Keeping with my last blog entry regarding social media giant, Facebook, I came across this interesting link about Twitter. It looks like everything you ever said would be available for you to check out in the future. Beware liars!
Also, I took the following statement out of the link, I think this sums it all up:
"In 2010, the Library of Congress pledged to preserve every public tweet as a matter of record — a significant undertaking, given that some 400 million tweets are dispatched worldwide every day."
Did you know that they did this back then? I don't believe this was on every front page newspaper, advertised anywhere, or a main topic on your favorite Internet browser. Most likely was buried somewhere behind some irrelevant celebrity gossip. (sigh)
Nicholl McGuire shares advice and real life experiences on this personal blog. She also provides links to her online creations and other information she deems useful. An author, speaker, poet and blogger, Nicholl keeps busy maintaining blogs, writing articles and recording informative videos and audios. She is an African American mother, a Christian, and offers virtual assistance to individuals and businesses. Feel free to subscribe to Nicholl McGuire's blog.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Since Leaving Facebook...
I will tell you that I actually feel more free mentally since leaving Facebook. You see, I spent time, sometimes too much time, catching up with people over the years on Facebook at one time I had over 800 plus friends then in later years I purposely only connected with less than a 100. I grew weary of trying to stay on top of the latest events in people's lives so I could converse with them while doing daily activities offline. I would think, "Oh this would be good to share...what about that...don't want to say this...wonder what this person is doing." I would find myself at times having a dream about this person or that one. But oftentimes feeling burdened to pray and share, there is indeed an energy of sorts that is generated between connecting and disconnecting with people whether on or offline. But I knew my time on Facebook and other sites was limited. You just know these things when you pray for purpose, wisdom, etc. when dealing with others.
Some of you might feel burdened by your Facebook network for a number of reasons. It just isn't mentally healthy to view so much about someone else's world and partake in any and everything he or she posts up. Before long, you find yourself idolizing certain people or worse stalking them. Not everything I saw on Facebook was good, encouraging, or helpful. Oftentimes, I saw people wearing too many different faces and personalities or some having far too much to hide so they came off as boring--more interested in what you have to say then participating in any meaningful dialogue.
For some of you reading this, you may honestly feel like you need to disconnect. Don't make an announcement to your network unless you are certain that you want to leave, because people will try to get you to stay--that's what held me up in the past. If you should start the process to disconnect, you may want to collect email addresses and phone numbers before you do. Disconnect with those individuals that you know you don't ever want to be connected with in the future whether on or offline just in case there is some kind of future marketing plan to lure you back in with select faces-I deleted all connections before I left. Also, remove videos, images and other information in albums. As for all your status updates, you might want to copy those you like, delete some for whatever reason, and then delete your account.
For me, FB another fad that lost its shine, no regrets.
Some of you might feel burdened by your Facebook network for a number of reasons. It just isn't mentally healthy to view so much about someone else's world and partake in any and everything he or she posts up. Before long, you find yourself idolizing certain people or worse stalking them. Not everything I saw on Facebook was good, encouraging, or helpful. Oftentimes, I saw people wearing too many different faces and personalities or some having far too much to hide so they came off as boring--more interested in what you have to say then participating in any meaningful dialogue.
For some of you reading this, you may honestly feel like you need to disconnect. Don't make an announcement to your network unless you are certain that you want to leave, because people will try to get you to stay--that's what held me up in the past. If you should start the process to disconnect, you may want to collect email addresses and phone numbers before you do. Disconnect with those individuals that you know you don't ever want to be connected with in the future whether on or offline just in case there is some kind of future marketing plan to lure you back in with select faces-I deleted all connections before I left. Also, remove videos, images and other information in albums. As for all your status updates, you might want to copy those you like, delete some for whatever reason, and then delete your account.
For me, FB another fad that lost its shine, no regrets.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Something to Think About...
You learn a lot about relationship, family, health, wealth,
business, and more when you ask questions.
Now I know for some of you reading this, what I just said was simple—too
simple. But are you doing it? Are you really setting aside time out of your
day to meet, not only with your team at work, but what about those who are
going through trials and asking questions? What about an
unhappy, stressed partner, do you really know what is going on with her or him? Do you make
time to research issues about your finances and children? Why is Johnny acting the way that he is? Why do I keep coming up short when it comes
to paying bills?
Honestly, how much time does one
really spend interviewing self and those closest to him or her compared to television watching, radio listening, cell phone talking, etc.?
We have all been guilty of neglecting children, partners,
tasks at work, and more for a period of time or for some weeks and worse years!
We usually play catch up when we are left with no choice. You will make the doctor’s appointment when
the pain gets bad enough to make you go.
You usually want to sit down and talk with someone when they start
making verbal threats. You will find the time
to teach and play with a child when there is no one else in his or her life who
cares like you do, when grades are suffering, or when the temper tantrums become frequent.
Oh we will make the time
when our backs are up against the wall, won’t we?
Motivation to do what’s right, to ask the right questions,
to make the hard decisions, among other things, come in ways we like or don’t
like, but it comes. You will do what you
are putting off sooner or later! One day, you
will have to come to face with an enemy of sorts that will demand that you make
a decision, act on an issue, or bring peace to a situation. Now how you react when your
test comes is another story.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Commentary about making money online
Today I'm sharing my thoughts about online business
money-making with those of you who are interested or are currently making
additional income from home. What troubles me about these matters of making
extra money, is the fact that I tried numerous ways for years (over a decade),
and I can tell you that none of them, make you rich unless you are one of those
who know how to do some sneaky tactics to increase your wealth.
I am sorry to bust anyone's bubble who is a recent home
business seeker, but those that in fact are claiming to be rich from affiliate
marketing such as selling e-books (they didn’t create), marketing others’
business links, typing, or writing online is lying. Those that are deemed successful, an expert
or a guru, are actually using various software programs and deceptive tactics
in order to increase profits. Some may even go so far as to steal other
people's information on the Internet, duplicate, and then create a website or
other things to profit. It’s not right! I speak from experience. I just wish that there would be more people
who would speak out against some of these individuals and companies deceptive
practices, faulty products and misleading advertising. Even some legit software programs that help
with organizing, posting, researching, and more tend to have problems--in fact,
they end up being rip-offs. Do visit
Warrior Forum to find out what others are saying about these products that
promise to do a lot for your endeavors.
My sincere prayer would be that people would contact the
Better Business Bureau, go to and other consumer complaint forums
and sites just to let people know that their business ventures are not
working. Certain companies are not
giving them the monies that they had hoped to attain.
Some legit affiliate marketing businesses I had connected
with over the years, but monies were dismal or not at all include:
Commission Junction
Link Share
Roi Rocket
Share Results
I marketed into the wee hours of the morning soon after joining and tried all sorts of strategies over the years to increase traffic to links. I sent links, attached links,
embedded links, shared links, posted links, etc. consistently at times to increase revenue, before the Google changes, but still so-so-results. Pennies on the dollar folks! Sometimes I saw dollars, like my first $100
(sigh) but that took months to reach on Clickbank. Then I heard about marketers stealing commissions by messing with affiliate links. So cloaking one's links became a big deal. There are thresholds to reach and it can take years to reach them. People just don’t spend money on books like they do everything else. So marketing an e-book isn't a good thing unless one has an established network, is known, and has big money to spend on advertising.
More online sellers, marketers, writers, typists, customer service reps. and others need to
come out and say, “I receive pennies on the dollar. That company is no good, they ripped me off!” I know that it can be disappointing to share
such information, but the truth does set you free. Then you are able to pursue other endeavors. So I am encouraging someone to comment below about your experiences working from home.
It is our responsibility as business owners, entrepreneurs,
whatever you call yourself –a representative affiliate marketer, customer service rep. or writer—it is
our jobs to let people know the truth about these different companies. I've
already done this on my blog. Take a
look around. There are a number of companies
that I’ve talked about in the past.
Note: Please be advised since some of my postings on this blog, I haven’t been pleased with
Bukisa’s site and found that they haven’t been paying many writers since my
last check (and that was a very small check in 2009). Every time they upgraded their site, the Adsense connection would need to be reconnected (knocking one out of potential revenue) there is still a problem to date (11/28/2012) and the “contact us” section doesn't work either. Yet, they still continue to showcase writers’
work. Someone or a group should investigate and call for them to shut down. One site I used to be connected with, did just that. Too many complaints filed against them. Just when I was ready to complain to BBB, they were gone.
Another site I am not too happy about is Xomba, they too
permitted writers to publish their material, but I have never seen a check
from them and I have been on that site for years!
Feel free to look up my personal experiences working from home.
The information is on this blog to help individuals so that they aren’t spending hours
and hours and hours working on different projects hoping they are going to make lots of money.
