You might only have one chance to make the right not write impression.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Place for Authors and Readers

For those who need to display their work around the web and suggest reading material to others, Amazon has yet another a place worth checking out, feel free to register and connect with me there, see  Shelfari

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Nicholl McGuire Media: Virtual Assistance - Marketing Services

Nicholl McGuire Media: Virtual Assistance - Marketing Services: As of December 2015, we are assisting individuals and small businesses with promoting url links  which includes tweeting messages, attachin...

Listen to Inspirational Messages...

Author, Poet and Blogger Nicholl McGuire now on YourListen. This is a great site for hosting some of your best audio recordings, enjoy!  Feel free to connect with Nicholl at the website.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Now I See Truth - an upcoming book by Nicholl McGuire

Once you are spiritually awakened from years of being broken, blinded, and numbed to your pain, personal observations of others, and innate gifts/talents/skills, you will start to question the foolishness around you.  You will begin to wonder why do you tolerate certain people, places and things.  A stirring occurs within your soul pushing you toward change and when it does, look out you are never the same again! 

In Nicholl's upcoming book for 2016, she is going to take you on a journey when powerful lies are exposed not just about family and friends but media propaganda, celebrity sensations, leadership in the church, American history and other enlightening discoveries her Father in heaven brought to her attention to investigate for further understanding on how from birth we are mind controlled. 

This is a spiritually insightful book you can't miss if you too are on a unique path that at times leaves you in awe, thirsty for more truth, and wanting to scream from the rooftops, "Thank you God, I'm finally awake!" 

Coming soon, "Now I See Truth" by Nicholl McGuire.  Continue to stop by for more updates on this nonfiction release.

Nicholl Shares More Wisdom and Truth on Sutros - Enlarge My Territory

Share your message and be inspired!  Whether you are a musician, writer, or someone else gifted in communications, check out this site and feel free to connect with me at Sutros!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wise on a Good Day, Sometimes Bold, and Always Thinking - Nicholl McGuire

So you thought this message was going to be about me?  Nope!  It's all about YOU!

A new year will soon be here so don't be discouraged if you are having a challenging time right now. Your blessings are right around the corner! 

Have a bit of patience, the energy to keep fighting the good fight, and the strength to keep on praying!

Through many failures, your best is indeed ready to show up and show out!  Do what is right and maintain your faith!


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Join We Heart It

Recently, I joined an interesting site to upload or share images from around the web you feel are worth sharing.  Find out what We Heart It is all about and while you're there, feel free to connect with me. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Latest Book Release: Should I Go to the Party? by Nicholl McGuire

The food wasn't that good, the place was crowded, children were unruly, negative attitudes were everywhere, and you should have stayed home! 

Don't fall into the sentimental trap that millions of people fall into when it comes to the holiday season.  It is one that leaves you feeling moody the following day, hung over, and wishing you never sat in the same room with some people. 

The next invite is coming up, are you going?  Should I Go to the Party? by Nicholl McGuire only on, get your copy today!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Still Winning - So Grateful!

Sometimes you just have to look around and tell yourself, "I have strength to move mountains because my Creator gave it to me." No matter what they said you couldn't do, wouldn't do...but you say, "I can."

When you tap into the spiritual part of your existence, you can do far greater than what your flesh can handle.  Don't just thank God for what He has already done in your life, but what He is getting ready to do!  This message is for those who believe in His Son Jesus Christ. 

Many blessings to you and your family now and in the coming year! 


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nicholl McGuire's New Book: She's Crazy a book for battered men in dysfunctional relationships

For decades we have heard about the many plights women have faced when it comes to abusive relationships.  However, what has steadily been rising over the years are the amount of men being battered by women.  Mainstream media has enabled this reality with images of aggressive women fighting men.  This is a real issue for many men.  In the non-fiction guide, She's Crazy, Nicholl speaks directly to hurting men who feel trapped in relationships with "crazy" women.  Get the book today, here.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Welcome to Nicholl McGuire's Blog

I highlight some of my latest work around the web here on my personal blog.  You will find that there are plenty of websites that I am affiliated as well as useful information and personal reflections.

