Nicholl McGuire shares advice and real life experiences on this personal blog. She also provides links to her online creations and other information she deems useful. An author, speaker, poet and blogger, Nicholl keeps busy maintaining blogs, writing articles and recording informative videos and audios. She is an African American mother, a Christian, and offers virtual assistance to individuals and businesses. Feel free to subscribe to Nicholl McGuire's blog.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Nicholl McGuire Media Products Available Around the Web
This has been one interesting year! Many of my works I listed on my business site. Feel free to have a look. If you see something of interest share or make a purchase today. Your contribution will help with 2017 marketing endeavors and other business related expenses. Thank you in advance and season greetings!
Nicholl McGuire Media: Nicholl McGuire Media Products Available Around th...: Nicholl McGuire Media not only assists others, but we have our share of products online. Many of our e-books are now available in paperback...
Nicholl McGuire Media: Nicholl McGuire Media Products Available Around th...: Nicholl McGuire Media not only assists others, but we have our share of products online. Many of our e-books are now available in paperback...
Friday, December 9, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues by Nicholl McGuire
With the holiday season fast approaching, so too comes the family dramas! I have been engaged with people on and offline about the things that matter to them the most: family, food, romance, etc. People want less drama and more love! Speaking of love, I have sat with some singles in search of Internet romance. Of course, I didn't pass up the opportunity to mention my book, "Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues." I also gave away three autographed copies. One young lady completed the book and told me she enjoyed reading it. She felt empowered and motivated to continue to date. We discussed many of the red flag warning signs. Learn more and be prepared for the pressure that comes from those "too good to be true," desperate singles out there. Get your copy today!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
YouTube Channel NM Enterprise 7 - What are Listeners Saying...
It's controversial, personal, bold, faith-based,
emotional, and empowering!
"I have freedom from the bondage of spirit of abuse. Thanks for caring NM. I confessed my bitterness, revenge, hatred and anger toward the abusers. I have a new beginning."
"The Lord has been using you these past few months in mighty ways to speak to me..."
"Thank you so much for the information and support, I have watched so many of them and the advice you give is extremely helpful..."
"Thank you sister! This video helped so much... I just need a lot of time alone with God to heal and recover my strength..."
"...God used you this evening with a word of guidance for me.
This word has deeply touched me."
"Video goes to heart of the matter."
"Keep up the good work NM. You are making a difference in the lives of others."
"This video is a great help. Thank you for being brave enough to report on unclean spirits and spiritual warfare. I know what you are talking about."
"...great video and I did examine myself..."
See what these people are talking about for yourself.
It is a radical change of mindset about everything you think is important to you.
To God be the glory!
To God be the glory!
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round - Printed Book Released
Know how to get the best deals this shopping season! Recently, my e-book, Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round, is available as an offline printed book. This means that you can order it today and it will be delivered just in time for you to use cost-saving tips! Purchase your copy here: Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round by Nicholl McGuire
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Someone is Going to Get Paid...
Someone must know something I don't know. The day that I decide to stop print on my book, one business plans to make more than a profit--I'm not mad at them--lol. This is by far the craziest amount of money yet that I have seen my book going for to date. I have a limited amount of autographed copies floating around and those who got my signature wanted me to address them. So there are no printed books that have just my signature (FYI to book collectors).
What's interesting about When Mothers Cry, I wrote the book when I had a newborn, a toddler, a tween and soon to be teen. Now things have changed in my life which makes that book a classic. Blessings to those people who own a copy! Currently (as of Nov. 2016), $450 plus used and $725 new.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Nicholl shares cool tips, experiences traveling and audio website for podcasting
Nicholl provides some of her personal travels on the Audioboom site. This is a great way to share audio. See and listen here. Check out Nicholl's YouTube channel "budgettraveltips" link. It is located in description box on Audioboom web page. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 20, 2016
October 31, 2008 It All Began - NMENTERPRISE7
When I joined YouTube back in 2008 as NM Enterprise 7, I had a simple objective to market books and share videos of myself and children doing some interesting things like family activities and traveling. Since many of my relatives were out of town, I thought it was a good idea to have some fun passing on a bit of our lives to them. However, God had something else in store. Over the years I prayed the kind of prayers that changed everything!