It seems some of these online businesses, the minute they pay out a nice sum of money, the next thing that
happens they are finding some fault with your account. I have learned the hard way that they do this,
because they don't want to pay out another check especially if you are a monthly $100
earner. It’s not
right to cut off workers when they are consistently bringing traffic to one's
website! I realize that errors can be
made on a select piece, misunderstandings, or an individual makes an error, but cutting people off
entirely just because payouts are too large and a company can’t meet demand—ridiculous! Go out of business, but don’t keep using
worker’s material, links and traffic to fund your site!
These companies should always pay their people and pay them fairly
and not create situations where websites go down during peak seasons, because
they don't want large payouts. I also
noticed that links are tampered with or programs are created so that affiliate
marketers, writers, and others who work online, pay is cut.
I personally want to start a class action
lawsuit, a protest, or something against these sites that claim they will pay
people, but then figure out ways to manipulate people out of pay. For instance, when a survey company I joined in the past
realized they couldn’t keep sending checks to us survey takers and our voices were getting louder about, "Where's our checks?" They came up
with a point system, I personally hated the idea--just pay me! The point system threshold, of course, is hard to reach. Instead of paying us with checks, they offered a selection of gifts
to choose from claiming that is what the people wanted after a survey went
around. I doubted that. Then another company did the same. So I stopped taking surveys with them and apparently many others did too, because I don't see their advertisements anymore--yeah! Now with other survey companies, what they would do is
limit how many survey takers were qualified to complete a survey in an effort to not only limit their sample audience, but to control payouts. Many cash surveys that I once qualified for, nowadays I
don’t. I find it highly unusual since nothing has changed much in six years personally for me and the surveys are typically the same back when I did see checks. So I rarely, if ever, take surveys with any
businesses paid or unpaid. Besides, thanks to all
those people who willingly hand over their personal opinion on merchandise for
free on popular department store websites, they are cashing in on that too without needing to pay shoppers to fill out surveys.
There are so many sneaky tactics that many companies use to target stay-at-home moms, retirees, students, and the elderly in order to make
profits, create loyal customers, and tap into family circles they otherwise couldn't have reached. They practically get people to
volunteer to help them despite promising profits.
Many shady multi-level marketing corporations, article
farms, vanity publishers, product/service businesses, and more come up with strategies
to get people to spread the word about their businesses while not keeping their
promises, rewarding loyal customers, or assisting those who are marketing their businesses Phone calls and email go unanswered, marketing tools are scarce, limited or don't work, and checks are not in the mail.
If I am due a discount as a loyal customer, then
why do I have to pay regular price like everyone else? If I am told a site is going to permit me to
make money using my Google Adsense account, then why do I not see the tracking
or monies earned from the site? If I am
told that I will receive a commission for work rendered, must I have a threshold
to reach and why doesn’t a company do more to assist its marketers? If I share my link with family and friends, why do I have to keep track of this, test the company to see if I will get a commission, and then contact them when I realize I never received payment?
Some businesses do very little so that numbers
stay low and profit made never makes anyone rich. I think, by design, they hope that you will
stop working, writing, marketing etc., yet still come to their site as a consumer in the
hopes that you will click on an ad, make a purchase and do other things without
paying you a dime as an independent representative or affiliate marketer. It is simply much
easier to have a consumer, rather than a money-making representative for some
businesses. They think, "Well she might not be selling for us, but we have her and those she knows as customers."
Please do your research and find out more about the
companies you are affiliated with whether you type, write, sell, or do
something else online. Find out what others are saying by conducting a keyword search using the name and words like "complaints, reviews, lawsuits, ripoff, scam..."
Feel free to subscribe to my blog. I periodically list information to help
writers, sellers and marketers who work online.
Well I guess this is it, I just wanted to share that
information. And thank you so much for stopping by my page.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
No Winners or Losers for Christians
The believer must learn the personality of the
one true God of this universe (and not the one by man's design) as best
he knows how with the tools He has directed us to. Unlike us, he
doesn't change, compromise, pretend, lie, or create smokescreens. The
same God that didn't want men serving other Gods (ie. Mormon) and the
same God that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (ie. homosexuality) is not
dancing in heaven and cheering--this is a
sad day for those that have been seeking the face of the Lord-- no
matter what side you sit on (red or blue). Reflect on all truths and
lies, don't look the other way. Sure, we will get what we want for
awhile, but OH GOD, you haven't seen nothing yet. Stop looking at the
color of skin whether you are white and think you're right or black who
will never step back and look at truth which has no hue.
How to Promote Affiliate Products on your Facebook Page
Too funny! Great information for newbies!
How to Promote Affiliate Products on your Facebook Page
Also, keep in mind the following:
Facebook blocking affiliate links?
How to Promote Affiliate Products on your Facebook Page
Also, keep in mind the following:
Facebook blocking affiliate links?
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hubs -- Nicholl McGuire Samples
Sometimes businesses need a stronger presence on the Internet, so they want to get creative while increasing website traffic to their sites. I have found that traffic does increase when a business owner steps out of his or her comfort zone and entrusts others who like to create pages online to help them market their products and services.
So I presently put together pieces for my own businesses and help others market their products on places like Hub Pages. Below, you will find samples of my work on a variety of topics.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Shopping Tips
Things to Do When You're Unemployed
How to Make a Child's Apartment Bedroom Feel More Spacious
Where to Upload Audio Online Music
So I presently put together pieces for my own businesses and help others market their products on places like Hub Pages. Below, you will find samples of my work on a variety of topics.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Shopping Tips
Things to Do When You're Unemployed
How to Make a Child's Apartment Bedroom Feel More Spacious
Where to Upload Audio Online Music
DarkCopy - Simple, full screen text editing - StumbleUpon
Sometimes you get on the Internet and discover you need to type something fast. But maybe you don't want to open a software program or write your thoughts on a piece of paper. I came across this online text editing site and I absolutely love, love! I don't save anything on it, I just copy and paste to where I want my text to go. So try it! Let your thoughts come to you and start writing!
DarkCopy - Simple, full screen text editing - StumbleUpon
DarkCopy - Simple, full screen text editing - StumbleUpon
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Remove a page or site from Google's search results - Webmaster Tools Help
Did you create something you wish you hadn't and submitted it to the search engines? Are there private images or information floating around the Internet about you? If so, you might want to use the following tool:
Remove a page or site from Google's search results - Webmaster Tools Help
Remove a page or site from Google's search results - Webmaster Tools Help
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Spying on people
A little something for fellow writers who want to interview subjects who claim one thing but do another, interact with others online about controversial subject matter and fail to hide their identities, and write about whatever whenever, uh oh, CAUTION.
Spying on people
Spying on people
Friday, October 19, 2012
When Surviving Life's Storms
I have had my share of storms and I will tell you it has been no easy feat restoring one's mind to peace and happiness and going on with life after a life storm. But you manage, because your will to live is greater than your will to die. Despite all of the challenges you might face, something on the inside of you whispers, "You are not done yet, there is still more we have to do." Now that "something" for some of you reading this, you might call your gut feeling, higher conscious etc. but for me, I call "it" God, Lord, Holy Spirit.
When people tell me about their issues, I am learning to pray more, rather than just spectate and listen. Oftentimes people are sharing their personal challenges, because they just want to know someone cares, and besides, they desire something great to happen in their lives. So if you claim to be a believer in the one true God, then it might be wise to permit him to use you to reach that troubled individual along your path in a supernatural way!
Well that's it for now, do look beyond your circumstances, be a help to someone else, and remember that you didn't create yourself--God bless!
When people tell me about their issues, I am learning to pray more, rather than just spectate and listen. Oftentimes people are sharing their personal challenges, because they just want to know someone cares, and besides, they desire something great to happen in their lives. So if you claim to be a believer in the one true God, then it might be wise to permit him to use you to reach that troubled individual along your path in a supernatural way!
Well that's it for now, do look beyond your circumstances, be a help to someone else, and remember that you didn't create yourself--God bless!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Educate-Yourself - Forbidden Cures
Every now and again I come across a site worth sharing for those of you who research various topics like myself. This site is one that you might find useful if you have accidentally found some eye-opening truths about government, media, health, etc. on websites in the past. Enjoy!
Educate-Yourself - Forbidden Cures
Educate-Yourself - Forbidden Cures
Censorship Around the Web, Social Media, Blogs, Videos...
Years of content can easily be deleted simply because someone doesn't like or agree with your point of view. So do back up your material and when you detect a site is blocking or censoring you, go somewhere else.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
After four years of planning, creating, editing, crying, and being challenged on all fronts concerning my book, finally I have released it-- thank God! Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic was one of those books that I couldn't write without being tested. Like Job, I had personal trials that came up during the creation of this book that made me draw nearer to the Lord. Satan is REAL! The devil doesn't want you exposing him! He wants to come into your camp and cause mayhem and expects the Believer to lie down and take it--well not this Christian, he had me mistaken! Far too many believers cover their eyes and carry on with their lives oblivious to the enemy's schemes. It's time to take back what the devil has stole from you, expose him on his plans to destruct your world and those around you, stand when he tempts you to run, and use every situation to just love the Lord just a little more! You will enjoy this read even if you haven't been to church in awhile, don't like religion or simply want a relationship with the Father free of all the man-made programming.