Feel free to scroll around to view something that peaks your interest.  I am often partnering with independent contractors to help with my product promotions, writing contributions on various websites and more. 

There are services I get to use freely and others that cost from production related expenses to software programs and websites subscription fees.  I welcome donations big and small.  My business is growing and with that expenses grow too.  So if you would sincerely like to help, make a donation of any size on my YouTube page by clicking here and looking to the right of the screen or click this link, Paypal.

Thank you in advance for your support and please do subscribe to this blog for the latest content! 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Give the Gift of Nicholl McGuire Resources to Your Email List, Facebook, Pin Interest, Twitter Families...

You may not know many of the people you have connected with online and wouldn't think of buying them all gifts, but what you can do is give select individuals a resource list, a suggested book, blog or website.  A free offer that costs nothing but time.  Feel free to share my products, blogs and audio with the following types of individuals and encourage them to subscribe if they want the latest information.  Thanks in advance for your help!

People needing to get free from family issues

Tell Me Mother You're Sorry

Say Goodbye to Dad

Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate

Family Articles By Nicholl

When Mothers Cry

People who are interested in performing family research

Genealogy X: What to Expect When Researching Family History

People who talk of making plans to do something but have yet to do them

Business Plan

Job Journal

Business Journal

People who are open to receiving spiritual advice about life decisions, problems

YouTube Channel: NM Enterprise 7

Spreaker: Nicholl McGuire Media

Face Your Foe

People who enjoy reading spiritual poems and other Christian related items

Spiritual Poems by Nicholl

Christian gifts

People who are bored

Things to Do When Bored

Shopping: Black Friday, Cyber Monday All Year Round

Make Money Doing Fun Stuff Online

Affordable electronics for less than $100

Here's an idea for a gift, something different, useful

People who are dating or are in relationships

Love Dating Advice

Tips Dating Older Men

People who desire to work from home

Supplemental Income

Simple Ways to Make Money

People who value work related advice

Workplace Problems, Solutions

People in need of a virtual assistant

Nicholl McGuire Media

Thanks for sharing!  Have a blessed holiday season!

Nicholl McGuire join me on my new Twitter page here. Send a like to Nicholl McGuire Media on Facebook, see here.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nicholl's Twitter Page for Virtual Assistance Work

On Nicholl's Twitter business page, there are updates.  Postings about services, online resources, Nicholl's new business information and publishing related thoughts. If you are interested in following Nicholl on her virtual assistant Twitter page, feel free to connect with her, new page here, for content and virtual assistance. @writeratservice

A Little Something for My Coupon-using, Frugal Followers...

You know I can't forget about those who provided me with tips over the years to save, invest, donate, and spend money.  So here is a micro-blog site, Twitter, with a page I dedicate to my frugal followers--enjoy!  Click here. By the way, the following link is where I will post periodic coupon codes for my books as well, see Facebook.  If you have a mobile phone, I partnered with Ibotta and get cash back! Install using my referral code & youโ€™ll get an extra $10, click link.  They provide rebates on everything you can think of--good site!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

New BlogTalkRadio Site Underway in 2016 for Self-published Author, Speaker Nicholl McGuire

So fresh the factory seal isn't off this package yet, Nicholl McGuire Media is putting together informative shows about the works of non-fiction author and writer Nicholl McGuire. 

Spiritually led with moving commentary, Ms. McGuire, also a blogger and Christian believer is ready to impact a new audience on BlogTalkRadio.  This wife and mother of four will be bringing an entertaining and thought-provoking view to listeners based on her most popular articles, books, blogs, and other projects.

BlogTalkRadio brings an interactive experience to visitors, so connect with Nicholl McGuire in 2016 on the show!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

On to Another Project...

Presently, years of research as well as private and public writings are being sorted for an interesting compilation about my daily personal journey uncovering truth in all its forms.  From family to media, there is much to be discovered when you start questioning things like:  spiritual beliefs, holiday traditions, government, media, education, parenting practices, relationship, and more.  Through this process of truth-seeking, one grows spiritually, mentally and physically while freeing his or herself from regrets, pain, resentments, lies and more.  It is then that you become better equipped to help others. 