The mission of the YouTube channel went from marketing my books, articles and blogs to providing practical wisdom to assist people with personal challenges. The benefits have been rewarding and so many viewers have responded with kind words and praise reports.
I will always be a writer first, but speaking is also my gift. It is not something that I take lightly or my faith. It's been eight interesting years, I look forward to seeing what God has in store for the future!
Below is a glimpse of analytics related to my YouTube channel. I have repeated efforts by helping others reach their video marketing goals as well. If you would like help getting started with your page, visit my blog There I assist individuals and groups with Internet projects.
The mission of the YouTube channel went from marketing my books, articles and blogs to providing practical wisdom to assist people with personal challenges. The benefits have been rewarding and so many viewers have responded with kind words and praise reports.
I will always be a writer first, but speaking is also my gift. It is not something that I take lightly or my faith. It's been eight interesting years, I look forward to seeing what God has in store for the future!
Below is a glimpse of analytics related to my YouTube channel. I have repeated efforts by helping others reach their video marketing goals as well. If you would like help getting started with your page, visit my blog There I assist individuals and groups with Internet projects.
NM Enterprise 7, YouTube audience |
Saturday, September 17, 2016
eBooks available on iTunes
My recent work is on iTunes. For those of you who have an account, feel free to download eBooks on your portable device. Get the most out of your Internet experiences, check out What Else Can I Do on the Internet? and other books on iTunes. Keyword search: Nicholl McGuire
Monday, September 5, 2016
Supplying Content as Needed
These days providing content to requestors as needed from the web to offline print. I am ghost-writing as well as working on my own material. There is a lot to say but not enough hours in the day to do it all.
It's funny how when you are busy, days go by ever so quickly. All I need is a pen and a paper and before long I am on a path of helping others accomplish dreams, break free from toxic circles, and doing what the heavenly Creator advises, "Walk in your calling."
In the words of my business slogan at Nicholl McGuire Media, what can McGuire do for you?
Check out
It's funny how when you are busy, days go by ever so quickly. All I need is a pen and a paper and before long I am on a path of helping others accomplish dreams, break free from toxic circles, and doing what the heavenly Creator advises, "Walk in your calling."
In the words of my business slogan at Nicholl McGuire Media, what can McGuire do for you?
Check out
Saturday, August 6, 2016
What is on Your Agenda Today?
We have a life to live so we might as well live it. We
have money to spend on important things so we might as well spend it. There isn't much time to worry over anyone or anything and even less time to get all the tasks done that we desire to do.
People don't value their time as much as they should. It is very easy to be led into an unproductive activity or routine while other tasks go unnoticed. Throw unproductive people into the mix and before long your "To Do List" increases in size with those who are essential to your progress.
So value the time you do have, handle important duties, and at the end of the day, be satisfied with what you have accomplished-- even if you didn't get it all done in a day.
Nicholl McGuire
What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Sunday, June 12, 2016
For the Fatherless Child...Say Goodbye to Dad by Nicholl McGuire
You love, you like, you hate, you worry, you stress, you miss...your father. In this book, I share the process of release that takes place when you reach a point in your life when you awaken to the truth about your father or those you might consider father figures. Stop chasing, stop performing, stop wishing...let go and feel at peace.
Say Goodbye to Dad is available here and enjoy your personal copy on your portable reading device.
Say Goodbye to Dad is available here and enjoy your personal copy on your portable reading device.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
About Nicholl McGuire - An example of What One Person Can Do to Make a Difference in the Lives of Others
For almost two decades, Nicholl McGuire, a wife, mother, author, and inspirational speaker has not only provided thought-provoking wisdom to people around the web, but offline too. She has impacted her audiences in so many ways with her non-fiction works such as: When Mothers Cry, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate and over 10 others.
Nicholl has appeared before families sharing candidly stories of her own abusive experience at the young age of 21. Her abuser had attempted to kill her in a choking incident. In recent years, she has helped bring awareness to issues related to relationship and family involving emotional and physical abuse.