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic - printed book version
Publication Date:
Sep 23 2009
1451526547 / 9781451526547
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Warfare
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic - Kindle version
Also available on Amazon
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic - printed book version
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic - Kindle version
Also available on Amazon
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Tech Secrets: 21 Things 'They' Don’t Want You to Know - Page 7 | PCWorld
Thought this might be useful information for some of you concerned about your online activities...
Tech Secrets: 21 Things 'They' Don’t Want You to Know - Page 7 | PCWorld
The NSA Is Tapping Your Data Stream,
Your Facebook Apps Are Spying on You,
Your Geolocation Data Is Not Private and more read the whole article (this link takes you to page 7)
Tech Secrets: 21 Things 'They' Don’t Want You to Know - Page 7 | PCWorld
Friday, August 17, 2012
Nicholl McGuire - Google+
Google has a nice place to build up a quick profile for the search engines. If you don't have a profile, I suggest you use Google. Your name ranks well and the site is easy to use. View my profile and feel free to connect with me here:
Nicholl McGuire - Google+
Nicholl McGuire - Google+
Monday, August 6, 2012
Bye LinkShare! A member since '06
I spent years marketing products and services of companies connected to Linkshare. I also recommended many people join the company and never saw referral credits.
Overtime, I noticed a pattern with my Linkshare account, it seemed the minute I started noticing commissions through heavy promotion, a company would soon after leave the program. Other times, I saw months of no commissions, so I would send a variety of affiliate links from different companies out to people I knew so that I could test the integrity of this company and its tracking tools. Those relatives and friends I knew who made purchases, including myself, through some of those links, their purchases didn't show up. I got one small commission check a month later for $1.10 from a popular company. After several times of doing this, I backed off. But before I did that, I connected my banking info. with my account so that I could get a direct deposit, just in case my commissions caught up with me, so that I didn't have to get a check in the mail. One day, my banking information was not in the system and the selection was back on paper checks. I continued taking down links after I found out that two affiliate marketers didn't receive pay checks as large as $800 plus. This year I disconnected from this company.
I advise that if you are going to connect with any company on or off line and promote their products using referral or affiliate links, keep a close watch, send links out to those people you know to test the integrity of their system. I also would suggest don't spread your affiliate links around all at once, instead focus on one way of marketing for a time so that you can better control your links and watch your traffic. Each month I had thousands visit my links for a stretch of time and then I would promote less during times of the year when I was busy with other projects. There are so many ways to market, but when you do, like I mentioned before, keep track of where you place your links. When the company or companies don't deliver, take down your links. If you have them everywhere, it will be hard to take them all down at once--that was my issue that is why it took me so long to get rid of banner ads, text links, etc. Don't waste any more time promoting when you don't see commissions! Remember it's not always about marketing techniques, sometimes people just don't bother with companies because they aren't popular, their prices aren't competitive, they charge shipping and handling costs, limited selections, have no beneficial coupons, bad reviews, etc. None of which you can control! Happy marketing!
Linkshare Reviews:
I also used to be with Commission Junction. I noticed with this site as soon as I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, my account was suspended. I wrote articles and connected my affiliate link to those articles and somehow I was in violation? Go figure, meanwhile I followed the advice of gurus back then (this was around 2006-07). Anyway, here is information about Commission Junction, a competitor of Linkshare.
Overtime, I noticed a pattern with my Linkshare account, it seemed the minute I started noticing commissions through heavy promotion, a company would soon after leave the program. Other times, I saw months of no commissions, so I would send a variety of affiliate links from different companies out to people I knew so that I could test the integrity of this company and its tracking tools. Those relatives and friends I knew who made purchases, including myself, through some of those links, their purchases didn't show up. I got one small commission check a month later for $1.10 from a popular company. After several times of doing this, I backed off. But before I did that, I connected my banking info. with my account so that I could get a direct deposit, just in case my commissions caught up with me, so that I didn't have to get a check in the mail. One day, my banking information was not in the system and the selection was back on paper checks. I continued taking down links after I found out that two affiliate marketers didn't receive pay checks as large as $800 plus. This year I disconnected from this company.
I advise that if you are going to connect with any company on or off line and promote their products using referral or affiliate links, keep a close watch, send links out to those people you know to test the integrity of their system. I also would suggest don't spread your affiliate links around all at once, instead focus on one way of marketing for a time so that you can better control your links and watch your traffic. Each month I had thousands visit my links for a stretch of time and then I would promote less during times of the year when I was busy with other projects. There are so many ways to market, but when you do, like I mentioned before, keep track of where you place your links. When the company or companies don't deliver, take down your links. If you have them everywhere, it will be hard to take them all down at once--that was my issue that is why it took me so long to get rid of banner ads, text links, etc. Don't waste any more time promoting when you don't see commissions! Remember it's not always about marketing techniques, sometimes people just don't bother with companies because they aren't popular, their prices aren't competitive, they charge shipping and handling costs, limited selections, have no beneficial coupons, bad reviews, etc. None of which you can control! Happy marketing!
Linkshare Reviews:
I also used to be with Commission Junction. I noticed with this site as soon as I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, my account was suspended. I wrote articles and connected my affiliate link to those articles and somehow I was in violation? Go figure, meanwhile I followed the advice of gurus back then (this was around 2006-07). Anyway, here is information about Commission Junction, a competitor of Linkshare.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Free Backlink Tool | Backlink Tool | Free Backlink Builder | Free Backlinks
I recently discovered that a site of mine had zero backlinks (had abandoned it for the kids--it happens). Anyway, I came across this tool to help me with my backlinking endeavors. You might want to increase your ranking online too. Learn more below:
Free Backlink Tool | Backlink Tool | Free Backlink Builder | Free Backlinks
Free Backlink Tool | Backlink Tool | Free Backlink Builder | Free Backlinks
SocialAdr: Social Media Service: Automated Tool Submits to Social Media Sites
In my quest to get more back-links, I noticed that the following site frequently came up as one of the good ones to get free traffic. This is an automated service that promotes your pages to various accounts. Have you tried this yet?
SocialAdr: Social Media Service: Automated Tool Submits to Social Media Sites
SocialAdr: Social Media Service: Automated Tool Submits to Social Media Sites
Friday, July 20, 2012
Author Sharing Spiritual Insight on YouTube
Recently, I have been inspired to add videos to my collection on YouTube discussing spiritual issues related to things like: relationships, pop culture, family and more. God is blessing men and women with some wonderful insight using all who are willing to receive Him. I have shared some revelations, see here:
Inspirational Videos, Poetry, How-to and more by Nicholl
Inspirational Videos, Poetry, How-to and more by Nicholl
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Writers: Joined this site...
Awhile back I joined Hub Pages and like the many topics and writers over at this site. Easy to use, at times a little time consuming, but definitely a needed change for some of you--enjoy! Click on my link: nmcguire7 on HubPages
Friday, July 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
YouTuber shares his experience self-publishing his book. Useful information, click here:
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents
Thought this site would be useful to those of you who enjoy putting together slides online (like me). Enjoy!
Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents
Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents
Updated YouTube Channel: Nicholl McGuire, Writer
Lately, I have been taking the time to record video and share audio to assist people who are interested in subjects like: parenting, spirituality and business. As a writer, I cover a wide variety of topics, but my focus these days has been to add spiritual wisdom to subject matter that would have ordinarily been simple how-to tips based on secular medias' gurus or experts.
Since I believe in an awesome God, I have been trusting in him to elevate my mind, body and soul. I believe as I draw nearer to him and what he wills for my life, prayers will continue to be answered. When there is a meeting of the minds, between God and man (woman), you can't help but see blessings overflow. So click around the following site and do subscribe, thank you.
nmenterprise7 - YouTube
Lately, I have been taking the time to record video and share audio to assist people who are interested in subjects like: parenting, spirituality and business. As a writer, I cover a wide variety of topics, but my focus these days has been to add spiritual wisdom to subject matter that would have ordinarily been simple how-to tips based on secular medias' gurus or experts.
Since I believe in an awesome God, I have been trusting in him to elevate my mind, body and soul. I believe as I draw nearer to him and what he wills for my life, prayers will continue to be answered. When there is a meeting of the minds, between God and man (woman), you can't help but see blessings overflow. So click around the following site and do subscribe, thank you.
nmenterprise7 - YouTube
Monday, May 21, 2012
Laboring to Love People: Excerpt from Laboring to Love Myself by Nicholl McGuire
I shared an excerpt from my book, Laboring to Love Myself, on this site:
Laboring to Love People: Excerpt from Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love People: Excerpt from Laboring to Love Myself
Friday, May 18, 2012
If you ever need to reference legitimate, widely known education sites for things like reporting, consider this useful site. You can search for what you need without all the sites looking to sell you items when all you want to do is collect data. Hope this helps some of you newbie writers.