I recognize that in order to attain certain things in life, one must be willing to step outside the box of his or her mind (personal perceptions, judgments, etc.), make some sacrifices, and strive to become the best you can be at anything you set your mind to do.  However, you can't do that when you are bogged down with negativity from media and other mediums, opposition from those who are envious and hateful, others' perceptions of what they think you ought to be, as well as all the other things that come with caring too much about anyone and anything in this temporal life.  At some point, one must slow down and ask, "What am I really doing?  What do I sincerely want out of life and what will make me most happy?" 

Many of us have spent years attempting to appease others and not nearly enough time soul-searching and making room in our lives for truth.  Dispelling all the lies you have been told from childhood on, is just the beginning to discovering your life's purpose and whether or not who you are today is an accurate depiction of the real you within.  There are far too many actors and actresses on the screen and off the screen lost in a maze having no clue as to what true love, peace, happiness, and freedom really is, due to minds being suffocated by too many insignificant people, places and things.  Many individuals who are determined to make their lives worth living, discover the kind of truth that lifts them up and it is clear that they are blessed beyond material wealth.  Others may have much, but lack wisdom and eventually find that personal burdens they thought they could manage for years are robbing them of their lives and healthy connections and strides they could have made, "If only..." This truth is often uncovered while the dying are lying on backsides with tubes up their noses as their heartbeats begin to slow, but by that time it is too late. 

I thank the many people whose work over the years has caused me to think differently about a number of personal and professional decisions I have made over my lifetime with the prompting of a bit of unhealthy media brainwashing, religious and educational programming, dysfunctional connections, etc.  I had been puzzled by many things over the years, yet my conscious mind had been quieted with unproductive distractions while my unconscious mind yelled, "Something is wrong with who you are speaking to...where you are going...who you are connecting to..." 

There are many good teachers on YouTube that greedy corporations attempt to censor, steal ideas from, discredit, and work to get videos removed.   I am grateful and feel blessed to have watched their work online.  I am providing some sources in my work that I hope readers will consider during their truth-seeking journeys. 

Well that's it for now, I will make an announcement here and on other sites when my book is complete.

Be blessed,


Monday, November 2, 2015

YouTube Channel: NM Enterprise7 Celebrates 7 Years!

Motivational, inspirational, and convicting, Nicholl McGuire is the owner and manager of YouTube Channel: NM Enterprise7.  She has been instructing, praying with, and counseling her audience for many years now.  Nicholl joined YouTube on October 31, 2008.  This past month marked seven years since her channel has been in existence.

Feel free to stop by and receive a spiritual perspective on personal and professional issues.  "We are more than just a body," Nicholl says.  "Our spirits need nourishment too."


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Attention Business Professionals: Nicholl McGuire Media Facebook Updates

Familiar with Nicholl McGuire Media?  If not, this is my publishing and virtual assistance business.  Hi, I am Nicholl McGuire, freelance writer and content marketing manager.  I provide data entry, writing, editing, and other services for individuals and organizations.  You can check out N.M. Media's Facebook fan page here and if you would like to learn more about Nicholl McGuire Media, visit the blog. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Feel free to connect!


Friday, October 30, 2015

Assistance with Holiday Projects Underway

This is the time of year when individuals and businesses need assistance with everything from stocking products on shelves to marketing.  I have performed typing services, book creation, copy editing, website content, and more for many people.  If you find that you are short on time, but have plenty of tasks to do, feel free to check out what I do with my independent contractors at Nicholl McGuire Media.  you can also click the tabs on the top of this page for more information.  Our prices are affordable and turn around time is fast depending on the project.  We are taking orders for a limited time, so do contact as soon as possible at Business inquiries only.  Hope to work with you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Nicholl Interviews Professionals On and Offline for Various Projects

If you are interested in being interviewed for something you are working on or would like to partner with Nicholl on future projects, please contact her via


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

New Book Release: Genealogy X: What to Expect When Researching Family History by Nicholl McGuire

What many people don't know is that Nicholl is the author of many family publications and has counseled others about their genealogy history projects offering them direction and resources. 
In the past, Nicholl's services have been requested by individuals and groups.  The mother of four sons has prepared a family tree how-to guide advising family historians how to get over various obstacles when researching family history.  The book is now available here.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Blog Top Sites

Back in 2010, I stumbled across a website, Blog Top Sites. I had noticed in the past this site's icon was on many blogs.  It turned out it was a traffic generator that helped attract readers to blogs.  The site is still active to date.  If you have a blog and would like to submit your work to a directory for free, check out my profile and join.  Click here.