This ambitious woman has volunteered her many talents from acting to administrative support and has also helped others with their projects including spreading the word about her mentor's program in Pasadena California, Shepherd's Door, a domestic violence resource center headed by Linda Offray.
One summer, Nicholl sat with teenagers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to help with their writing projects through the Pittsburgh Black Media Federation Urban Journalism Workshop, founded by Christopher Moore. She had attended the program in her youth and received a scholarship. She was also invited to return back to her elementary and high school to motivate students.
To date, she provides a family book service to assist people who are interested in researching their genealogy. In one example, Nicholl brought joy to a woman's eyes who wanted very much some information about her father, a jazz musician who was not welcome to openly date the grieving daughter's mother due to ethnic differences.
Nicholl is indeed a rising star, someone who could possibly lead a movement, build a school or create a dynamic program that just might encourage thousands more to live out their highest callings and be the beacons of light they were called to be in some dark places in this world.
YouTube Channel: NM Enterprise 7
You can help Nicholl with future projects: books, travel, giveaways, administrative costs, etc. here:
Nicholl has appeared before families sharing candidly stories of her own abusive experience at the young age of 21. Her abuser had attempted to kill her in a choking incident. In recent years, she has helped bring awareness to issues related to relationship and family involving emotional and physical abuse.
This ambitious woman has volunteered her many talents from acting to administrative support and has also helped others with their projects including spreading the word about her mentor's program in Pasadena California, Shepherd's Door, a domestic violence resource center headed by Linda Offray.
One summer, Nicholl sat with teenagers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to help with their writing projects through the Pittsburgh Black Media Federation Urban Journalism Workshop, founded by Christopher Moore. She had attended the program in her youth and received a scholarship. She was also invited to return back to her elementary and high school to motivate students.
To date, she provides a family book service to assist people who are interested in researching their genealogy. In one example, Nicholl brought joy to a woman's eyes who wanted very much some information about her father, a jazz musician who was not welcome to openly date the grieving daughter's mother due to ethnic differences.
Nicholl is indeed a rising star, someone who could possibly lead a movement, build a school or create a dynamic program that just might encourage thousands more to live out their highest callings and be the beacons of light they were called to be in some dark places in this world.
YouTube Channel: NM Enterprise 7
You can help Nicholl with future projects: books, travel, giveaways, administrative costs, etc. here:
Friday, May 13, 2016
My Work is not for the Faint-Hearted
My non-fiction books, audio, articles, and video will not always be well-received by certain types of people (worried, strange, self-righteous, jealous, petty, and evil), people don't always want the truth.
Over the years, I have learned that many individuals rather believe lies. So I don't go to everyone or everything to share my work for reading, review, or much else. For instance, a book about manipulated mother types is not an easy read and nor do I recommend reading this around the mothers in your life that are giving you a hard time. A memoir about dating/domestic violence is not going to leave you uplifted, nor would your abusive partner approve. Non-fiction guides that bring awareness to so many types of individuals with many challenges are not meant for people who are uninterested in physical change, mental healing, and most of all FREEDOM! So I'm not surprised when some just don't get me or my work.
Unfortunately, many human beings enjoy their cages--these are the ones who say, "I don't want to know...I rather not read it...I don't understand...What?" They don't want anyone coming by and telling them they are in bondage and they need to be let out. "Let me stay..." their disputing eyes say. "Leave me alone, I'm not ready for this..." their bodily mannerisms project. And so, when I see this sort of thing, I am not angry nor am I worried, but I am disappointed because I don't have a clue when the rebellious will come up out of their miserable situations. I don't give them anymore warnings, no sales pitches, and no pleading, "Get my book." My work is simply not for those who are easily offended, suffer with many personality issues, and unwilling to see the truth for what it is.
To every non-fiction author out there who has felt like people just don't understand you or your work, consider this, there are those who do, but in the wrong hands, your projects might be dangerous for them. When the walking blind are not ready to see a light or two shine brightly on their lives, they just won't connect with you or your work or neither. When hurting people don't want to take our hands and walk, we don't force them. On to the next chosen child of God...we keep moving!