Unresolved Conflict: How To Handle Unresolved Conflict in Your Family
As the weather becomes increasingly warmer, more family gatherings are planned. What to do when you simply don't like some people in your family?
Unresolved Conflict: How To Handle Unresolved Conflict in Your Family
Unresolved Conflict: How To Handle Unresolved Conflict in Your Family
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
They Said They Would Buy, But They Didn't...
Yours Truly,
Love, Love...
Nicholl McGuire When Mothers Cry (9781448660469): Nicholl McGuire: Books
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Laboring to Love Myself
Check out other books, journals, and photobooks by me HERE.
You guys and gals know who you are!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Something for the writers: You need a challenge, I got one...
Try writing a story of your life in one sentence. Great site I stumbled upon, enjoy!
One Sentence - True stories, told in one sentence. - StumbleUpon
One Sentence - True stories, told in one sentence. - StumbleUpon
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
12 Alternatives to YouTube
I thought this would be helpful to some of you who have a passion for making videos. These sites are sincerely fun to view, organized and many seem to be doing quite well. Thinking about uploading future videos on a few.
12 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube
12 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube
College Central - Job Search Resources and Employer Services
Years back I received an email from a woman who worked for this site wanting me to submit some of my material. So I surfed the site and then submitted one of my writings. But while looking over the website, I thought, "Where were sites like these when I was in college?" Very interesting site that provides informative pieces on job seeking after college. Share with your young people.
College Central - Job Search Resources and Employer Services
College Central - Job Search Resources and Employer Services
When I just don't feel moved to write paragraphs of text about my feelings, I lean on one of my old hobbies that dates back to when I was nine, writing poems. Sometimes I spend hours just penning my thoughts and other times I speak them. Here is one thing I did with some old spiritual poems I had offline from the late 90s.
Nicholl McGuire's Inspirational Poetry
Nicholl McGuire's Inspirational Poetry
Monday, April 30, 2012
Informative Site Keeps Writers Updated on Scams
Thought I would take the time to share with my readers a great site I came across that keeps writers posted on the latest scams in the publishing industry. Be sure to click on this site if you are currently looking to self-publish your work. A special thanks to the contributors of this blog!
Writer Beware ® Blogs!
Writer Beware ® Blogs!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
What's Inside of Me a poem by Nicholl McGuire - YouTube
Take a moment and think about who you really are. Now I'm not talking about your roles in life like wife, mother, boss, worker, but who are you really? What might you come up with. How did you see yourself once? Who are you now? What do you hope to become in the future?
What's Inside of Me by Nicholl McGuire - YouTube
What's Inside of Me by Nicholl McGuire - YouTube
Monday, April 23, 2012
Virtual Assistant Services Offered By Request
After years of working for businesses and individuals outside of the home, I explored various ways to make money from home and shared many of my experiences on this blog. However, these days I have slowed my article writing and Internet marketing for online businesses. I did this simply because the pay isn't what it use to be and I am currently writing a book part-time. These days, I am focusing on my virtual assistance skills. I am offering a variety of services to individuals and businesses for affordable prices.
If you are an individual or business, some of the services I provide include: mailing cards and documents, sending email, word processing, and editing. If this is something that interests you, feel free to send me an email to: include in the subject line, Need Virtual Assistance. Being that much of my work has been family friendly, I do not support any projects related to adult entertainment or is offensive to one's religion, sex, or ethnicity. Please refrain from sending comments to this email, it is used for business inquiries only.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
If you are an individual or business, some of the services I provide include: mailing cards and documents, sending email, word processing, and editing. If this is something that interests you, feel free to send me an email to: include in the subject line, Need Virtual Assistance. Being that much of my work has been family friendly, I do not support any projects related to adult entertainment or is offensive to one's religion, sex, or ethnicity. Please refrain from sending comments to this email, it is used for business inquiries only.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Updates to My YouTube Page
Not that long ago, I updated my YouTube page with a combination of spiritual and parenting related videos. Stay tuned for more in the coming months. I am sharing information as God leads on my YouTube site to uplift, rebuke and correct those who have been misinformed on various biblical passages--thanks to money-hungry ministers. I can no longer sit back and listen to people say things that actually steer believers away from the word of God. I hope that those who visit the site will be enlightened.
Nicholl McGuire
Nicholl McGuire
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Spiritual Evolution of Nicholl McGuire
For years I had thoughts about God, relationship, family, business and more. I just couldn't seem to find a way to clear my head from those thoughts that would just pop in my head out of nowhere--that is until I started spending more time on the Internet.
I have found there is some relief in being able to pen your thoughts freely on the Net without having to explain yourself to individuals offline. I enjoy talking and listening to others' experiences offline when it comes to things like spirituality and business, but sometimes I just need time and space where I can simply be myself.
God is important to me, but in the past, for some, they would never suspect that, because I allowed myself to hide my faith. I did it, because I didn't want to make others uncomfortable and I didn't think something that was so important to me was worth sharing with people who found it more interesting to debate then to listen. However, I have learned, since walking with God, that it really doesn't matter what one's personal opinion is about an individual's faith. People will believe what they want. If they happen to agree with you on various issues, they will connect with you, and if they don't they have the free will to walk away. What they say while they walk away, doesn't matter when what is real to you is what is sustaining you! There are those individuals who sincerely need a faith to keep from hurting others. Wayward, big mouths, who are your friend today, but your enemy tomorrow when you talk about things like religion and politics, were really never your true friend! Like intimate relationships, you have to ride out the highs and lows with your true friends, but false friends only want to stay in your life for your pinnacles of success.
So I decided I wasn't going to keep my faith hid in a closet. I reasoned, that if a homosexual, lesbian, or bi-sexual could come out and tell the world about his or her lifestyle unashamed, then I know that I can come out unashamed of the gospel of Christ! I see men on TV boldly wearing women's high heel shoes. I see women blatantly acting like men. I have observed pimps, players, and drug dealers say, "Thank you god!" If all these people could come out the closet with their sinful lifestyles, then I knew I could come on out the closet with the righteousness of Christ!!
You see, I have been going through a spiritual process of renewal for years. You can't just suddenly say, "I love the Lord and I am going to break up my home and throw away all of my past mistakes and become everything to everyone who I have ever wronged!" God doesn't expect us to operate that way. He is long-suffering, merciful and his grace abounds! So while observers chanted behind my back, "Who does she think she is...the nerve that she would even put her mouth to say anything about Jesus..." What the critics didn't know is that God has been working with me ever since I gave my life to him back in 1997! What they didn't know was that I have been a work in progress and will still be going through an evolution of change until the day I die.
So my videos on YouTube, that is just another phase. My articles and blogs are more examples of a work in process. My books: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, Laboring to Love Myself and When Mothers Cry are just open doors to what is to come. Those who want to be moved, inspired, anointed, and prosper are welcomed to follow me on a spiritual journey with the one true God, his Son and the Holy Spirit. For the walk ahead of me was never designed for the Pharisee-minded to come tag along, but it is for those who came from mental jails like I did. We were once bound, but now we are called to be FREE!
Nicholl McGuire
YouTube videos -- nmenterprise7
Hub Pages - nmcguire7
I have found there is some relief in being able to pen your thoughts freely on the Net without having to explain yourself to individuals offline. I enjoy talking and listening to others' experiences offline when it comes to things like spirituality and business, but sometimes I just need time and space where I can simply be myself.
God is important to me, but in the past, for some, they would never suspect that, because I allowed myself to hide my faith. I did it, because I didn't want to make others uncomfortable and I didn't think something that was so important to me was worth sharing with people who found it more interesting to debate then to listen. However, I have learned, since walking with God, that it really doesn't matter what one's personal opinion is about an individual's faith. People will believe what they want. If they happen to agree with you on various issues, they will connect with you, and if they don't they have the free will to walk away. What they say while they walk away, doesn't matter when what is real to you is what is sustaining you! There are those individuals who sincerely need a faith to keep from hurting others. Wayward, big mouths, who are your friend today, but your enemy tomorrow when you talk about things like religion and politics, were really never your true friend! Like intimate relationships, you have to ride out the highs and lows with your true friends, but false friends only want to stay in your life for your pinnacles of success.
So I decided I wasn't going to keep my faith hid in a closet. I reasoned, that if a homosexual, lesbian, or bi-sexual could come out and tell the world about his or her lifestyle unashamed, then I know that I can come out unashamed of the gospel of Christ! I see men on TV boldly wearing women's high heel shoes. I see women blatantly acting like men. I have observed pimps, players, and drug dealers say, "Thank you god!" If all these people could come out the closet with their sinful lifestyles, then I knew I could come on out the closet with the righteousness of Christ!!