Old Classmates? Join Nicholl

Nicholl has a page on  If you attended high school or college with her, feel free to stop by this popular reunion site.  See here.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Nicholl's Blog: When Mothers Cry

Years ago when Nicholl published the nonfiction book, When Mothers Cry, the stories, wisdom, personal experiences and more didn't end with that book.  The continuation of motherhood challenges spilled over into the blog, When Mothers Cry.

All sorts of women have their share of videos, audios, and writings of their parenting struggles and how many are surviving.  There are many tears (both happy and sad) that mothers shed for marriages that ended in divorce, children moving away, relatives dying, and other stories that truly touch visitors.

It doesn't matter your background, culture, gender, faith, etc. if there is one thing that we all have is a mother.  Stop by the site sometime it is updated weekly.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nicholl's Blog: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate

Many blog entries written by Nicholl provide dating and relationship experiences and advice as you will see on Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate.  Her writings specifically bring awareness to real relationship issues she has had to face and others.  Visit blog which is frequently updated: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Updates on Daily Motion - Nicholl McGuire Media - Relationships, Spirituality and More

Author and Speaker Nicholl McGuire shares more insightful information about God, relationships, family, business, and other useful topics.  Please show your support and check out videos!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

New Book Release: Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men by Nicholl McGuire

With over 20 years experience interacting, interviewing and meeting all sorts of men, I must say by far angry men are at the top of the list.  The holy Scriptures' warnings in the book of Proverbs about making no friends with angry/hot tempered men are definitely worth heeding. 

In my book, Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men, I bring to you a collection of personal experiences, research, wisdom and more when it comes to the following:  who these angry men are, what it's like being around them, and how to avoid them.  Get your copy here:
Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men 

Thanks for your support!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Please Help with School's Fundraiser

Every now and again I assist schools and other groups with fundraisers.  If you like cookies, candies and other fun treats, please shop on the following site, proceeds go to helping the following school.

Please help our school's fundraiser: ROYAL OAKS in California is having a fundraiser. You can shop online

The group receives profit from the sale and the seller will receive prize credits. Enter the seller ID below to begin.

Seller: Royce Lewis
Seller ID: pfr5075

Thank you for your support. 

NOTE:  If the link above does not work, please use the following link and enter the seller ID:

Friday, August 21, 2015

Nicholl McGuire's Amazon Author Page Updated

Stay in the know about non-fiction writer Nicholl McGuire's latest book releases on Amazon by following her Author Page on the popular site.  Click here for more information.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Nicholl's Christian Media Store

Feel free to check out some of the latest Christian media.  Your generous purchase is a great help to keep marketing efforts going and assist with other projects.  Click here.

Monday, August 3, 2015

A Word from Nicholl McGuire

With each passing year, there are new things happening with me.  I am excited about the many things that have taken place in recent years with myself and family from relocation to many writings.  Although we have had our shares of challenges, most of us have survived the storms.  So I encourage loved ones to continue to keep your heads up!  There is little time to worry, stress, or cry over spilled beans, so to speak.

I am learning each day to manage my time effectively, drive myself to finish my to do lists, and most of all allow God to be my guide.  I am happy with my progress.  Recently, I re-connected with extended relatives and old friends and that has been most beneficial. 

In centuries past, there was no need of telephones, email, gaming devices, planes, trains, buses, etc.  and I personally believe people got more done too!  Nowadays, some can't even wrap their heads around not celebrating holidays, seeing relatives, or sitting on couches watching television screens.  It is so sad how much we have grown dependent on people, places and things merely for entertainment.

I can honestly say that I have been doing my part to cut down unnecessary stressors, meaningless entertainment, and doing what needs to be done spiritually, mentally and physically--thanks to an Almighty God.  We simply don't know when the day or hour will come that we will be called home.  I challenge some of you readers to do the same.  Then when you have done your significant tasks for the day, then reward yourself with some personal pleasures.  Rather than squeeze every moment of the day indulging.