Nicholl McGuire
Over the years, I have learned that many individuals rather believe lies. So I don't go to everyone or everything to share my work for reading, review, or much else. For instance, a book about manipulated mother types is not an easy read and nor do I recommend reading this around the mothers in your life that are giving you a hard time. A memoir about dating/domestic violence is not going to leave you uplifted, nor would your abusive partner approve. Non-fiction guides that bring awareness to so many types of individuals with many challenges are not meant for people who are uninterested in physical change, mental healing, and most of all FREEDOM! So I'm not surprised when some just don't get me or my work.
Unfortunately, many human beings enjoy their cages--these are the ones who say, "I don't want to know...I rather not read it...I don't understand...What?" They don't want anyone coming by and telling them they are in bondage and they need to be let out. "Let me stay..." their disputing eyes say. "Leave me alone, I'm not ready for this..." their bodily mannerisms project. And so, when I see this sort of thing, I am not angry nor am I worried, but I am disappointed because I don't have a clue when the rebellious will come up out of their miserable situations. I don't give them anymore warnings, no sales pitches, and no pleading, "Get my book." My work is simply not for those who are easily offended, suffer with many personality issues, and unwilling to see the truth for what it is.
To every non-fiction author out there who has felt like people just don't understand you or your work, consider this, there are those who do, but in the wrong hands, your projects might be dangerous for them. When the walking blind are not ready to see a light or two shine brightly on their lives, they just won't connect with you or your work or neither. When hurting people don't want to take our hands and walk, we don't force them. On to the next chosen child of God...we keep moving!
Nicholl McGuire
Monday, May 2, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
When I was a Child...
The paper and pencil were my best friends. They were there to keep me out the way of stressed adults. They were there when I couldn't express myself. The paper and pencil was like a voice that called out, "Use me." I had a place to escape. Now this gift and others has shown up in the children. Photographed is one of my supporters of my latest book. Wide awake and ready to use the computer, my third son looks for some fun things to do besides the typical. Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
It Takes Money to Make Money - Monetary Assistance Welcome for NM Media
These days I am spending more time offline while online activities are still ongoing. I hope to be of assistance to those of you who are in need of quality services. Thank you much to those who have been quite supportive over the years with sharing links and purchasing products. We welcome donations big and small to assist with things like:
1. The purchase of clip art and photo images for slideshows
2. Paying assistants to help with creating materials
3. Spreading information to assist with mental, physical and spiritual wellness.
4. Speaking engagements
5. Travel
6. New office equipment
7. Promotional materials
If you have a sincere heart to give, then by all means please do share. There are many more things that need to be done. We sincerely appreciate your help! Future expenses include:
1. New vehicle purchase
2. Increase office space
3. Billboard and media ads
4. Business networking events
5. Space bought at special functions
6. Ongoing administrative costs (currently operating without a salary)
7. Debt
As you can see, Nicholl McGuire Media is open about our needs. Our mission is clear, we give voice to the voiceless--those who want their stories told as well as people who want to accomplish dreams but are still mute about them. They are wounded men and women--broken due to years of toxic programming by all sorts of individuals and groups. In addition, some people who we work with are small business owners who have limited resources and time.
We ask all those who have benefited in any way by my material to give back. For years I didn't beg, ask, borrow, steal, or plead to get anyone to do anything for me. However, now I am asking--ask and ye shall receive, right? Many listeners, readers, and professionals I have given much service via the Internet for FREE! From counsel to speaking engagements, I have done what I could to help. Others received many, many writings to assist with their businesses.
For those who feel moved to give, we bless you for heeding the call! Thanks in advance! It takes money to make money and we thank God for generous people who recognize when they are being led to do what's right and not what just "feels" right. Donations are accepted here.
Check out previous posts of new book releases. The latest eBook is What Else Can I Do on the Internet? by Nicholl McGuire. The printed version of this book is also available. See here.