You see, I have been going through a spiritual process of renewal for years. You can't just suddenly say, "I love the Lord and I am going to break up my home and throw away all of my past mistakes and become everything to everyone who I have ever wronged!" God doesn't expect us to operate that way. He is long-suffering, merciful and his grace abounds! So while observers chanted behind my back, "Who does she think she is...the nerve that she would even put her mouth to say anything about Jesus..." What the critics didn't know is that God has been working with me ever since I gave my life to him back in 1997! What they didn't know was that I have been a work in progress and will still be going through an evolution of change until the day I die.
So my videos on YouTube, that is just another phase. My articles and blogs are more examples of a work in process. My books: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, Laboring to Love Myself and When Mothers Cry are just open doors to what is to come. Those who want to be moved, inspired, anointed, and prosper are welcomed to follow me on a spiritual journey with the one true God, his Son and the Holy Spirit. For the walk ahead of me was never designed for the Pharisee-minded to come tag along, but it is for those who came from mental jails like I did. We were once bound, but now we are called to be FREE!
Nicholl McGuire
YouTube videos -- nmenterprise7
Hub Pages - nmcguire7
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Subliminal Messages, Freemasonry, Secret Societies, Fraternities, Occult Activities
I started the following blog back when Michael Jackson died. I thought some of you interested in my work and commentary on this subject matter might be interested.
Subliminal Messages, Freemasonry, Secret Societies, Fraternities, Occult Activities
Subliminal Messages, Freemasonry, Secret Societies, Fraternities, Occult Activities
What More About the Death of One of America's Greatest Singers: Whitney Houston?
Since the passing of Whitney, I have noticed that people seem to be paying more attention to other celebrities as well as the fans. This is great for business, huh!? Someone dies and then soon after people are making money off of them through interviews, released singles, potential movie roles, possible books, and more! I can’t help but think that someone or a group had something to do with Ms. Whitney’s death, but who? I came across some interesting videos on YouTube I would like for my readers to check out. Although some do not like conspiracy theorists, there is evidence in the following videos that simply can’t be dismissed as simply a theory.
After reviewing Whitney's videos, look for patterns in other celebrity deaths. What did they say before they died? What were they working on? Who did they anger? What were their affiliations? It turns out when I looked at one of the following videos, I noticed that at the funeral parlor where Whitney's body was kept, staff had two Egyptian tombstones standing watch. They stood like two pillars before an entrance-way. When you connect the dots, were there also Freemasonry ties? Although Whitney had a religious background, could she have been an Eastern Star? Who was with the star during the time of passing? How does one's death affect a community, nationally or even internationally? Who stands to benefit from the death? What does the family believe? Many questions and more surround Whitney's death and others. Someone or group has got to sound the alarm with a massive platform, will it be you?
A Diamond Jubilee? Whitney’s middle name is Elizabeth? What’s the connection?
Did Clive know?
Jennifer Hudson’s reps. release a brand new single not that long after Whitney’s departure. The show must go on, right? And what about this note Whitney gave Brandy--shouldn't she be ordered to release it to the police for investigation or will this piece of evidence just fade to black?
Goodbye kisses…did the other singers know that Whitney was in trouble? Their names suddenly disappeared from the headlines the day of the death and weren’t they supposed to be on an award show?
Lesbians even took advantage of Whitney's death.
Whitney's Baptism - Was Water Ritual used in Death a Mockery of her Faith?
Back in 2003, Whitney participated in a water baptism in Israel. Was her death in the bath tub a mockery of her faith? A cult expert wondered about her alliance with the Black Hebrews.
Whitney Ties to Cult?
Whitney's Baptism - Was Water Ritual used in Death a Mockery of her Faith?
Back in 2003, Whitney participated in a water baptism in Israel. Was her death in the bath tub a mockery of her faith? A cult expert wondered about her alliance with the Black Hebrews.
Whitney Ties to Cult?
We have all been conditioned to solely stick to the mainstream media experts and reporters’ research. We are persuaded to look the other way when one gives an opinion even if they back it up with proof. The truth seeker is often ridiculed and insulted, because a fan doesn’t like negative commentary about his or her idol. But do mainstream media even know “the facts” or are they, like so many viewers, simply brainwashed into believing that there is nothing more to any of these celebrity deaths, but self destruction—nothing more, nothing less.
I personally believe that from the beginning of one’s career in the entertainment industry, there is a campaign to discredit the celebrity by introducing them to various substances to help them get over this issue or that issue they might have. Remember there is a team behind these stars and a lot of money at stake. I believe that these celebrities are encouraged by their handlers to use both legal as well as illegal drugs. Those that may not like a particular celebrity might partake in helping the person self-destruct. Therefore, some stars will never make it to their senior years to tell the truth about how the industry really works behind the scenes.
In my opinion, there are those that know all too well the human conscience especially if one has a faith. Devil workers know that it is only a matter of time that an “old fool” might break their programming and start giving up details about what goes on behind the music industry. The bigger a celebrity’s platform, the more they can impact the masses. The educated know this. They have spent many years knowing how just one word, one look, or signal can send a firestorm of hate, anger, and more; therefore affecting an industries’ cash-flow.
So we all must think twice before we believe mainstream media or conspiracy theorists, but we shouldn’t be so foolish as to think that what appears on TV is fact without questioning the details either.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A Year Prior to Whitney's Death R&B Vocalist Vesta Williams dies
She was an R&B singer that could leave you feeling speechless with her 4 octave voice range. She was best known for a song entitled, Congratulations. I am speaking of Vesta Williams.
Now this R&B vocalist died prior to Whitney back in September 2011. Some entertainment websites tried to suggest that she may have overdosed on prescription medicines like this one. Her autopsy was completed the same month. Here's what popular celebrity gossip site, TMZ reported at the time. See here.
What I find disturbing about this story is Vesta, like Whitney, died in a hotel room with pills nearby. I couldn't help but think was Vesta's death something that didn't happen naturally. Some websites, like this one, reported in December she died of an enlarged heart.
Given the recent events with Whitney's death, I have to say that something just stinks. With so much satanic influence emerging at a rapid pace in black music with the younger generation, I can't help but feel like something sinister is going on behind the scenes. I also feel like those "old heads" who choose not to conform, and may even go so far as to share inside information with the general public, are quietly revisited by old demons.
Now this R&B vocalist died prior to Whitney back in September 2011. Some entertainment websites tried to suggest that she may have overdosed on prescription medicines like this one. Her autopsy was completed the same month. Here's what popular celebrity gossip site, TMZ reported at the time. See here.
What I find disturbing about this story is Vesta, like Whitney, died in a hotel room with pills nearby. I couldn't help but think was Vesta's death something that didn't happen naturally. Some websites, like this one, reported in December she died of an enlarged heart.
Given the recent events with Whitney's death, I have to say that something just stinks. With so much satanic influence emerging at a rapid pace in black music with the younger generation, I can't help but feel like something sinister is going on behind the scenes. I also feel like those "old heads" who choose not to conform, and may even go so far as to share inside information with the general public, are quietly revisited by old demons.
Now Whitney Houston Gone...
Since writing about Etta James not that long ago, you can only imagine my surprise when I found out Whitney died.
Now is it just me, or are our late 80s and 90s R&B artists falling behind the scenes or slipping through the cracks (on purpose mind you,) because far too many modern day artists are simply selling their souls to the devil, no longer by choice, but by force to some degree? I was thinking of an interview where Whitney exposes "they." Those who wanted her to do some sell your soul kind of things, I assume, since her comeback. She wasn't having it. Here is a link to that interview. Interesting enough on the same website, friends share personal details about Whitney's gay lifestyle, oh you didn't know? You can also read about Whitney talking more about Jesus leading up to her death as well. Here's a link to that article as well.
I'm looking for patterns more closely in future deaths of celebrities. I can't help myself. Being that it is black history month and knowing that many blacks have died in history simply because of many people's racial prejudice, you can't help but want to learn more about all things related to black entertainers since they are like the teacher's pets in our society--used to communicate what the top has to say to the bottom. I just can't sit still and accept some vague media report about an entertainer especially when I know that mainstream media is known for telling more lies than a celebrity gossip newspaper at your local grocery store!
You have to weed out the lies from the truth. You can't go spreading the so-called news when you know yourself that you aren't getting all the facts. However, what will a big paycheck make some do? Report the news story anyway forsaking all things learned in investigative news reporting 101. Where are the follow up questions, reporters? Why do you cut off the people when they are on a roll with the truth (like Oprah does and she makes some sudden gestures too to be sure her fellow brother and sister in the entertainment industry doesn't hang themselves on her show (ie. the Whitney and Dave Chapelle interviews for starters?)
So what I am looking for now since Whitney's passing? Just more in-depth news reporting when it comes to hot topics, I am looking at more patterns in future deaths, slip-ups in the story-telling by more than one media source, vague details with unanswered questions, controversies surrounding the death, actions prior to the death, symbolism, and anything else I deem newsworthy.