In closing, I am still keeping the faith, standing strong, and living courageously!  Be blessed!

Nicholl McGuire
Back on Facebook
Nicholl McGuire Media

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bored? Nicholl Maintains and Contributes to Blog for Bored People

If you are ever bored online, Nicholl has some interesting material on a blog for people who are easily bored.  The mother of four will be releasing a book this year related to boredom and has been maintaining and contributing to her blog for bored people for years.  Nicholl admits that sometimes she feels bored with a variety of things and so the blog was just a fun way to stay busy even when you aren't as well as generate some productive ideas to get some things done personally and professionally.  So enjoy the blog, share a comment and spread to friends! 

Things to Do When Bored

Thursday, July 23, 2015

New Posts on Pinterest

Nicholl has new pins on Pinterest.  Feel free to join her on the popular site, take a look at her page here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Back on Facebook...

Nicholl has recently reconnected with contacts on Facebook.  Feel free to join her network on FB.  Say "Hello!" You can like her business page, Nicholl McGuire Media here.

New Audio Messages by Nicholl McGuire on Chirbit

Updated recorded thoughts, sermons and other useful audio by Christian speaker, writer, and author Nicholl McGuire available on Chirbit.  Connect with her on the site.  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Tell Me Mother You're Sorry - the book is here!

Are you expecting your mother or any mother type in your life to apologize for some wrong-doing?  Well, keep waiting.  For some prideful women, they aren't going to say anything more than, "Keep on being angry...You owe me an apology!"  Those loved ones that do apologize, some are sincere.  But  others not so much, they have a personal agenda right around the corner.

Tell Me Mother You're Sorry is a playbook that opens up a game that many manipulative mothers like to play that love to control others more than relate to them.  This work will enlighten some who are naive, gullible, and silly (like I once was) to the game(s).  There are mind games that some of these women that have been around their share of players, pimps, hustlers, and overall crooked people that they play.  If you don't know any better, you come off as weak, needy, troubled, or crazy even if these things are not true about you.  By the time you are finished with Tell Me Mother You're Sorry, you will want to work hard on changing some things about you while coming to the conclusion on what you want to do with those toxic women in your life.

The book is not for those who are scared, nervous, or still grabbing on Mother's apron strings.  This is a non-fiction piece for the daughter or son who is simply fed up with Mama, Mother, Mommy, or Mom.  Issues involving stepmothers, mother-in-laws and enabling fathers are also addressed.  You will find many things you have been through with your mother or someone else's in this book as well as tips on how to move on with your life.

I observed much growing up when it came to familial relationships between mothers and their children as well as sibling issues, and I can tell you from my experience that some people will never learn or change.  They are who they are, and you have the choice to do some things different for yourself and your family.  Sometimes we have dysfunctional relationships with relatives for far too long that we would never tolerate with a toxic boyfriend or girlfriend.

Be free!

You can get your copy here.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic, Laboring to Love Myself, and other books.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Look for the Moments that Make Life Worth Living

When you are down and out and it seems like life difficulties are really getting the best of you just hold on to the positive people, places and things that remind you why you must keep waking yourself up each and everyday.  Is it the smile of a child?  A good book?  The nice place you live in?  The hope of moving to a new location?  The anticipation of meeting that someone special?  Whatever your motivation for making you feel that life is still worth living, embrace it and know that there is a God who sees all!  Good times are ahead, keep the faith!

Nicholl McGuire
YouTube channel: nmenterprise7

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015

Tell Me Mother You're Sorry by Nicholl McGuire

After writing family history books and thinking back on mother daughter relationships including the one I have with my mother, I realize that there was a pattern.  Those ups and downs in mother daughter relationships that were typical, you talk and then you are distant, you talk and then you break.  But there are those daughters who distanced themselves and never picked up the phone or came around again,

Tell Me Mother You're Sorry is a nonfiction book that supports those adult sons and daughters who have had enough of their mothers to put it quite simply.  In the work, I share the experiences of others, the personalities of those I have personally encountered and how I became an adopted daughter to them as well as advice from women who have gone no contact for years.