1. The purchase of clip art and photo images for slideshows
2. Paying assistants to help with creating materials
3. Spreading information to assist with mental, physical and spiritual wellness.
4. Speaking engagements
5. Travel
6. New office equipment
7. Promotional materials
If you have a sincere heart to give, then by all means please do share. There are many more things that need to be done. We sincerely appreciate your help! Future expenses include:
1. New vehicle purchase
2. Increase office space
3. Billboard and media ads
4. Business networking events
5. Space bought at special functions
6. Ongoing administrative costs (currently operating without a salary)
7. Debt
As you can see, Nicholl McGuire Media is open about our needs. Our mission is clear, we give voice to the voiceless--those who want their stories told as well as people who want to accomplish dreams but are still mute about them. They are wounded men and women--broken due to years of toxic programming by all sorts of individuals and groups. In addition, some people who we work with are small business owners who have limited resources and time.
We ask all those who have benefited in any way by my material to give back. For years I didn't beg, ask, borrow, steal, or plead to get anyone to do anything for me. However, now I am asking--ask and ye shall receive, right? Many listeners, readers, and professionals I have given much service via the Internet for FREE! From counsel to speaking engagements, I have done what I could to help. Others received many, many writings to assist with their businesses.
For those who feel moved to give, we bless you for heeding the call! Thanks in advance! It takes money to make money and we thank God for generous people who recognize when they are being led to do what's right and not what just "feels" right. Donations are accepted here.
Check out previous posts of new book releases. The latest eBook is What Else Can I Do on the Internet? by Nicholl McGuire. The printed version of this book is also available. See here.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
On Speaking Out About Women's Issues
Over the years I have spoken and written about women's issues from health woes to parenting and relationships. This is a slideshow and audio recently put together by Nicholl McGuire Media. Feel free to check it out. I am available for speaking engagements. Also, check out Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate blog. On the site, many issues related to abuse are shared. Feel free to contact me if you wish to connect regarding future business events.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Ready to Get Started with Your Home Business?
I often come across people in my travels wanting to work from home, so what I have is a micro-blog of some thoughts, Internet finds and other useful information. Feel free to join me on Home Income Study on Twitter. Check out some of my popular posts--to your success!
Friday, March 25, 2016
On Teaching Others What I Know
I have been asked on different occasions about teaching others what I know about writing, publishing, starting a business, and even my personal faith in God. I am already doing these things, although not formally yet, and I haven't been advertising my consultancy services often either. However, in the near future, I am open to the possibility of working with others individually or as a group. I do charge for my services. So if you are looking to collaborate on future projects or would like for me to teach or consult with you virtually, send an email to God bless.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Face Your Foe Vol. 1 by Nicholl McGuire to Be Released this Spring, Blog Ongoing
This spring Nicholl McGuire will be releasing her book that was started back in 2012, Face Your Foe: On Confronting the Critics Vol. I.
"This has been a project I have been looking forward to let go and let God." Nicholl says. After spending nearly seven years sharing spiritual insight related to her first Christian book, Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic Nicholl shares it is time to, "Face your foe."
Whether that confrontation is peaceful and personal or distant and silent, the message is clear, according to the wife and mother of four, "God's people will not be moved. The enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy minds first followed by bodies," Nicholl cautions. "We have the authority given to us through Christ Jesus to bind the enemy and resist him. He has no power unless you give it to him."
Be on the look out for Nicholl's new book online. In the meantime, show support by visiting and sharing useful links with your social networks. Monetary donations are also welcome. See link provided on the site.
"This has been a project I have been looking forward to let go and let God." Nicholl says. After spending nearly seven years sharing spiritual insight related to her first Christian book, Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic Nicholl shares it is time to, "Face your foe."
Whether that confrontation is peaceful and personal or distant and silent, the message is clear, according to the wife and mother of four, "God's people will not be moved. The enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy minds first followed by bodies," Nicholl cautions. "We have the authority given to us through Christ Jesus to bind the enemy and resist him. He has no power unless you give it to him."
