the good, bad and ugly before forking over any cash. There are membership fees with some freelance writing sites, higher payments given based on performance and length of stay, and more. I personally like making arrangements offline to write for clients, but for those who are looking to start a freelance writing business this list is one way to get started.
Best wishes!
1) Upwork (note: helpful resource on how to make money using Upwork).
2) Linked In
3) Freelancer
4) Textbroker
5) Guru
6) Fiverr
7) Tenrr
Pay close attention to what is expected at each site and take a moment to look up the good, bad and ugly before forking over any cash. There are membership fees with some freelance writing sites, higher payments given based on performance and length of stay, and more. I personally like making arrangements offline to write for clients, but for those who are looking to start a freelance writing business this list is one way to get started.
Best wishes!
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Websites that I Have Submitted My Work
Over the years, many websites have needed content about a variety of subjects to increase page views, generate subscribers, sell products, etc. This is just a small sample of online businesses I have submitted articles or accepted requests to write specific material for pay, advertising revenue or exposure. Each site has specific criteria and will indicate whether they pay or not.
Miss Matchmaker
Paired Life
College Central
Street Directory
Street Articles
Everyday Power Blog
Miss Matchmaker
Paired Life
College Central
Street Directory
Street Articles
Everyday Power Blog
Friday, January 13, 2017
Overdrive Making Digital Books Available to Schools and Libraries
Content distribution site, Overdrive, located in one of my former hometowns, Cleveland OH, has displayed my books on their site as well as many others. The company has been in business since 1986 supplying digital content within recent years to libraries and schools. I am very grateful to businesses like these because they have a large reach. Thank you for sharing! Once again another wonderful website with an impressive layout. See Nicholl McGuire books.
Nicholl McGuire eBooks are Available at Barnes & Noble
In addition to, Barnes & Noble has made my eBooks available to their shoppers. These non-fiction publications are listed at the site. I am very impressed with the layout and the prices are consistent which I really appreciate. If you would like to see them, click link Barnes & Noble
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Brain Energizer - Clean Mental Energy - Gamma Binaural Beats (40Hz)
Sharpen your mind today! There are a variety of companies online that offer powerful brain music to assist with things: like creativity, focus, sleep, health and more. Listen to sounds like this and be productive in your personal and professional lives! All the best to you this new year!
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Do You Need Assistance with Virtual Tasks like Online Marketing,Social Engagement...? |
Nicholl McGuire
Virtual Assistant YouTube
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Monday, January 2, 2017
Nicholl Around the Web - author, publisher, virtual assistant, speaker, marketer
Special thank you to those who supported me by purchasing books last year, commenting and sharing product links. Many blessings to you! Your purchases made it possible for me to buy video lighting, market on Facebook, and offer free books. Thanks again!
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