You say, "Well why bother?" Because I don't like to be lied to by so-called respectable sources, and besides I don't like liars or brainwashed people who choose to debate without taking time to research. Fact is fact plain and simple. Besides, shooting the legitimate messengers are not going to keep the truth from going forth. Stand for truth fellow bloggers!
Now is it just me, or are our late 80s and 90s R&B artists falling behind the scenes or slipping through the cracks (on purpose mind you,) because far too many modern day artists are simply selling their souls to the devil, no longer by choice, but by force to some degree? I was thinking of an interview where Whitney exposes "they." Those who wanted her to do some sell your soul kind of things, I assume, since her comeback. She wasn't having it. Here is a link to that interview. Interesting enough on the same website, friends share personal details about Whitney's gay lifestyle, oh you didn't know? You can also read about Whitney talking more about Jesus leading up to her death as well. Here's a link to that article as well.
I'm looking for patterns more closely in future deaths of celebrities. I can't help myself. Being that it is black history month and knowing that many blacks have died in history simply because of many people's racial prejudice, you can't help but want to learn more about all things related to black entertainers since they are like the teacher's pets in our society--used to communicate what the top has to say to the bottom. I just can't sit still and accept some vague media report about an entertainer especially when I know that mainstream media is known for telling more lies than a celebrity gossip newspaper at your local grocery store!
You have to weed out the lies from the truth. You can't go spreading the so-called news when you know yourself that you aren't getting all the facts. However, what will a big paycheck make some do? Report the news story anyway forsaking all things learned in investigative news reporting 101. Where are the follow up questions, reporters? Why do you cut off the people when they are on a roll with the truth (like Oprah does and she makes some sudden gestures too to be sure her fellow brother and sister in the entertainment industry doesn't hang themselves on her show (ie. the Whitney and Dave Chapelle interviews for starters?)
So what I am looking for now since Whitney's passing? Just more in-depth news reporting when it comes to hot topics, I am looking at more patterns in future deaths, slip-ups in the story-telling by more than one media source, vague details with unanswered questions, controversies surrounding the death, actions prior to the death, symbolism, and anything else I deem newsworthy.
You say, "Well why bother?" Because I don't like to be lied to by so-called respectable sources, and besides I don't like liars or brainwashed people who choose to debate without taking time to research. Fact is fact plain and simple. Besides, shooting the legitimate messengers are not going to keep the truth from going forth. Stand for truth fellow bloggers!
Monday, January 30, 2012
My Thought When Researching Celebrities...
Every now and then I get into these discussions with family and friends about celebrities. Some of them claim to know this and that about a star. I usually notice something funky in their stories and correct them on it, especially if I already did some research of my own. Usually they redirect the conversation to some other artist when they know they have been proven wrong. When people don't take a little bit of time to find out a few things about a celebrity, before making comments, they look silly. They may watch a television show and then falsely assume they know all there is to know. Case in point, Etta James. This entertainer recently passed and all one hears about is her funeral. But the real news, is behind the scenes. Now how might you research subject matter about what was really going on with an artist leading up to her death? You might start out by using one or two of your theories, notice I said theory, not fact ie.) follow the money trail, follow a controversial subject related to the person, check out the family, etc. Now theories don't become facts unless you can prove them.
In the Etta James situation the point I wanted to make is how one's family can act like vultures once they know that someone is about to die and how they use the death to pad their own pockets.
The Etta James passing is a good example of how things work when an artist dies and their family surrounds the camp looking to see what they can get out of the death. I found out it odd that Christina Aguilera performs in front of many while her menstrual blood runs down her leg. Just an accident, most likely, but definitely not liquid tanning stuff like some reporters tried to suggest. I will leave it at that, because things do happen to all of us women. So there was no need to research that any further--yuck. But what I did notice is Aguilera did listen to Ms. James as well as other singers while growing up. However, no mention of Ms. James as being her best, most favorite in the whole wide world prior to the funeral, so "stop all that kissing up to the viewers and just sing, girlfriend," I thought, while watching the video.
Now back to Ms. James. I had to wonder if anyone was responsible for speeding up her death, by doing certain things since there was $60,000 a month alloted for her medical expenses. You can learn more about that when you click on one of the links below. Hollywood has a long history of aspiring artists offering a blood sacrifice to a certain group they may belong to in order to obtain money and fame. I didn't go that far to prove or disprove that this is the case with James family especially since everything surrounding her passing is still so new. But I wonder. In the spiritual realm, those of you who are believers, know that the love of money is the root of all evil and much pain and hardship gradually destroys family mentally and then physically so that others can see their slow decline.
Etta James had a husband, Artis Mills and two sons, Donto and Sametto. Donto James is an unsigned artist. He doesn't have much going on in the music industry. What do you think might happen now since mamma died?
Now there were some family issues regarding money leading up to Ms. James death, mind you, she was terminally ill back in Dec. 2011 (and if you recall, Cadillac Records, came out in 2009) I guess someone (or someones-lol) thought she was going to die either in '09 or '11. As you do more study on other celebrities, you will find a pattern when it comes to numbers (many are affiliated with groups into numerology.) Anyway, here is a link to the controversy surrounding money between Ms. James husband and sons.
Did a little background checking on the second son, Sametto James, he doesn't have much going on as far as a film career. How might he stand to benefit since his mother's passing?
Since Ms. James death, her record sells have increased.
Interesting, she got her start in the church too. Another good example of how one uses God for this and that, then later on sells her soul. She was known for acting vulgar on the stage.
Now one who would want to continue to research other points related to Ms. James would keep seeking out additional information about the celebrity's affiliations, trouble with the law, relationships, location of performances and what happened while there, and more. Before long, you have a pandora's box of information that just can't be disputed.
This is how it goes behind the scenes, we research. Like I mentioned before, I don't like talking to people who just say whatever, but don't check out at least a few sources.
Remember mainstream media glorifies celebrities. They try to keep negative things out of the limelight. If you really want to know who or what a celebrity represents, you have to do your own research. Don't leave it up to others to spoonfeed you! Also, if you don't like reading and doing research, save yourself from a headache, don't attempt to argue with people who do like to do such things.
Nicholl McGuire
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Thinking about Relocating?
There have been many times in my life that I have moved from one neighborhood, city and state for this reason and that one: a new job, change of scenery, more space, better location, you name it!
Everytime I moved, there was always some new experience I encountered living amongst strangers. Sometimes the neighbors were friendly and other times they were not. Sometimes children behaved themselves and then other times I wished I never saw them. With every move, I would notice the neighbors had a story. There was always something going on with them that was awkward. I recall a neighbor who enjoyed drinking not only on the weekends, but through the week too. Another neighbor enjoyed sharing his pleasure of a certain illegal drug by letting the smoke outside his window so everyone could smell it. Then there was a neighbor who liked using his Karoke machine every Friday night while a couple found that yelling and screaming about their relationship difficulties every weekend would help them stay together. Why don't some people respect the privacy of others simply by closing their curtains and windows? Oh yeah, it's been a ride!
Anyway, when you find some time, if you are apartment searching, I have a blog that you might be interested in. Apartment Leasing Tips
Everytime I moved, there was always some new experience I encountered living amongst strangers. Sometimes the neighbors were friendly and other times they were not. Sometimes children behaved themselves and then other times I wished I never saw them. With every move, I would notice the neighbors had a story. There was always something going on with them that was awkward. I recall a neighbor who enjoyed drinking not only on the weekends, but through the week too. Another neighbor enjoyed sharing his pleasure of a certain illegal drug by letting the smoke outside his window so everyone could smell it. Then there was a neighbor who liked using his Karoke machine every Friday night while a couple found that yelling and screaming about their relationship difficulties every weekend would help them stay together. Why don't some people respect the privacy of others simply by closing their curtains and windows? Oh yeah, it's been a ride!
Anyway, when you find some time, if you are apartment searching, I have a blog that you might be interested in. Apartment Leasing Tips
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It's Time
Revelation is here! More and more people are seeing that all that glitters in the entertainment industry, television news, talk show circuit, print journalism, front page search engine news, and even people in their own families ain't gold! We have a lot of "wannabes" walking amongst us. People that pretend like they are free emotionally, spiritually, and physically, but are really captives in prisons designed by other captives!
You see evidence of this by the many news stories and videos that are watered down! You may have noticed this when you have attended large churches or watched them on TV. It's not just you, truth is being watered down by any tax free organization that signed a government document! Those at the top never want those at the bottom to know what is really going on! This type of thinking has been going on forever and people at the bottom who speak truth aren't liked and eventually are silenced because of it!