Be on the look out for Nicholl's new book online. In the meantime, show support by visiting and sharing useful links with your social networks. Monetary donations are also welcome. See link provided on the site.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Nicholl McGuire Involved in Panel Discussion about Entrepreneurship, Pasadena CA
Freelance Writer and Content Marketing Manager, Nicholl McGuire, will be participating in a panel discussion with six other professional women discussing entrepreneurship publicly on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at Lake Avenue Church in the Sky Room from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. located in Pasadena, California.
The mother of four started working from home part-time while in college back in 1993 as a typist and writer in Pittsburgh PA. After working for a time in corporate America, she returned back to her first love working from home full-time in 2000 in online retail sales while living in Cleveland Ohio. Then in 2007, she started Nicholl McGuire Media, a publishing and virtual assistance firm in Los Angeles County.
The luncheon is being hosted by Shepherd's Door, a domestic violence resource organization, and moderated by comedian Sunda Croonquist along with KABC7 anchor woman Coleen Sullivan. Attendees are asked to RSVP to 626-765-9967 or email: Seating is limited.
The mother of four started working from home part-time while in college back in 1993 as a typist and writer in Pittsburgh PA. After working for a time in corporate America, she returned back to her first love working from home full-time in 2000 in online retail sales while living in Cleveland Ohio. Then in 2007, she started Nicholl McGuire Media, a publishing and virtual assistance firm in Los Angeles County.
The luncheon is being hosted by Shepherd's Door, a domestic violence resource organization, and moderated by comedian Sunda Croonquist along with KABC7 anchor woman Coleen Sullivan. Attendees are asked to RSVP to 626-765-9967 or email: Seating is limited.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Future Link Round up of Writers, Authors, Publishing Businesses, Other Useful Resources
I will be recommending some quality sites, authors, and more related to the publishing industry in the near future on this blog, so if you want to get in on the round up, then send your information to my email:
I am listing information that is inspiring and motivational as well as informative to newbie and veteran writers and authors. So if you know something, do share even if you are not in the publishing industry.
I look forward to checking out your material while giving some of you yet another network to view your work. This invite is for a limited time, so the sooner you can get in on the future round up post, the better! In your correspondence to me, do include a brief about who you are, what you do, and something unique about your site/work.
I am listing information that is inspiring and motivational as well as informative to newbie and veteran writers and authors. So if you know something, do share even if you are not in the publishing industry.

Monday, February 29, 2016
Available in Print - Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues
A few weeks back Nicholl's Internet dating eBook was published on Smashwords and available to their partners. It can be downloaded and read on your favorite portable device. Today, Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues is in print and will be in a variety of online stores. You can get a copy for now on Createspace. (
People currently dating online or have met someone through a dating website will appreciate this eye-opening read! If you know a person dating online, give him or her a copy, it just might save your relative or friend from much future heartache or even better his or her life!
Get your copy today! Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues by Nicholl McGuire
People currently dating online or have met someone through a dating website will appreciate this eye-opening read! If you know a person dating online, give him or her a copy, it just might save your relative or friend from much future heartache or even better his or her life!
Get your copy today! Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues by Nicholl McGuire
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Nothing More Than a Fantasy: A Work of Fiction by Nicholl McGuire
Every now and then I hear a story in my head. The characters speak and I write. Many years ago, this was a work of fiction I began, but then real life issues got in the way. Enjoy this rare moment where my mind goes into storybook mode.
Dating Advice, Relationship Problems: Nothing More Than a Fantasy: A Work of Fiction by ...: “It wasn’t what she looked like,” explained Paul. “It was how she acted, the way she spoke. She was so honest and open about herself th...
Dating Advice, Relationship Problems: Nothing More Than a Fantasy: A Work of Fiction by ...: “It wasn’t what she looked like,” explained Paul. “It was how she acted, the way she spoke. She was so honest and open about herself th...
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues - New Dating Book Release by Nicholl McGuire
Have you ever dated online, curious about it, or are currently in an Internet romance? If so, then you may have already heard of or experienced the highs and lows of Internet dating.
I began my search for new friends back in 2005. I participated in my first live chat with a stranger back in 1993 (I know I'm dating myself)--in that situation the window just popped up on my screen without warning and the guy's flirtatious talk began. In 2014, I married someone from the Internet.