I hope that when the book is released you will support me and thanks for stopping by.  Do check out YouTube video, Distant Daughters, Troubled Mothers - No Contact nmenterprise7

God bless.

Nicholl McGuire

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Nicholl McGuire - Back to Hub Pages

Lately, I have seen much advertising for Hub Pages around the web at various work at home websites and job boards, so I have returned to the site and it seems that things are getting better.  For those of you unfamiliar with Hub Pages, it is another place, like Blogger, for writers to create, share and learn more about public opinion related to just about anything you might want to talk about.

There are templates now that help with creating hub pages.  You will also notice there are more quality hubs since there are certain restrictions on the site.  The site is still quite active and is doing well in search engines.  So if you want a place to share what's on your mind, you might want to head over to the site.  They also still have their systems in place to help you earn money too.

Here are my latest Hub Pages:

Black People Around the World

Questionable Epidemics in the United States

A World of Toys Not in Walmart, Toys R Us, Target and Other Mainstream Stores

Loved Ones with Toxic Behaviors

Population Reduction Issues - Greed, Power

Interested in signing up with Hub Pages, see here.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Older I Get, The More I See Children Inside Grown-ups

They might look old, have some wit about them, and experienced much, but underneath the adult exterior are men and women who have a myriad of personality issues, ignorance, and downright weirdness.

Sometimes I try to talk myself out of what I'm seeing.  I pretend at times that I don't see what I see in people.  It's as if I hear a voice from their souls that wants to be let out of their dysfunction.  There are moments that I can feel their negativity and ugliness.  I have to work real hard not to reveal what I know about some of these people.

Supernatural gifts are powerful and can make or break a person or group depending on how you use them.  In the past, I have become quite angry and revealed my foes' issues in battle as far back as I remember and of course didn't win any friends doing so. I have physically fought with another foe's demonic energy and we both lost wearing permanent scars on our bodies as a result.  I have experienced so much pain from some that I felt sick to my stomach for a long time, had headaches, and shared their heartaches as well while asking the heavenly Father for strength to get through another day.

Some admire my strength, courage and boldness for being that spiritual person that really knows how to connect with others, but then there are those who look at me with eyes that wish I were dead.  They know I see their demons and worry that I might expose them for who they really are.

As I mature, I see children in many troubled adults, grown men and women who have yet to grow up. These little people that were abused and used and were never released.  They still hold on to adult bodies like infants clutching the fingers of mothers, but rather have beautiful angelic looks about them, they are dark, ugly babies within.

Mean-spirited, angry, frustrated, bitter, unforgiving, and resentful adults with agendas, schedules, appointments, money, and other material goods and still unhappy.  At times their eyes are like daggers with envy on the tips of them as they look you up and down from head to toe.  These sick people fake interest in you, smile half-heartedly, and if they should see the slightest flaw or weakness, these miserable people will amuse themselves by pointing it out.

Ugly men and women on the inside, yet attractive on the outside, tend to create offspring who wear their demons like badges of honor.  That's why for some they have no desire to bring human beings into this world because they know what they are, children of darkness.

Some of these evil adults will quite boldly tell you, "I am what I am.  I'm not interested in Jesus, God, wisdom, love, peace, patience...nothing!  Leave me be."  If you're wise, you will do just that, but if you were once like I was, you will try to play a Good Samaritan role and get burned.  When a person warns, "I'm not who you think.  I can't be who you want me to be.  I am incapable of loving others.  I don't want to be bothered.  I don't like you..." heed the warning!  You can't save them, so don't try. No amount of gift-giving, patience, love, or nothing else will win that person's love, his or her soul to Christ or anything else!  Rather than make the individual's life or others miserable with feel-good tactics, prompts to get others to tip-toe around the individual, or try to persuade him or her to change, save your energy for those who are willing and able to reciprocate love.

These lost men and women with childhood issues and tantrums are unfortunately headed to dead-ends unless they face their demons, purge their bodies of them, and embrace all things good.

Nicholl McGuire

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Author Page on Amazon - Nicholl McGuire

Thanks for stopping by!  Nicholl has an author page where visitors and customers of her books can share discussion on Amazon.