Everything in our media, churches and elsewhere is edited so as not to hurt feelings or lose big money friendships! So-called leaders apologize for speaking truth. They backpeddle when confronted by handlers. They say things like, "What I meant to say was...You misunderstood...They misquoted me...What I was trying to say..." Oh, we know what truth this one and that one already said before "they" got a hold of them! Like a witness seated in a courtroom, the entertainer, the politician and other people of influence let one piece of truth slip against all advice from attorneys. Sometimes we too have to let that one piece of truth slip if it means it is going to help our case, free a captive, or give a voice to the voiceless. However, some people let lies that pose as truths slip from quick tongues, so that it sends conspiracy theorists and truth seekers on a wild goose chase. If you don't have a gift of spiritual discernment, good research skills, and a love for truth, you will buy into just about anything!
What all people, who are tired of being misled by media, government, mischievous family and friends and the like, ought to do is be like those mysterious wise teachers of yesteryear and seek a Higher Power. I personally started on that quest back in 1997, but got knocked off track because I allowed worldly influence to dictate my thought processes--notice I didn't place blame on anyone. I got wrapped up into my haves and have-nots that I slowly stopped using most of my spiritual gifts to help me and others. It wouldn't be until 2007, that I would start moving toward God again in search of peace of mind and renewed focus. These days, I call on my Higher Power, whose name is Jesus, so we are clear, and he has a Father, who sometimes I refer to as God or Lord. When Jesus departed, he left behind a gift called the Holy Spirit. So yes, I am one of those believers that a worldly society loves to hate. I believe that Jesus and all who follow him have an enemy which some call Satan and others call Lucifer. I believe, like the Lord, Satan too has his followers that have "sold out" to him and his teachings. I have personally experienced a world beyond the natural eye since connecting with the Holy Spirit and yes I have experienced a proposition from Satan himself (not man) to lend him my talents in exchange for money and fame while I lived less than 20 minutes away from Hollywood.
With all the foolishness that surrounds us on a daily basis, it can be hard to sort through the lies. You are lied to about sporting events, American history, tragedies, celebrity stories, health news, business, employment, and more!
Anything seen in front of millions of eyes all have false fronts designed by people who are the best in their industries in building them! "Always show your best smile, best wardrobe, best car, etc. Use your best vocabulary and never let them see you sweat under those lights," says those who represent the elite. "We have an image to maintain, so don't $%^# it up!" Oh yeah, unholy people don't use niceties!
So what time is it, really? Time for the return of our Saviour? No. We don't know the date or time. Time for a new perspective? Yes. Start looking at your daily routines with a new set of eyes. So many entertainers cover one-eye that they never get a full perspective on what truth really looks like with two eyes! Of course, a one-eyed enemy will do just that--make others look just like him. If you don't know what I am talking about, you might want to check out the album covers of many artists, you will find a pattern of images that are connected to a so-called secret organization that isn't so secret these days.
Anyway, if you are interested in being delivered from the lie you may be living, start seeking truth in all things, not just in the Holy Bible. Begin questioning things like, "Why do I spend most of my free time being fed other people's news, entertainment, etc.? Why do I wear what I wear? Why do I style my hair in this way? Why do I settle for meaningless one-night stands? Why can't I commit? Why do I bother with certain family members and/or friends that are nothing more than vampires and wolves? Why do I associate myself and my money with things that are really not helping me emotionally and/or physically? Ask why about every little thing including tattoos on one's skin, books that people like to quote out of and post on Facebook, even why your boss may look at you in a certain way. Oh yes, ask why about everything!
You see, once you start asking, "Why" instead of "What" so much, you will begin to see you and others in a new way and yes, the truth will hurt! You will either work toward being a better you or remain the same feeling like something is missing in your life. Most people never stay in their "Why" moments for long. They are too busy allowing their minds to be critical of others. They desire wisdom and more things, but don't want to do all that they need to do to obtain them. Each person living on this planet had to give up something in order to get something.
Some of us sacrifice a little and others sacrifice a lot from one day to the next just to maintain a certain lifestyle. Some people have gone so far as to make promises to fulfill special duties (or orders) knowing full well that someone may get hurt in the process. Others have lived by shallow principles for so long that their minds have been robbed of basic logic, otherwise known as, common sense.
Some of you reading this have been told by those closest to you to, "Look the other way, ignore what those people are saying, stick to what you do!" You may have thought, "They are so right!" But what you didn't ask yourself is, "Are these people really looking out for me or are they trying to keep me from growing up and away from them because I benefit them in some way?" Some of you have long been robbed of the truth by people who find that money is more important than mental well-being. "It doesn't matter what people say," the opportunist tells us. "Just do you!" However, these same people don't want you 10 feet near a church. They get offended if you act like you want to talk about your faith. They even get angry if you smile or laugh too long. "We got work to do," they tell you in a mean voice. Do they really care about you, or do they really care about what you can do for them? Hmm.
It's time to stop allowing others to keep you from living out your calling--your true purpose for living, Child of God! Some of you were told many years ago to be a certain something in the kingdom and you ended up being nothing in God's kingdom, but a spectator. Others have a feeling they should be doing more than just going to work everyday, but never put aside time to just think long enough what might that be. Some of you reading this are so confused about everything in your life from what to eat to which gender you are attracted to. Are these issues and more, too hard for a God who makes the grass green and the snow white?
It's time to let your guard down when it comes to the Lord, my friend. Find a place where you can spiritually rest your head! No distractions, no music, no TV, no conversations on the cell-phone, no anything for, at the very least, 24 hours! That's right, get quiet! Read a wise book. May I suggest the Holy Bible for starters or something related to it that you can digest? Ask the Lord what he thinks of you and what you should be doing to be a new and improved you!
It's time to stop playing and start praying!
Nicholl McGuire
To read more of my spiritual writings, join me here.
You see evidence of this by the many news stories and videos that are watered down! You may have noticed this when you have attended large churches or watched them on TV. It's not just you, truth is being watered down by any tax free organization that signed a government document! Those at the top never want those at the bottom to know what is really going on! This type of thinking has been going on forever and people at the bottom who speak truth aren't liked and eventually are silenced because of it!
Everything in our media, churches and elsewhere is edited so as not to hurt feelings or lose big money friendships! So-called leaders apologize for speaking truth. They backpeddle when confronted by handlers. They say things like, "What I meant to say was...You misunderstood...They misquoted me...What I was trying to say..." Oh, we know what truth this one and that one already said before "they" got a hold of them! Like a witness seated in a courtroom, the entertainer, the politician and other people of influence let one piece of truth slip against all advice from attorneys. Sometimes we too have to let that one piece of truth slip if it means it is going to help our case, free a captive, or give a voice to the voiceless. However, some people let lies that pose as truths slip from quick tongues, so that it sends conspiracy theorists and truth seekers on a wild goose chase. If you don't have a gift of spiritual discernment, good research skills, and a love for truth, you will buy into just about anything!
What all people, who are tired of being misled by media, government, mischievous family and friends and the like, ought to do is be like those mysterious wise teachers of yesteryear and seek a Higher Power. I personally started on that quest back in 1997, but got knocked off track because I allowed worldly influence to dictate my thought processes--notice I didn't place blame on anyone. I got wrapped up into my haves and have-nots that I slowly stopped using most of my spiritual gifts to help me and others. It wouldn't be until 2007, that I would start moving toward God again in search of peace of mind and renewed focus. These days, I call on my Higher Power, whose name is Jesus, so we are clear, and he has a Father, who sometimes I refer to as God or Lord. When Jesus departed, he left behind a gift called the Holy Spirit. So yes, I am one of those believers that a worldly society loves to hate. I believe that Jesus and all who follow him have an enemy which some call Satan and others call Lucifer. I believe, like the Lord, Satan too has his followers that have "sold out" to him and his teachings. I have personally experienced a world beyond the natural eye since connecting with the Holy Spirit and yes I have experienced a proposition from Satan himself (not man) to lend him my talents in exchange for money and fame while I lived less than 20 minutes away from Hollywood.
With all the foolishness that surrounds us on a daily basis, it can be hard to sort through the lies. You are lied to about sporting events, American history, tragedies, celebrity stories, health news, business, employment, and more!
Anything seen in front of millions of eyes all have false fronts designed by people who are the best in their industries in building them! "Always show your best smile, best wardrobe, best car, etc. Use your best vocabulary and never let them see you sweat under those lights," says those who represent the elite. "We have an image to maintain, so don't $%^# it up!" Oh yeah, unholy people don't use niceties!
So what time is it, really? Time for the return of our Saviour? No. We don't know the date or time. Time for a new perspective? Yes. Start looking at your daily routines with a new set of eyes. So many entertainers cover one-eye that they never get a full perspective on what truth really looks like with two eyes! Of course, a one-eyed enemy will do just that--make others look just like him. If you don't know what I am talking about, you might want to check out the album covers of many artists, you will find a pattern of images that are connected to a so-called secret organization that isn't so secret these days.