Dating on the Internet has its share of challenges like those you can easily identify such as: scammers, autobots, and rip-off dating sites, but then there are issues that are hidden with many daters like where they are really from and their personal interests.
In Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues, I share details about things as follows:
1. The false fantasy/perception that arises when one is dating online.
2. The lingering details we overlook in dating profiles.
3. The reasons why it is so important to slow down and when it is necessary.
4. Signs to look out for when an Internet romance is over.
5. Anticipating what the future might hold if you continue to date or be seriously involved with someone that you suspect has more baggage than you can handle.
In addition, there are informative dating experiences, knowledge and wisdom throughout the book as well for you to ponder. So if you are ready to take a journey with me into the world of Internet dating with a new set of eyes, allow me to guide you!
Please purchase your copy of my eBook available for download here: Free sample is available on site.
I began my search for new friends back in 2005. I participated in my first live chat with a stranger back in 1993 (I know I'm dating myself)--in that situation the window just popped up on my screen without warning and the guy's flirtatious talk began. In 2014, I married someone from the Internet.
Dating on the Internet has its share of challenges like those you can easily identify such as: scammers, autobots, and rip-off dating sites, but then there are issues that are hidden with many daters like where they are really from and their personal interests.
In Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues, I share details about things as follows:
1. The false fantasy/perception that arises when one is dating online.
2. The lingering details we overlook in dating profiles.
3. The reasons why it is so important to slow down and when it is necessary.
4. Signs to look out for when an Internet romance is over.
5. Anticipating what the future might hold if you continue to date or be seriously involved with someone that you suspect has more baggage than you can handle.
In addition, there are informative dating experiences, knowledge and wisdom throughout the book as well for you to ponder. So if you are ready to take a journey with me into the world of Internet dating with a new set of eyes, allow me to guide you!
Please purchase your copy of my eBook available for download here: Free sample is available on site.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
What Else Can I Do on the Internet? A Practical Guide for Internet Users Bored with Routine by Nicholl McGuire
If you are tired of the usual stuff you do online, why not get this book? There are many timeless activities listed in the guide. I was inspired to write this work many years ago when I noticed that I often forgot about some interesting things I wanted to do on the Internet, but didn't bother to bookmark, write websites down, or share things I thought might interest others. I also wanted a handy guide near my computer that I could pick up when I'm bored. So this Internet idea generating book was born, What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
Stimulate your Internet experiences especially on a cold, wet, or snowy day with this guide. Stop by the site and order your copy and one for a friend. The book is an easy read and simple to view. What Else Can I Do on the Internet? by Nicholl McGuire.
Monday, February 1, 2016
New Home for Recent Work by Nicholl, February 2016
The following site is where many of Nicholl's recent messages will start to post. You will hear spiritual messages, but much audio will also usher you to places around the web Nicholl has other work. Be inspired, learn something new, and enjoy the audio!
Friday, January 29, 2016
Establish Online Business Partners in a Variety of Ways
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Online Shopping - Cashback, Coupons, Deals, Sales
As a writer, blogger, and more online, I simply work too hard to just give my money away to businesses and groups that have high-end goods that I can get at a discount. I avoid paying retail for most items and I spend much time surfing the Internet before committing to any one particular website. Just like we window shop offline seeking needed items before making major purchases, that is what we all should do online too! Shop at least three to five websites and compare prices or check out comparison shopping websites first.
Now if you are a part of a cashback program like I am, I have been a member for almost 10 years now, then you should be getting some money back for everything you buy online. I always visit the cashback program websites first and then I select my favorite store and proceed to shop. Then I seek coupon codes as well. I get some cash back to my account plus I get a good deal and I use a coupon--that is three ways to save on purchases made online that you just can't get offline at many stores!
For those of you who have been in doubt about electronic rebate programs, you have been missing out! I took a chance with a couple after spending much time researching and so far I have had great experiences. I take the money I have earned and add that to a savings account and then when I need to make an unanticipated purchase I pull from those monies received from the cashback program. So take a moment visit the site I'm with, register using the following link and I will benefit and so will you! Learn more at this site and as always thank you for stopping by!