Anyway, if you are interested in being delivered from the lie you may be living, start seeking truth in all things, not just in the Holy Bible. Begin questioning things like, "Why do I spend most of my free time being fed other people's news, entertainment, etc.? Why do I wear what I wear? Why do I style my hair in this way? Why do I settle for meaningless one-night stands? Why can't I commit? Why do I bother with certain family members and/or friends that are nothing more than vampires and wolves? Why do I associate myself and my money with things that are really not helping me emotionally and/or physically? Ask why about every little thing including tattoos on one's skin, books that people like to quote out of and post on Facebook, even why your boss may look at you in a certain way. Oh yes, ask why about everything!
You see, once you start asking, "Why" instead of "What" so much, you will begin to see you and others in a new way and yes, the truth will hurt! You will either work toward being a better you or remain the same feeling like something is missing in your life. Most people never stay in their "Why" moments for long. They are too busy allowing their minds to be critical of others. They desire wisdom and more things, but don't want to do all that they need to do to obtain them. Each person living on this planet had to give up something in order to get something.
Some of us sacrifice a little and others sacrifice a lot from one day to the next just to maintain a certain lifestyle. Some people have gone so far as to make promises to fulfill special duties (or orders) knowing full well that someone may get hurt in the process. Others have lived by shallow principles for so long that their minds have been robbed of basic logic, otherwise known as, common sense.
Some of you reading this have been told by those closest to you to, "Look the other way, ignore what those people are saying, stick to what you do!" You may have thought, "They are so right!" But what you didn't ask yourself is, "Are these people really looking out for me or are they trying to keep me from growing up and away from them because I benefit them in some way?" Some of you have long been robbed of the truth by people who find that money is more important than mental well-being. "It doesn't matter what people say," the opportunist tells us. "Just do you!" However, these same people don't want you 10 feet near a church. They get offended if you act like you want to talk about your faith. They even get angry if you smile or laugh too long. "We got work to do," they tell you in a mean voice. Do they really care about you, or do they really care about what you can do for them? Hmm.
It's time to stop allowing others to keep you from living out your calling--your true purpose for living, Child of God! Some of you were told many years ago to be a certain something in the kingdom and you ended up being nothing in God's kingdom, but a spectator. Others have a feeling they should be doing more than just going to work everyday, but never put aside time to just think long enough what might that be. Some of you reading this are so confused about everything in your life from what to eat to which gender you are attracted to. Are these issues and more, too hard for a God who makes the grass green and the snow white?
It's time to let your guard down when it comes to the Lord, my friend. Find a place where you can spiritually rest your head! No distractions, no music, no TV, no conversations on the cell-phone, no anything for, at the very least, 24 hours! That's right, get quiet! Read a wise book. May I suggest the Holy Bible for starters or something related to it that you can digest? Ask the Lord what he thinks of you and what you should be doing to be a new and improved you!
It's time to stop playing and start praying!
Nicholl McGuire
To read more of my spiritual writings, join me here.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Rise Above It
Whatever your "it" is, rise above it! Now I know that at times we all want to talk a long time about what bothers us to that significant person in our lives, we may call, "My best boo." But let's just be honest, how many times have they heard our same broken down song. "She makes me sick...I wish he would disappear...I can't stand working for...I would rather die then have to put up with..." To all your story-telling, your partner might make a comment, deeply sigh, offer a little advice, or walk away with, "Not this again!" He or she may have drawn a line in the sand and if it could talk it sounds something like this, "You will not be upsetting me today with your mess! Cut your crazy people off. Tell your boss to go to...I just don't want to keep listening to this mess!"
"Rise above it!" I say. You know what? It's obvious that you are wearing your advisers out with all that drama you are allowing in your life! I know how it feels when you just want people to listen and they just don't act like they care. They just give you that blank stare. But if you honestly think about how many times you have shared a story filled with drama with those in your inner circle, it would probably make you cringe. Rise above it! Don't let anyone or any circumstance affect you so much that your partner starts wishing that he or she never allowed you into his or her world, because believe it or not, that's where your loved one is headed. His or her mind will start fantasizing about what it would be like not being around you anymore--uh oh! Relatives and friends will start distancing themselves from you. You will start to wonder why they never bothered updating you with their new phone numbers or invited you to their personal events. Don't wonder. You know why.
It doesn't matter how long you have known someone or how much you think your relationship is the best, when people get tired, they get tired. A boss gets tired of his worker's personal issues affecting the workplace. The grandmother gets tired of the daughter dropping her grandchildren off on her while she does whatever with whoever. The spouse grows weary of the complaints coming from his wife about what he never does or should do. The mother reaches a point where she has to send her son packing, because he has disrespected her one too many times. You get the point?
People are not gods. Never will be! As much as some would like to think they are or believe in many gods, there is only one God and many demons. No one has the capacity to keep listening to drama day in and day out and remain unaffected unless they have a strong faith which many of us just don't.
Evil spirits love thriving in drama. Evil spirits are invited into one's home by foolishness. Fools on the outside looking to affect others on the inside. Many are successful at doing it too! The crying, the screaming, and the yelling are nothing more then a playground for the enemy. It is better that one is quiet about his or her circumstances then loud and obnoxious. You and that person you are talking to isn't the only two people in that room. There are unseen spirits watching and waiting for their orders to attack. Don't believe me? Try reading a book that has been on this planet long before you were born, it's called the Holy Bible. Then start looking at the album covers of most modern day musicians, then start looking at the symbolism in most movies, and businesses, watch for patterns. Notice many of them have an occult origin. Evil is real, spirits are real. But what might all of this have to do with the personal drama in one's life? It all contributes to it. What you put in your mind and body on a daily basis will eventually affect who you are. There are enough studies and examples to prove this point. Garbage in, garbage out, so the old saying goes.
If there was ever a time to get God in one's life, it is now! Notice the boldness of evil images, thoughts, and patterns on our television screens. How many times will we comment, "Wow, that's bad! Ooo that's evil! That is too dark and creepy for me!" Rise above evil. Do something different at home and everywhere you go that will bring love and goodness.
Despite what the world thinks about the world, we know that deep down inside all of us, there is an "it" and "it" may be used for good or for evil. The "it" shows up in how we react to others. The "it" is disturbing your peace on the homefront. The "it" is making those who once loved and respected you, move away from you. The "it" will steal, destroy and eventually kill you.
What "it" do you need to rise above today?
Nicholl McGuire
"Rise above it!" I say. You know what? It's obvious that you are wearing your advisers out with all that drama you are allowing in your life! I know how it feels when you just want people to listen and they just don't act like they care. They just give you that blank stare. But if you honestly think about how many times you have shared a story filled with drama with those in your inner circle, it would probably make you cringe. Rise above it! Don't let anyone or any circumstance affect you so much that your partner starts wishing that he or she never allowed you into his or her world, because believe it or not, that's where your loved one is headed. His or her mind will start fantasizing about what it would be like not being around you anymore--uh oh! Relatives and friends will start distancing themselves from you. You will start to wonder why they never bothered updating you with their new phone numbers or invited you to their personal events. Don't wonder. You know why.
It doesn't matter how long you have known someone or how much you think your relationship is the best, when people get tired, they get tired. A boss gets tired of his worker's personal issues affecting the workplace. The grandmother gets tired of the daughter dropping her grandchildren off on her while she does whatever with whoever. The spouse grows weary of the complaints coming from his wife about what he never does or should do. The mother reaches a point where she has to send her son packing, because he has disrespected her one too many times. You get the point?
People are not gods. Never will be! As much as some would like to think they are or believe in many gods, there is only one God and many demons. No one has the capacity to keep listening to drama day in and day out and remain unaffected unless they have a strong faith which many of us just don't.
Evil spirits love thriving in drama. Evil spirits are invited into one's home by foolishness. Fools on the outside looking to affect others on the inside. Many are successful at doing it too! The crying, the screaming, and the yelling are nothing more then a playground for the enemy. It is better that one is quiet about his or her circumstances then loud and obnoxious. You and that person you are talking to isn't the only two people in that room. There are unseen spirits watching and waiting for their orders to attack. Don't believe me? Try reading a book that has been on this planet long before you were born, it's called the Holy Bible. Then start looking at the album covers of most modern day musicians, then start looking at the symbolism in most movies, and businesses, watch for patterns. Notice many of them have an occult origin. Evil is real, spirits are real. But what might all of this have to do with the personal drama in one's life? It all contributes to it. What you put in your mind and body on a daily basis will eventually affect who you are. There are enough studies and examples to prove this point. Garbage in, garbage out, so the old saying goes.
If there was ever a time to get God in one's life, it is now! Notice the boldness of evil images, thoughts, and patterns on our television screens. How many times will we comment, "Wow, that's bad! Ooo that's evil! That is too dark and creepy for me!" Rise above evil. Do something different at home and everywhere you go that will bring love and goodness.
Despite what the world thinks about the world, we know that deep down inside all of us, there is an "it" and "it" may be used for good or for evil. The "it" shows up in how we react to others. The "it" is disturbing your peace on the homefront. The "it" is making those who once loved and respected you, move away from you. The "it" will steal, destroy and eventually kill you.
What "it" do you need to rise above today?
Nicholl McGuire
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