Now if you are a part of a cashback program like I am, I have been a member for almost 10 years now, then you should be getting some money back for everything you buy online. I always visit the cashback program websites first and then I select my favorite store and proceed to shop. Then I seek coupon codes as well. I get some cash back to my account plus I get a good deal and I use a coupon--that is three ways to save on purchases made online that you just can't get offline at many stores!
For those of you who have been in doubt about electronic rebate programs, you have been missing out! I took a chance with a couple after spending much time researching and so far I have had great experiences. I take the money I have earned and add that to a savings account and then when I need to make an unanticipated purchase I pull from those monies received from the cashback program. So take a moment visit the site I'm with, register using the following link and I will benefit and so will you! Learn more at this site and as always thank you for stopping by!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Nicholl McGuire Media: Services Offered 2016
Nicholl McGuire Media: Services Offered 2016: Nicholl McGuire Media publishes the creative works of not only the founder, but also ghost writes for clients and provides administrative ...
Sunday, January 24, 2016
What Can I Help You With?
When business is slow, I offer services to individuals and businesses in need of virtual assistance. Tasks might include: light research, alpha and numerical data entry, writing, editing, proofreading, url submission, SEO, article marketing, auction listings, social media, review writing, etc.
If you have something that needs to be done, feel free to email at for a price quote and thank you for stopping by!
If you have something that needs to be done, feel free to email at for a price quote and thank you for stopping by!
Nicholl Talking About Blog: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate - Video Dailymotion
Blog: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate - Video Dailymotion: Nicholl McGuire has been publishing online since 2007. Her book Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate has been featured on and offline by groups and individuals interested in how dating violence impacts college students.
If you are in an abusive relationship, you will find this blog useful Other book titles published by Nicholl McGuire Media are found here:
If you are in an abusive relationship, you will find this blog useful Other book titles published by Nicholl McGuire Media are found here:
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Updated Inspirational Messages on Sutros - audio sharing website for speakers, musicians, poets and more
Enjoy more Christian spiritual teachings on Sutros with Inspirational Speaker Nicholl McGuire. Simply browse down her home page, click on an audio, and sit back and listen. Be spiritually enlightened and motivated to come up higher through every circumstance. She also sings as well. God bless. Click Sutros.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Kobo Bookstore Displays My Books
For those of you not familiar with Kobo, this site is partnered with They display Indie authors' nonfiction and fiction eBooks. Check out the site, create a free account and also take a look at my nonfiction guides and books on the site. Nicholl McGuire
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Dailymotion Intro for Nicholl McGuire Media - Video Dailymotion
Dailymotion Intro for Nicholl McGuire Media - Video Dailymotion:
Nicholl is the author of the following books:
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl
You can learn more about Author and Poet Nicholl McGuire on her
About Me page here:
She is a layperson, mother, wife and native from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
No videos, slideshows or fluff, see here: Spiritual Audios by Nicholl
Inspirational Poetry
Are you feeling bored lately with certain people, places and things? Get some ideas on making your life more interesting, take up a new hobby, better your relationship, list your dreams, teach your children something new...
Nicholl is the author of the following books:
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl
You can learn more about Author and Poet Nicholl McGuire on her
About Me page here:
She is a layperson, mother, wife and native from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
No videos, slideshows or fluff, see here: Spiritual Audios by Nicholl
Inspirational Poetry
Are you feeling bored lately with certain people, places and things? Get some ideas on making your life more interesting, take up a new hobby, better your relationship, list your dreams, teach your children something new...
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Monday, January 4, 2016
Kicking Off 2016 with a Variety of Podcasts
Nicholl McGuire has shared inspirational audio messages with Chirbit for five years now. See recent updates on her site and feel free to join. Many of the issues appeal to mothers with children. This is the audio site that compliments When Mothers Cry blog and book. Connect today!
More sites like these will be posted in upcoming blog entries, stay tuned!
More sites like these will be posted in upcoming blog entries, stay tuned!
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